The plot against President Trump.

Let me begin with a little prayer. May God keep President Trump safe, and strike down the enemies of the Republic of The United States of America, foreign and domestic. Since before President Trump was elected, forces have been used against him that are not even legal, yet I hear very little about this. I also hear very little about the forces being used against him now. President Trump is a very rich businessman, that did not need to become President to advance his personal wealth. President Trump is also a very intelligent man, and we see this with his cabinet picks, and his foreign policies. We have all seen what the Main Stream Media, US Congressional leaders, and DC Establishment, have been doing to President Trump. President Trump’s Administration, still has many jobs vacant, due to the US Senators drawing out the confirmation process. Many deputy secretaries, ambassadors, and federal judges, among others, still need confirmation. The Trump Administration is still filled with Obama Administration holdovers due to this. When are the US Senators going to stop fighting President Trump and confirm his people? The enemies of President Trump and the American People, do not want this administration to run smoothly, so they can say to you that they do not know how to govern. We the American People see President Trump doing extremely well, especially without the resources and personnel that a normal President would have already. President Trump is one of the most intelligent Presidents we have ever had. President Trump’s cabinet is one of the most intelligent and successful, ever assembled. Not to mention, the wealthiest and least corruptible. President Trump is removing corruption from the top down. President Trump is a firm believer in the rule of law, as his actions have shown. President Trump, even has an older sister, that is a federal judge, who probably instilled in him, more respect and honor in the law than most people. The American People are honored, and served well, by President Trump. We, the American People, stand behind our President, and the agenda he put forth.

The conspiracy against President Trump was formed and implemented by Former President Obama, while still in office. Yes, the Russians did try to interfere in the elections, but not one tally was changed. So what did the Russians do to affect the election? The main thing is they hacked the DNC server and leaked the emails to Wikileaks, or did they? According to an NSA analyst, that was given the data rates, the Russians could not have downloaded from a remote location. Who downloaded the DNC server? Who gave the emails to Wikileaks? The Russians have denied it, as well as the owner of Wikileaks has said it was not Russia or any state. The intelligence agencies were denied access to the DNC server and never subpoenaed it. Yet Former President Obama and the Intelligence agencies say it was Russia without a doubt and throw out Russian Diplomats, confiscate property, and put sanctions on Russia, based on this. President Trump has been scorned, by former President Obama, the intelligence agencies, and the Main Stream Media, for questioning their findings and actions. Well it looks like President Trump is right again. Also, do not forget about the fake Russia dossier, that was even included in the security report about Russia interfering in the election. False again, verified false by FBI James Comey under testimony. President Trump, being the focus of the Russia collusion story, false also. The systematic leaks that ended with the meeting of Donald Trump Jr with a Russian lawyer that led no where except confirming that the Trump Campaign was being spied on by the Obama Administration, illegally using the NSA database because only Carter Page had a FISA warrant, again using the false dossier. The abuse in the executive branch by former President Obama should be completely and thoroughly investigated. The actions and cover up should be noted well. The Russia story should still be in the headlines, with the results showing this conspiracy to undermine the Trump Administration before it even began. Peaceful transfer of power did not occur this inauguration. Congress is continuing to obstruct this process, especially the Democrats. The talk of Impeachment, mental health, and complete disrespect for a sitting president by politicians, main stream media, and liberal public has to stop. The violence at rallies and protests, is organized and a disgrace. I think President Trump should visit the spots where the protests became violent with the US military protecting him. Let these domestic terrorists show up and then lock them up for the criminals they are. I think Former President Obama should be investigated and the records at his library subpoenaed. Follow the money of the DOJ slush fund. Follow the money of the Clinton Foundation. Follow the money of the members of Congress who appear to live far beyond their means. Follow the money of the Obamas. Drain the DC Swamp and its Un-American Scum.

President Trump is doing a fantastic job, and as he gets his people in position, it will only get better. The opposition is all those who spout Un-American garbage and disrespect. May God Bless America and its American People, and may he punish and destroy those who are Un-American.

Flooding in Texas region.

Please note Hurricane Harvey is still dumping huge amounts of water on the region as predicted, and causing catastrophic flooding. Our thoughts and prayers to the people of the region. The federal government has mobilized and assisting state and local governments as requested. Danger still exists as the waters continue rising. May God keep the first responders and population safe.

Harvey Cat 4 Hurricane

Our thoughts and prayers to the people of Texas and Louisiana as Harvey grew to category 4 hurricane. Fema at local, state, and national levels have prepared for response for Harvey that could drop as much as 53 inches of rain and sustained winds of 130MPH. Harvey is expected to remain in area for up to seven days. It is predicted to weaken over the next 72 hours, but could return to gulf waters after and re-intensify. May God keep you safe and help you through these scary events.

Democrats Claiming Victory Over Republicans.

Democrats are claiming victory over Republicans at every fight. Check out . The time has come for the Republicans to realize the shame rhetoric tactics of the Democrats. The Democrats like to use the media to make fake stories that will get the Republicans to sway votes their way. It is time for the Republicans to unite, and show the Democrats that they are the minority not the majority. The Democrats pushed the Russia story when it was in their best interest. Now it is time for the Republicans to push back and expose what the Democrats did to try to overthrow President Trump. It is time for investigations into the criminal behavior of the Democrats. It is time to let the American People know that the Democrats created and facilitated the Russia story to destroy President Trump, before he even took office. The Democrats used the fake dossier to propagate the Trump/Russia Collusion story and create the investigations. The DNC server email hack story is also false. According to analysts it could not have been hacked from the outside because the data transfer rate is much too high, therefore it was an inside job. The intelligence agencies that claim Russia did the hack, never went into the DNC server, yet they claim Russia did it. Where is the evidence? Why didn’t the intelligence agencies subpoena the DNC server? The leaks appear to have stopped. The Democrats are silent and no longer pushing the story in the media. Why? If the Main Stream Media were true news, they should be continuing to pursue the Russia story and its findings, but they stopped. Why? What about the unmasking and the political espionage used to obtain emails, texts, and phone conversations of the Trump Campaign? Why have the intelligence committees gone quiet about Carter Page? Why aren’t the Republicans making news demanding answers and letting the American People know the truth? Why are the Republicans not telling the Truth? It’s time for the Republicans to lead, and for them to show they can lead. The American People want the Truth and deserve the Truth. President Trump needs to step up attacks on Democrats and Republicans. The US Congress and the DC Establishment need to be made and held responsible for the Criminal Acts they have done.

The Obama Administration hid the Whitehouse records at his Library. Have they been obtained? What have they exposed? How is it that the DOJ and Congress think they can bring charges against Trump Campaign associates when all the illegally obtained information will be thrown out. Remember, most of it was obtained without FISA and FICA warrants. What about the money President Obama gave to liberal organizations through the DOJ Slush Fund? What about the Billions of dollars that President Obama diverted from Freddy and Fannie Mae to pay for Obamacare? What about telling the American People that the Affordable Care Act is literally bringing the US Government towards Bankruptcy? How about telling the American People how and where 10 Trillion dollars of debt occurred and went? It certainly did not go into Military or border protection. What is being investigated and what will be prosecuted? The Democrats are all too happy at slamming the Republicans and putting it into the news, but the Republicans are just little wussies afraid to do the same.

President Trump needs the American People to know the truth. The Republican Party needs to learn how to protect themselves and President Trump from the BS of the left and to expose the left for the criminals they are. Stop fearing the left, and start fearing the American People. The American People can vote you out, just as easily as they can vote out the Democrats. The Republicans need to learn from President Trump, how to stand up and protect the American People, and to put forward his agenda to “Make America Great Again”. The time has come for the left to realize they are powerless and to make them quiver in their boots if they have done anything criminal. Time for Republicans to go to WAR with the Democrats, and show the American People that you will fight for them and WIN!!!

May God Bless President Trump and The Great Republic of the United States of America. May God show his wrath at all the politicians who oppose ‘Making America Great Again’. May God shine his light of truth and strength on the American People who love the Republic of the United States of America. May God thwart and condemn all who oppose the Republic created under him. God Bless America and show her Love.

Ignorance is True Evil. Enter a New Dark Age?

The level of ignorance in America is reaching very high levels, and I fear we may be entering another dark age. The last dark age occurred when the catholic church came into power and destroyed everything and anything that was against its doctrine. Buildings and statues were destroyed or modified. Books were banned and burned, as well as libraries destroyed. We are still trying to recover that knowledge. Censorship and the ignorance it creates is true evil. The last dark age caused us to go from a round world to a flat world again. From the earth being a planet revolving around the sun, to the Earth being the center of the universe and everything else revolving around it. Here’s an example, when I went to biology class in high school, and they were teaching anatomy, I still believed that women had one rib more than men. My teacher showed me an anatomy chart and told me to count the ribs. The number is the same for both. It was at that time that I realized, a lot of the things that we are taught are wrong. The truth may not be pretty, much of the time, but at least it is not a lie. The history of the world is not pretty, but we remember past mistakes and do not make them again, or else we fall into a pattern of making them over and over again. How many children today do not know history? How many children today do not know how to read and write english? How many children know math and science? How many children would you trust with the future of the world? How many children know how their toys work? They know how to use their phones and computers, but they can not fix or repair them. They do not even know how they work. They have no idea how electricity works. They have no idea how cell towers work. They have no idea how the internet works. They have no idea about how satelite communications work. They have no idea about data centers or servers. A major electric grid shutdown of two weeks would have our children in panic mode and probably displaying withdrawal symptoms. The American People, are not stupid. The youth of our nation is another story. We need to deprogram our children and teach them what they need to know, not the social media propaganda. We have a problem, and parents will see it as clear as day, if they ask their children what they know of the simple knowledge we were taught. Parents, you are not going to be happy, with what you discover. The children do not know basic history, or the events that made our nation what it is today. They do not know many of our words. You can also ask the meaning of your words and you will find that they have a different meaning to them, than you think or know.

I just want the American People to be aware that we have a huge problem when our children believe anarchy, chaos, and violence, are acceptable in our society. The young people of today, need their parents more than their parents realize. Children are young social creatures, easily misled by lies and deceptions on social media, and by peers in school. They are being encouraged to become violent, and to ignore the laws of the land. They are being taught to hate the older generation and wish to destroy anything old. They think God, morals, and traditions, are something to be fought against. We have big trouble coming, if this continues. Parents, be aware of the lies, deceptions, and accepted social behavior, that your children believe and engage in. May God give you strength and guidance, and a great deal of patience, when you discover the darkness and ignorance in our youth. May God bring truth, light, and knowledge of good and evil, to our misled youth. May God Bless America, and Give it a Bright Future.

Support President Trump and “Make America Great Again”.

President Trump needs the help of the American People to get his agenda accomplished. The DC Swamp is slowly being drained but the creatures coming out are relentless in their attacks against our President. Money and power drive them to twist facts and send thugs to quelch our Freedom of Speech rights. They question, belittle, and attack President Trump in hopes of forcing him to make a mistake that can lead to impeachment, or to wear him down to quit. They are desperate to get him before he gets them. The conspiracy to overthrow President Trump was set up by Former President Obama and the Democratic leaders to take him down. Obstruct, resist, and slow down, the agenda of President Trump, are their way of defeating him. They used the NSA database to illegally spy on political opponents, and get trash that they could leak in the future. The information coming out of the intelligence committees and special counsel seem to back this up, so we do not hear much about Russia anymore. The leakers are being sought and captured, so we see far fewer leaks now. A fake dossier was used to make it appear as if President Trump colluded with the Russians. Evidence is coming out that Russia did not hack the DNC server and leak the emails. Former President Obama and the leaders of 4 intelligence agencies have stated that Russia did hack and leak the emails. They also included the fake dossier to prove it. Former President Obama modified 12333 to allow all intelligence agencies access to raw NSA data. We have not heard an answer to why, except to spread propaganda. DNI Clapper eases restrictions on unmasking. We have not heard the reason why. We have not heard of any investigations into these and other matters that pertain to the conspiracy. I can only hope that they are being investigated. President Trump has been the main topic of so much negative news, that no one can deny that he is under attack by the Democrats, Liberal Main Stream Media, DC Swamp, and yes, even party Republicans. The stories lately, are that President Trump is not presidential, and that all his decisions need to be questioned. Maybe it is time to appoint a second special counsel and have him look into US Congressional corruption and find out their criminal behavior, because they are definitely not for the American People. Hidden agendas need to exposed and prosecuted. The corruption needs to stop, so we can save the republic of the United States of America.

President Trump deserves to be President of the United States, and given the chance to “Make America Great Again”. It is time for President Trump to be given the respect due to the President of the United States. The American People, want to see President Trump succeed. The American People, want to “Make America Great Again”. The American People, demand that The President of the United States of America be treated with the dignity and respect due his office. The US Congressional leaders should realize that it is they and the main stream media that are being disrespectful and that opposing President Trump only makes them look bad, and angers the American People. The time has come to work with President Trump to benefit the American People, instead of fighting his agenda. The US Congressional leaders and the main stream media, want the American People to believe President Trump is a bungling clown that somehow was elected against all odds. The American People know President Trump is a billionaire businessman who is extremely intelligent and capable. We have seen President Trump, on his own, and with his cabinet, make changes that others have promised but never kept. The American People voted for change and demand change. President Trump, and his cabinet, are trying to save the republic of The United States of America. The circus is the US Congress and Main Stream Media, that refuse to work with President Trump, because they hate him and want him to fail. News flash, the American People see the stupid games. The American People are NOT stupid, and President Trump is NOT stupid. Actions and results, not lies and deceits.

God Bless America. God bring your wisdom and strength to make America great again. May God bring truth to us all, and destroy the darkness of lies and ignorance.

The Future of The United States of America.

The future of the United States of America is now in question. We may soon see the collapse of this once great republic. When the laws of this nation fail to apply to all and people look the other way due to politics, then we begin heading down the road to destruction. We are beginning to see the rise of democratic leftist violence and the ignoring of our laws from them. We see a failure of many law enforcement agencies to uphold the laws on the books and just look the other way. We are seeing an Un-American movement from the democratic left that can be compared to the rise of the Nazis in Germany that led to World War 2. The Democratic leaders need to condemn this movement that exists within its party, the same as the Republicans must condemn Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists within their party. We are seeing a dangerous time ahead when the laws of the republic are ignored and not enforced. President Trump was right to denounce the violence and rhetoric from all sides. The laws of the United States must apply to all or the republic is lost. The Un-Americans of the Democratic left have become one of the greatest threats to the foundations of our democracy. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are violent political radicals that must be made to obey and respect our laws. We Americans, who want to Make America Great Again have voted for President Trump to make this possible. President Trump has done a lot on his own, but the US Congress fights him constantly as well as the Main Stream Media. The conspiracy to overthrow President Trump is very real. The intelligence committees and special counsel have been abnormally quiet lately, because they fear the information of this conspiracy reaching the American People. The DC Swamp is deep, and is using everything in its power to destroy and disrupt our President. Our US Congressional leaders are failing the American People. The Main Stream Media are attempting to mislead the American People. The State Legislators are failing their American People. The City Legislators are failing their American People. Law Enforcement Agencies are failing to protect the American People by following unlawful decrees of the Legislators. The American People deserve to be safe, and secure, and know the laws will be upheld not ignored. The American People want their republic back. It’s time to Make America Great Again, and unite behind our President Trump. Americans, unite, and be heard. God Bless America and give strength and endurance to its People.

Democrats? What should we call them?

The Democrats have become the Un-Americans. Yes, you heard me right. They protest against the freedom of speech. They steal an American flag from an elderly woman and make her fall to the ground. They throw bottles of piss at police officers. They constantly shout out vulgarities. Their signs are also filled with vulgarities. They hide their faces behind masks. They destroy property and now statues. They preach hate for President Trump. They want to kill police officers. They want to impeach the president. They try to assassinate republicans. A Democratic Senator calls for the assassination of President Trump. Illegal immigrants are protected. They refuse to fund a border wall. They refuse to repeal and replace their failing Obamacare. They refuse to admit illegal immigrants have voted in federal elections. They refuse to put taxes on imports same as other nations do to our products. They disrespect the President of the United States. They obstruct the senate confirmations of the Trump Administration. All they want to do, is preach Trump hate and hurt the American People with their resistance. They are no longer the Democratic Party, they are the Un-American party. They preach against Hate, Racism, and Violence, but actions put the lie to their words.

Americans love their country and respect their President. Americans follow our laws. Americans love their military and law enforcement. Americans respect the rights and freedoms of other Americans. Americans want a strong military to protect us. Americans want a strong economy and good jobs. Americans want strong borders to protect us from illegal criminals, drugs and terrorists. Americans respect the American Flag. Americans care for other Americans. Americans love the United States of America. Are you an American? Or are you an Un-American?

War, Hate, and Violence, appear to be the tools of the democrats lately. They have nothing else to offer. They only want to see President Trump fail. They do not care about the American People. Their hate of President Trump has made them want to go to war against him. They hope to incite enough violence to break the republicans spirit and gain control once again. Are we Americans going to allow this to happen? Soon the intelligence committees and the Special Counsel will let their findings be known. The American People are going to see that their Democratic leaders plotted a conspiracy to overthrow President Trump. The conspiracy is backfiring now. The Un-Americans aka Democrats, used political espionage through the NSA to come up with the Russia story in an attempt to impeach President Trump and rid themselves of their greatest threat. A presidency and cabinet that can expose and stop their corrupt dealings and destroy their power bases.

The time has come to expose them for what they are. Corrupt and selfish politicians that care only for what they can get from lobbyists, not for the American People. Look at history and remember what happened to the Roman Empire. It collapsed due to corruption. We must not let this happen to our great republic. The time has come for the systems our forefathers put in place, to be made to work again. Equal justice under the law. Enforcement of our laws. No one is above the law. It is time for the swamp to be drained and for America to become Great Again. God bless the republic of the United States of America and give us the strength to overcome our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Drain the Swamp that is Washington DC.

What has Washington DC accomplished for the American People? Not too much. All we hear is criticism for, and the belittling of President Trump. President Trump has accomplished a lot so far. Even with being understaffed because he is still waiting for confirmations from the US Senate. The economy is picking up. Jobs are coming back. Regulations are being cut. The United States military is defeating ISIS strongholds. North Korea is being handled now, after 30 years of failed policies. President Trump is keeping his promises and putting the United States first. Washington DC establishments and the United States Congress are Not working with our president. The border wall has not been fully funded. The border adjustment tax has been shot down. The repeal and replace of Obamacare has failed. Tax reform is stalled. Infrastructure on hold. Come election time, the American People are going to remember these broken promises and failures. It is time for Washington DC to support President Trump or feel the wrath of the American People at elections. Democrats, you are the worst of the swamp. As the investigations continue into Russia, we the American People are seeing a conspiracy propagated by the Obama administration and Democrats to undermine President Trump and his administration. We, the American People want justice under the law. We want investigations into the conspiracy to overthrow our duly elected President Trump. The DNC was not hacked from the outside. President Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia. President Obama and the four intelligence agencies did Lie to us. It is time to drain the swamp and now. The leaks, the unmasking, the political espionage, the refusal to investigate Clinton/Obama wrongdoings and collusion, and many other issues need to be addressed. It is time for the American People to see action. It is time for the US Congress to work with President Trump. It is time, that we the American People, were placed at the top of the list. God Bless America and destroy her enemies.

War, Hate, and Violence.

War is when two sides send armed soldiers. Each side wants victory over the other. Death and destruction are both considered accepted casualties.Hate is within everyone. We hate to be hungry. We hate to be cold. We hate to be treated like children. We hate certain foods. We hate certain smells. We all have hate. We all feel hate when we also feel love. We love our children and hate when someone wishes them harm. Violence is supposed to be a last resort, when all else fails. If someone calls us a name, we do not use a gun and shoot them. If someone has a different view then us, we do not bash them with a bat or destroy their property. We live in a country of freedom for all, not just some. All US citizens have guaranteed rights and freedoms. All US citizens must obey the laws of the US, so we maintain those rights and freedoms. The US military protects our nation, so our people remain free. Our law enforcement agencies protect our citizens, so they stay free. Americans are supposed to hate all enemies that would seek to take away our rights and freedoms. We hate those enemies because we love our nation, our communities, our families, and our own freedom.

It is time for all Americans to become Americans. I wonder how many of you, know the Pledge of Allegiance? How many of you, know the National Anthem? How many of you, have read the US Constitution? How many of you, have read the Declaration of Independence? How many of you, have read the Bill of Rights? How many of you, know how to treat the American Flag? How many of you, know how to love and protect this great nation? The President of the United States, Donald Trump, knows how to Love and protect this nation. He protects the rights of all US citizens. He has upheld your rights of assembly and peaceful protest. He has upheld your right to free speech. He is keeping our foreign enemies under watch and rebuilding our military to keep us safe. He is securing our borders and throwing out the illegal immigrants who should never have been able to enter unlawfully to begin with. He is helping our law enforcement agencies to protect us and our freedoms. He is bringing back our economy and jobs. He is working on healthcare, before it collapses and bankrupts the nation. He is looking to reform taxes, not just give tax breaks. He wants to repair our infrastructure, and that affects all of us. I hear you calling him everything under the sun except what he really is. Donald J Trump is the duly elected President of the United States. He is our military Commander in Chief. President Trump loves this nation and its people, even though much of the nation only shows him hate. I say this to the American people who hate President Trump, take your hate to another country and see how they treat you and your rights. If you hate President Trump, i do not care, as long you as you show him the honor and respect due any President of the United States of America.

How would you feel if you were treated the way President Trump is being treated? Rejected, hurt, sad, angry, disappointed, worthless, hated, belittled, scorned, stupid, and many more. The American people voted for President Trump, yet the most vocal, are those who did not. President Trump is a human being who has emotions and feelings just like you and me. He feels pain and hurt just as we do. He is just not allowed to show it, because he is the US President. My parents taught me, if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything. President Trump had a far better life before he became president. He loves this country and fears for it. He has a vision to ‘Make America Great Again’. He is restoring our economy. He is restoring our place in the world. He is keeping his promises to those who voted for him, which is more than I can say for most politicians. Stop the hate and stop hurting the President. If you have a true grievance, then voice it without hate, and it will at be heard. When you voice hate, it is usually met with hate. It is time to heal and repair this great republic of the United States. God Bless America and Heal Her.