Conspiracy Against President Trump Confirmed !!!

Former President Obama and his administration illegally spied on the Trump Campaign, Transition, and Presidency, yet Special Counsel has never investigated, interviewed, or indicted, anyone that participated in these illegal activities. President Trump is the victim of a treasonous plot, to first stop him from being elected, and then to frame him so he could …

Un-American Radical Democrats Have Still Not Been Charged ?

Why is it that an attempted soft coup against the sitting president, President Trump, has seen no indictments from Mueller Investigation, or DOJ ? The American People are not stupid and we are not blind. Robert Mueller has shifted to the UAE when Russia Collusion is pointing to the Un-American Radical Democrats. It would appear …

ObamaGate Coverup is Beginning to Emerge.

Strange how messages are beginning to go missing about crucial timeframes. President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions need to take action immediately to preserve evidence required to take down these traitors to our Great Nation. The American People should be pissed off as hell right now that evidence is going missing that proves that President …

Political Espionage Confirmed.

Today it is being reported that the fake Trump dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign and Trump Transition. Due to this revelation all evidence obtained should be considered tainted and non-admissible in court. The Trump Collusion investigation is therefore unjustified and illegal for it is based upon false …

Mueller Investigation: Why is the RNC being looked into and not the DNC ???

Why is the Mueller investigation looking into the RNC and not the DNC? There is more than enough evidence showing that the DNC colluded with Russia and the Ukraine, yet all we hear about is he is going after President Trump, his administration, and the RNC. Where are the interviews and indictments against those democrats …

Presumed Guilty. United States in Jeopardy.

The American People must take a good look at themselves today. The American People must decide if we are a nation with the rule of law or if we are going to become a place of anarchy where the accused is “guilty until proven innocent”. We have seen many incidents lately that should have the …

Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

We see too many people jumping to judgement lately. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Those that accuse must provide irrefutable evidence that will stand up in court and against cross examination. These are the rights of every person living in the United States of America. Today we are seeing many people do …

The Tides Of Change.

The American People are beginning to see the change we have long sought. The Trump/Russia scandal is nearing its close with no evidence against the President. The Clinton Email scandal and the Uranium One scandal investigations are now being opened. The Clinton campaign and the DNC appear to have paid for the fake Trump/Russia dossier. …

Sorry Mr President.

The DC Establishment has been fighting you every step of the way, in regards to implementing your ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda. Congress has been largely impotent at all major legislative policies that help your agenda. The US Senate has been been the worst, from holding up your appointees to failing their promises to the …

President Trump, We Want Justice, NOW!!!

Dear Mr President, On this page you will find links to stories about the conspiracy against you. The Time has come for you to do something about this. The evidence of illegal political espionage against you during the campaign and after is beyond refute. Make your DOJ do something now. We respect you Mr President, …