The Facts As We Know.
Last month 11-15-20, we had
US President Trump at 73,601,647 votes.
Candidate Biden at 79,513,695 votes.
Total 153,115,342 votes.
Today 12-16-20, we have,
US President Trump at 74,213,015 votes.
Candidate Biden at 81,267,708 votes.
Total 155,480,723 votes.
Total registered voters is 118,740,040.
36,740,683 more votes than registered voters. That is 130.9% voter turnout. There was no fraud?
These are the facts as we know. We also have many links to news articles throughout the years that can be accessed in the world news section. Here is the latest news articles.
Here is an update on the most recent issue.
The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists-Democrats-Liberals want you to believe that Joe Biden has won honestly and fairly, and that there was no US Election Fraud or Tampering. The facts say different, and no concession should be made, due to massive evidence of Voter Fraud and Election Tampering. The numbers are simply outrageous and beyond belief. Investigations and criminal prosecutions need to occur.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.