ObamaGate. The Democrats Worst Nightmare.

ObamaGate is set to explode, and the Democrats are in total panic. The conspiracy to overthrow an incoming president by the outgoing president is unheard of. The abuse of power goes far beyond what we have publicly seen. The Obama Administration conspired to affect the election process by spying on the political opponents of Hillary …

Democrats Setting Up Voter Fraud.

Democrats are setting up voter fraud ahead of mid term elections. Democratic governors are issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants so they can vote in the midterms. This is the real reason they are warning their people not to cooperate with ICE officials. Voting is supposed to be a privilege granted to only American Citizens …

ObamaGate Coverup is Beginning to Emerge.

Strange how messages are beginning to go missing about crucial timeframes. President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions need to take action immediately to preserve evidence required to take down these traitors to our Great Nation. The American People should be pissed off as hell right now that evidence is going missing that proves that President …

Never Amnesty.

Amnesty should never be given to illegal immigrants. They have violated our borders. They have broken our laws. They have failed to assimilate into our society. They have used and abused our schools, hospitals, welfare system, foodstamp system, Medicaid system, vehicular laws, and many other systems. We have heart for the DACA children but not …

ObamaGate: United States republic in crisis.

Reports are surfacing all over the place of illegal surveillance of the Trump Campaign, Trump Transition, and that the Trump Collusion Investigation is just a lie created to overthrow a duly elected President Trump. The executive branch needs to be purged of these criminals and they need to put on trial and jailed. We can …

North Korea Should Worry.

The false alarm of an incoming ballistic missile in Hawaii should worry North Korea. North Korea is now a nuclear equipped enemy and should probably want to set up an emergency communications line with the United States because their country could have been destroyed as a retaliatory nuclear strike. The people of North Korea should …

The World Needs A New Direction.

Have you ever thought about the future? What will our world be like in 50 years, or 100 years? Will it be a world of wonders, or a world of tragedy? In the last 100 years, humanity has seen the following: From horse drawn carriages to various powered automobiles. From muskets to atomic weapons. From …

Political Espionage Confirmed.

Today it is being reported that the fake Trump dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign and Trump Transition. Due to this revelation all evidence obtained should be considered tainted and non-admissible in court. The Trump Collusion investigation is therefore unjustified and illegal for it is based upon false …

Genius or Insane???

Many people lately have been questioning the President’s mental health, and I have a simple question for them. Could you have accomplished what the President has done in less than a year? The answer is probably, NO. The Democrats and the Main Stream Media wish to push a narrative that would mean the American People …

The Immortal God, The God Of Abraham.

The God of Abraham is the immortal God and known by many names. The Jewish people know him as YHWH. The Muslim people know him as ALLAH. The Christian people know him as GOD the Father, or just GOD. The same GOD is worshiped by all these people, so why do they refuse to get …