War, Hate, and Violence.

War is when two sides send armed soldiers. Each side wants victory over the other. Death and destruction are both considered accepted casualties.Hate is within everyone. We hate to be hungry. We hate to be cold. We hate to be treated like children. We hate certain foods. We hate certain smells. We all have hate. …

US intelligence put forward false claims.

    Recently Bill Binney of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity said the following on Fox News: http://video.foxnews.com/v/5541199916001/?#sp=show-clips What is going on with the US intelligence agencies? They all stated publicly that Russia hacked the DNC under the identity of Guccifer 2.0 and then leaked them to Wikileaks. Now we are finding out that the …

Greatest threat to US democracy.

The greatest threat to US democracy is within our voting systems. Our democracy is built upon the one citizen one vote principle. The attempted attacks by the Russians failed to change even one vote tally. The attack on our voting systems from within, is another issue. We had illegal immigrants vote in our last election …

Riots in Charlottesville Va.

Today we saw riots in Charlottesville Va. President Trump was right, that all sides who participated in the riot were wrong. We may not agree with the opinions of either side, but many seem to forget what the true situation was. The white supremacists had planned this rally for a long time and had pulled …

North Korea poses little threat to the United States.

North Korea poses little threat to the United States. North Korea is making threats to the United States and its allies that are simply laughable. The United States has stated what is publicly inside its arsenal, not what it actually has. Many top secret black projects were developed and some deployed, a long time ago …

New technology may allow small directed energy weapons.

A new technology that allows photons to be concentrated, may allow the creation of small handheld directed energy weapons. If the prototype being developed proves to function as the theory suggests, then the world is going to enter a new phase in advanced weaponry. According to the Interstellar Technologies spokesperson, the art of warfare may …