Democrat Conspiracy.

The Democrats are about to be in big trouble. The conspiracy to overthrow President Trump is coming to light. The Democrats have been pushing a false story about Russia to try and overthrow President Trump!! This conspiracy was set up by former President Obama. Former President Obama stated to then President-Elect Trump that Russia hacked …

President Trump Visits Texas.

President Trump is now visiting Texas to assess damage and humanitarian efforts. State and Local officials should be honest in their opinions and let President Trump what is needed to meet immediate needs and short term needs. The American People are doing a wonderful job dealing with crisis, and helping their neighbors. May God Keep …

President Trump’s DC Swamp Battle.

President Trump has been the target of the DC Swamp since he was elected. The Russia Collusion story is at its end. There was no collusion with Russia to hack the DNC server and then leak out the emails to Wikileaks. The DNC server was not hacked remotely, due to the data rate, it had …

Texas, God keep you safe.

The rain is still falling and the waters are rising. Do not let yourselves be trapped, always have an escape plan. If you are in imminent danger call for rescue, keep from drowning, and help will reach you as soon as possible. Always seek higher ground, usually against waterflow direction. Water tends to flow to …

The plot against President Trump.

Let me begin with a little prayer. May God keep President Trump safe, and strike down the enemies of the Republic of The United States of America, foreign and domestic. Since before President Trump was elected, forces have been used against him that are not even legal, yet I hear very little about this. I …

Flooding in Texas region.

Please note Hurricane Harvey is still dumping huge amounts of water on the region as predicted, and causing catastrophic flooding. Our thoughts and prayers to the people of the region. The federal government has mobilized and assisting state and local governments as requested. Danger still exists as the waters continue rising. May God keep the …

Harvey Cat 4 Hurricane

Our thoughts and prayers to the people of Texas and Louisiana as Harvey grew to category 4 hurricane. Fema at local, state, and national levels have prepared for response for Harvey that could drop as much as 53 inches of rain and sustained winds of 130MPH. Harvey is expected to remain in area for up …

Democrats Claiming Victory Over Republicans.

Democrats are claiming victory over Republicans at every fight. Check out . The time has come for the Republicans to realize the shame rhetoric tactics of the Democrats. The Democrats like to use the media to make fake stories that will get the Republicans to sway votes their way. It is time for the Republicans …

Ignorance is True Evil. Enter a New Dark Age?

The level of ignorance in America is reaching very high levels, and I fear we may be entering another dark age. The last dark age occurred when the catholic church came into power and destroyed everything and anything that was against its doctrine. Buildings and statues were destroyed or modified. Books were banned and burned, …

Support President Trump and “Make America Great Again”.

President Trump needs the help of the American People to get his agenda accomplished. The DC Swamp is slowly being drained but the creatures coming out are relentless in their attacks against our President. Money and power drive them to twist facts and send thugs to quelch our Freedom of Speech rights. They question, belittle, …