Liberty And Justice For All ???

Liberty And Justice For All ??? They promote free speech for democrats but silence it for republicans. They promote gun control and taking away the second amendment but fail to take the guns from the criminals. They place the rights of illegal immigrants over the rights of US citizens. They fail to enforce our laws and regulations against democrats when the evidence is overwhelming, but can prosecute republicans with little or no evidence. They fail to pursue charges against people who attempted a coup against our President. Obviously our systems are broken and must be repaired when these obvious abuses are allowed.

Our republic built on democracy is in severe jeopardy because without enforcement our laws and regulations to every person residing in the United States of America, we are open to a collapse of our founding principles and will become like one of the other nations of the world. It seems likely that we will become socialist, communist, authoritarian, or dictatorship/monarchy. Our founding fathers put our systems in place with checks and balances to prevent this but since the checks and balances have failed, we may see the country we love and cherish become nothing but a page in history. We, the American People want our nation to function once again, and to have liberty and justice for all.

It seems that the stonewalling by DOJ and FBI is allowing some to escape justice due to statutes of limitations. Is there a statute of limitations on sedition and treason as it relates to an attempted coup to oust a duly elected president? Who handles such cases? It is believed that perhaps this is handled by military tribunals. When will the American People see justice for the man who holds the highest office in the land? What is being done to protect President Trump? Why are these people still walking among us and continuing their plots?

Liberty and Justice For All, is a dead concept if we fail to see justice. We can only hope that God will correct this, for it seems obvious that the United States Law Enforcement and Justice Systems are corrupt and failing the American People. God, We Pray You Bring Justice And Rule Of Law Back To This Great Republic Of The United States Of America, And To The Rest Of The World. God Bless His Warriors Of Truth And Understanding And Give Them Strength In This Battle Against Evil And Ignorance.



Warriors of God.

Warriors of God. The time has come to do battle against the evil of the world. Our swords are the Truth. Our shields are Knowledge and Understanding. The army of evil and darkness spreads ignorance through lies and deceits, and false promises. Do not believe them and be led into temptation. God made us promises and always keeps them. God told us the events that would happen and we can see them with our own eyes. To ignore the signs, is to put oneself in ignorance and therefore embrace evil.

Read the books and text that founded your religion and see if your religious leaders are telling you the truth. The roman catholics have a big problem because even inside their bible the laws of God have been changed. The Church took out the second commandment and split the tenth into two. This can be verified by reading Exodus. The muslims have a problem in their Koran, for they tell their followers that Jews and Christians are idolators when all 3 religions believe in the God of Abraham. The jewish have a problem with their Torah in that it fails to address obvious discriminations.

God wants us to be civilized and so he gave us the concept of fair laws for all. God wants us to advance in knowledge and understanding so that we may one day enter Heaven. God does not want evil to enter Heaven therefore he will judge us to ensure that we have followed his laws. The concept of forgiveness belongs to God alone, and is included in the Judgement. The time is fast approaching for the signs are all here. God wants his warriors to remain true, and pursue educating themselves so they will not be ignorant and can receive his rewards. God Bless His Warriors And All Who Pursue Good Works And Deeds. God Walk With You And Guide You Through These Times Of Trouble.

United States Systems Failures.

United States Systems Failures. The systems are failing and the United States needs to take action soon, or it will be lost. The three separate branches of government are supposed to be capable of oversight of each other but this is failing and seems unenforceable. The legislative branch and the judicial branch are attempting to restrict the constitutional powers of the executive branch, and are ignoring the problems inside their own branches. The FISA court has not taken any action against the false evidence and perjury used to obtain a title 1 surveillance warrant that allowed the Obama administration to spy on a republican presidential candidate, campaign, transition, and administration. Federal judges have stated that DACA must remain but this is clear overstep into executive power because it was illegally created by executive order by former President Obama. Judicial is supposed to interpret the existing laws not make their own laws that do not exist. Executive orders of previous presidents can be revoked by the sitting president anytime he/she wishes, and the judicial has no say because these are not laws. The legislative branch is supposed to create laws and control the spending of taxpayer money. They are also supposed to provide oversight so corruption does not occur. They are supposed to confirm the president’s cabinet and administration picks, in a timely fashion to guarantee the smooth transition from one administration to another. They have failed miserably in their duties, especially when an administration will not have its people in place until 5 years after the president has finished his first term. Where is the oversight for this clear dereliction of duty by the Senate? The legislative branch has discovered that the previous administration framed the incoming administration, but nothing is being done about it. The legislative branch instead wants to protect a special counsel that clearly is illegal and the president has a right to fire. Again overstep of one branch into another. The executive branch is failing in its duties to enforce the existing laws and provide equal justice under the law. We do not see the transition of one administration to another going smoothly because the nominations are being held up in the Senate. Does the judicial have oversight of the legislative in this matter? Why is it not being pursued?

President Trump needs to start taking control of the executive branch and providing oversight of the other branches because the corruption is out of control. If the Senate fails to confirm nominations he should pursue oversight by the judicial to compel them to do their jobs. If need be he should relocate deepstate personnel and put military personnel temporarily in place until his choices can be properly placed. He needs to order investigations and prosecutions into persons who attempted to frame him and create a soft coup of his presidency. He needs to reestablish the rule of law or we are done as a nation. Mr President, the time has come for you to take charge of the executive branch and show the American People that you are capable of bringing order back to this very corrupt system.

God Bless America And Heal Her Broken Systems So She Can Once Again Be A Beacon Of Truth And Justice For All Her People.

God Speaks, But Do You Listen ???

God Speaks, But Do You Listen ??? Do you know how to read and write? If you do not, then you must learn how to. You must read the religious books, so you can listen to God. The God of Abraham has created at least 3 of the worlds religions. Jewish/Torah, Muslim/Koran, and Christian/Bible. There are many differences between these religions, but if you read the religious books, you will also see many things in common. The items that are common to all of them, are the true teachings of God, and what all people should be listening to. That which is different, is the additions made of the various religious leaders, and must be looked at with skepticism. God has told us what he wants from us, and that is to treat each other fairly, and work toward creating a future, that will bring us closer to God and create Heaven on Earth. Knowledge and understanding are to increased and passed on so that we may do our part to further God’s plan for us and our peoples. The laws of God are simple, yet few can follow them. Evil is ignorance, chaos, and lawlessness. The kingdom of God is the vast universe, and soon we will be able to travel to that kingdom and God will make us obey his laws, or destroy us. The Rabbis, Clerics, and Priests were supposed to serve God and educate their people as God instructed them to do. They are all failing in their mission, and should realize that God will punish them for abusing their positions. God leads by example, and wants us to become like him or surpass him. “I am who I am” and “Who is like unto God” are phrases meant to inspire the Children of God. The Devil makes us fail with temptations, because we are born ignorant and must learn to be worthy of Heaven and the praise of God. Every child wants to be worthy of praise from their parents. God wants us to follow his laws and be worthy of the gifts that he has bestowed, and what he wants to bestow.

May God Let His Light Shine Upon You, And Bring You Knowledge And Understanding.

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven.

Extraterrestrials Also Known As Aliens.

Extraterrestrials Also Known As Aliens. Would you know an extraterrestrial if you saw one? The answer is “NO”. The problem with humanity is that we just do not understand anything, or are very limited in our understanding. How many people believe in God, or Gods? Many. What does God look like? What do the Gods look like? Have you actually seen them, or someone else’s picture or description of them? In the ancient past, extraterrestrials/aliens, were viewed as Gods, Angels, Demons, Devils, messengers, teachers, kings, rulers, etc. The legends never say that they were so different from us that we could not communicate with them. Instead the legends state that it was them that taught us law, building, farming, medicine. language, writing, math, and many other skills. If extraterrestrials came here and we treated them as Gods, why did they leave? Legend has it that the King of the Gods, made them leave due to wrongdoings. It is after this event that we rarely hear of Gods on earth, except random encounters. Most of the encounters these days involve Greys and Blues, and those do not live on earth or instruct us except in basic messages that they appear to be told to inform us of. It appears they are a biological robot workforce, used to examine and maintain people and events according to someone’s plan. The technology and vehicles used are far beyond anything on Earth and must therefore be from someplace besides Earth. With what they are capable of doing, they could easily conquer this planet Earth, but they do not. They could also easily come down here and teach us more advanced technologies but they do not. What is their plan? It would appear that they are guiding us. If Heaven is anything beyond Earth, then they may be waiting for us to be able enter Heaven before they show the next part of their plan. This would be a reasonable assumption due to their actions and inactions. The King of the Gods may be the one in complete control of this world, and known to the many different religions by many different names. If we study religions then we see parallel teachings throughout, and also prophecies of what will be. The times  are approaching so prepare.

Businessman Vs Politician.

President Trump is a very successful businessman who sacrificed a lot to save the United States of America. We thank God daily for for inspiring Donald J Trump to run for President. God Blessed America and Still Blesses Her. Politicians have been destroying our great nation with their inept beliefs and outright lies and deceptions. President Trump is running the nation as a business, and his America First agenda is restoring our democracy to levels not seen in many decades. President Trump has been attacked more than any President in history. The Un-American Radical Democrats and the Main Stream Media, have committed many crimes to stop President Trump, and obstruct him whenever possible. President Trump will be the first President in history to never have all his appointments requiring Senate approval in place before his first term is up and possibly his second term. The disrespect given to President Trump is causing the American People great anger and agitation. President Trump has restored our economy, placed American Citizens first, brought back American Spirit and pride, is rebuilding our military, restoring foreign policy in the world, restoring allegiance to the US republic, restoring faith in God, restoring law enforcement, restoring rule of law, and protecting our people and borders. President Trump has also brought other successful business people to assist him in his restoration of our great nation. The President has set up a cabinet that is so successful that they can accomplish things without the government corruption that has plagued us for so long. Many politicians are scared and not seeking reelection because they can longer get bribes, kickbacks, or keep their wrongdoings secret. Many other politicians have embraced President Trump’s America First Agenda, and they can see that it is working and benefiting the American People. The American People support President Trump, and look forward to seeing this Great Nation Great Again.

God Bless America and Bring Heaven On Earth. God Bless The Faithful And Righteous Who Pursue Justice, Truth, And Understanding.

United States Fails To Enforce Rule Of Law.

The United States was built on a constitution and bill of rights, yet today it fails to enforce the rule of law equally on all its citizens and residents. The events of the last 2 years have shown a disregard of the rule of law, depending on who you are. We have seen illegal immigrants granted rights they are not entitled to. We have seen an unpeaceful transfer of power, attempted frame job, and attempted coup of an incoming president. We have seen failures to prosecute obvious crimes. We have seen failures to recuse and obvious conflicts of interest in many investigations. We have seen government organizations failing to comply with Congressional and Presidential orders. We see judges making decisions to interfere with presidential and congressional orders. We see judges and Congress failing to file charges for perjury, contempt, and false statements.

The Rule of law must be restored or the American People will revolt. The President may have to declare martial law, and have the military cleanse the offenders. This is a very real possibility in the not so far future, if the systems are not made to work properly. We have a revolt and attempted coup being performed by the previous administration. This situation is unacceptable and could lead to the Citizens of the United States taking arms against its own government to restore Rule of Law and American Rights. The American People are watching, and if they do not see improvement soon about restoring our systems, then all hell is going to break loose.

God Bless America. God Give The American People The Will And Strength To Take Back Their Country And Restore Their Laws And Traditions.

God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan.

God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan. Let it be known that God guides and directs this world and all its people including President Trump. Many of you fail to see God’s greatness and wisdom. God made Donald Trump run for President. God had all of you vote for Donald Trump. God gives President Trump the Strength and Endurance to do the job he directed him to do. God made a billionaire with the best life had to offer, run for, and win, the Presidency of the United States of America. The Un-American Radical Democrats did everything they could to rig the election for Hillary Clinton. They had illegals vote. They had the dead vote. They had the criminals vote. They hacked the election machines they could. They spied on Candidate Trump. God gave the American People the will to vote for Donald Trump to be President. They tried to frame President Trump with Russia collusion to overthrow his Presidency. God gave him a Republican Congress to allow him to have the intelligence committees to be able to bring their corruption to light. FISA and the NSA were abused, but the President could not tell the American People because of the federal gag order that prevents disclosure. God made all this possible and still people refuse to believe. Let the faithful of God know that President Trump was chosen to lead this nation, by none other than God himself. God Bless America and His Believers.

God Help America Save The World.

God Help America Save The World.

God Help America Save The World. America, also known as The United States of America, is in a struggle to save the world from Evil. America is the most advanced technological democracy on this planet. The world is facing a battle today, predicted long ago by God. Once again Evil is trying to destroy the plans of God, and keep the faithful people from entering Heaven, and being with God. Many people were told to watch for the signs, and with the Sun and Moon rising and setting in different spots, the events are happening for the EndTimes. The population of our world has grown to where it can no longer safely support all life, and therefore we are seeing food chain species becoming extinct faster than ever. The icecaps and glaciers are melting faster because the sun is more active due to it is shifting its magnetic poles. Our magnetic poles will follow shortly after. This is the reason for the increase in volcanoes and earthquakes recently. The severe storms we are seeing is due to an increase in moisture from the melting and an increase in solar wind, as well as a fluctuating earth magnetic field. These are troubling times and were predicted by God many thousands of years ago. God tried to let our ancestors know would happen, but as predicted many have twisted his words to their own benefits. Every religion has different stories, rituals, and laws that they say God gave them. They all have stories of God giving his laws, of his blessings and curses, and of the future events to unfold. Evil has twisted things to make people sin, and to keep them ignorant, so they can not enter Heaven by technological advancement and adherence to righteous laws and behaviors. God wants the People of Earth to join him in Heaven and become a star faring race with a bright future. You enter Heaven in the flesh, not by spirit. God created this world and has every soul that has ever existed, inside a repository, so they may be resurrected and judged at the end of his plan. We all know that God controls destiny and that his prophecies always come to pass. We know that God and his Messengers have come down from Heaven and that they have interacted with humanity in many ways. The time for your understanding is now upon us, and it is God’s will that his plan be fulfilled. God is an immortal being that is far advanced compared to us, and we can do nothing to stop his will or plan. Some say that he does not exist. Some say that we are alone in the universe. Some say that we are just ignorant animals that are not worthy of entering Heaven. Some say that we are able to become God-Like and that we are being carefully nudged to this end. What do you believe????

May God Bless America And Show Her his Greatness And Strength To Help Her Battle Evil And Save Our World And People. God Grant Understanding To All who Seek Righteousness And Truth.

In God We Trust.

In God we trust. One nation under God. So help me God. These phrases have existed since the creation of this great nation. They are on our money, in our pledge of allegiance, and in the testimony of witnesses. The original systems of law for this nation and many others are based on the laws handed down by God. Today’s generation has no clue of what God is. They say there is no God. They say they are the future but they will have no future. They no nothing about God, and reject everything about religion, therefore they will not follow the law according to God. They say that they are the future and we are the past. They say that their ways are the ways of the future and that God does not exist, and we are stupid to believe in a fictitious being. They say that God’s laws do not apply to them, for he does not exist. They say that God will not punish them because he is not real. They have never been taught history or religion. They have been allowed to sin without the threat of punishment for such sin. They do not believe in the prophecies of God and think we are stupid to believe. For those who believe, we remind them to read the prophecies of God and what he told us would happen. God told us these days would come, and that his judgments would befall them.

God is an immortal being who rules Heaven. Heaven is not another dimension that we enter when we die. Heaven is the rest of the universe. Once mankind has advanced beyond rockets, God will come and enforce his laws with judgment. God told us what would happen and we can only pity the younger generation for their ignorance and stupidity in not heeding the warnings and teachings. Soon the trumpets will be blown and the plaques will be unleashed. The evil will be punished and the good will see Heaven.

God Please Show The People Of Earth Your Existence And Great Power. God Bless The Good People Who Follow Your Laws and Fear Your Great Wrath. God Bless Your Faithful, And Turn The Minds And Hearts Of Our Children To Follow You.