God We Thank You For Justice And Truth.

God We Thank You For Justice And Truth. The American People are thankful to God for finally seeing possible justice, and showing us all the Truth behind those who would lead us to evil and are evil. The Un-American Radical Democrats and Globalists have been trying to destroy the United States of America, for years. …

Liberty And Justice For All ???

Liberty And Justice For All ??? They promote free speech for democrats but silence it for republicans. They promote gun control and taking away the second amendment but fail to take the guns from the criminals. They place the rights of illegal immigrants over the rights of US citizens. They fail to enforce our laws …

Warriors of God.

Warriors of God. The time has come to do battle against the evil of the world. Our swords are the Truth. Our shields are Knowledge and Understanding. The army of evil and darkness spreads ignorance through lies and deceits, and false promises. Do not believe them and be led into temptation. God made us promises …

United States Systems Failures.

United States Systems Failures. The systems are failing and the United States needs to take action soon, or it will be lost. The three separate branches of government are supposed to be capable of oversight of each other but this is failing and seems unenforceable. The legislative branch and the judicial branch are attempting to …

God Speaks, But Do You Listen ???

God Speaks, But Do You Listen ??? Do you know how to read and write? If you do not, then you must learn how to. You must read the religious books, so you can listen to God. The God of Abraham has created at least 3 of the worlds religions. Jewish/Torah, Muslim/Koran, and Christian/Bible. There …

Extraterrestrials Also Known As Aliens.

Extraterrestrials Also Known As Aliens. Would you know an extraterrestrial if you saw one? The answer is “NO”. The problem with humanity is that we just do not understand anything, or are very limited in our understanding. How many people believe in God, or Gods? Many. What does God look like? What do the Gods …

Businessman Vs Politician.

President Trump is a very successful businessman who sacrificed a lot to save the United States of America. We thank God daily for for inspiring Donald J Trump to run for President. God Blessed America and Still Blesses Her. Politicians have been destroying our great nation with their inept beliefs and outright lies and deceptions. …

United States Fails To Enforce Rule Of Law.

The United States was built on a constitution and bill of rights, yet today it fails to enforce the rule of law equally on all its citizens and residents. The events of the last 2 years have shown a disregard of the rule of law, depending on who you are. We have seen illegal immigrants …

God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan.

God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan. Let it be known that God guides and directs this world and all its people including President Trump. Many of you fail to see God’s greatness and wisdom. God made Donald Trump run for President. God had all of you vote for Donald Trump. God gives …

God Help America Save The World.

God Help America Save The World. God Help America Save The World. America, also known as The United States of America, is in a struggle to save the world from Evil. America is the most advanced technological democracy on this planet. The world is facing a battle today, predicted long ago by God. Once again …