Whistle-Blower Complaint. Here is the copy of the complaint.
20190812_-_whistleblower_complaint_unclassIt should be noted that the Whistle-Blower is making classification references that they are NOT entitled to make.
It should be noted that the Whistle-Blower is NOT citing his sources by name and yet he cites all the names of those he is accusing.
It should be noted that the Whistle-Blower is making Assumptions that are NOT backed up by the Facts already released.
unclassified09.2019It should be noted that the President of the United States of America, is being spied upon by his own Intelligence Community.
It should be noted that the President of the United States of America is the head of the Executive Branch and NOT subject to the Authority of the DNI, but that the DNI is subject to the Authority of the President.
The Obama Administration illegally spied on the Trump Campaign, Transition, and Presidency, in attempts to have a soft Coup of President Trump. Due to the amount of Corruption within the US Government and the levels at which it exists, certain precautions have been put in place that have thwarted their efforts to perpetuate their Coup attempts.
The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals are being investigated and we are seeing them grow more desperate and agitated that they are unable to determine what persons are under surveillance, and what information/evidence they have already.
The protection and security of the United States of America is the top priority of the US President and the US Military.
The American People are going to see more “Drain the Swamp” activity and the results are probably going to shock many. The Obama Administration was the most corrupt but not only corrupt administration. The Battle for the future of the United States of America, and the World is now underway. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous Of The United States Of America And The World.