The United States of America. Proud American.

The United States of America. Proud American. The battle is won and the USA is back and getting better each day. Thank you President Trump for all your hard work. You are a true patriot to give up your lavish lifestyle, to “Make America Great Again”. May God Bless You And Keep You Safe. Here are some pages for the American People and our President Trump.

Make America Great Again. Inspiration.

Patriotic songs for inspiration.

Long Live The United States Of America !!!

Are You A Proud American?

Pride in America.

Spirit of America

Truth or Deceit? Which Do You Want America?

Happy Birthday America !!! God Bless America !!!

Conquer The World.

Conquer The World. History has many episodes of war-like societies attempting conquest all the way up to global conquest. The last society to attempt global domination was Nazi Germany. The cruelty of Nazi Germany is well documented. The work camps where millions were slave labor to advance the projects and plans of the Third Reich. The concentration camps where social, religious, and ethnic cleansing, caused the death of millions of people. Some were killed with bullets, others various gases, and some were used as human experiments for genetic, chemical, and biological, development experiments. The Nazi War Machine held and spread the belief, that they were the superior Aryan Race, and that all others were inferior to them and therefore existed only to serve them and/or be exterminated by them. Fascism is the building of military, industry, and society, for the purpose of war, conquest, territory expansion, and purposed ideology to unite and spread certain social, religious, and ethnic views. Law and Order Systems, Justice Systems, Penal Systems, Voting Systems, Educational Systems, Military Defense Systems, and Guaranteed Personal Rights and Freedoms, are all required to ensure a healthy, prosperous, and sustainable republic, immune to becoming this way.

Globalists seek to weaken nation’s using any means possible to reach their goal of a one world government under the control of the world’s elite. Creating economic instability can cause the topple an industrial nation very easily. This was attempted against the United States of America in a combined effort by many previous administrations who desire the one world order. The poverty within the United States of America has been steadily increasing and it was done on purpose. Nafta allowed companies to leave this country and make their products in foreign countries and ship them here to increase their personal profits while stagnating manufacturing and jobs here. Every other country in the world charges an import tax, where the US charges an export tax. This was done long ago due to the US being the only manufacturer of many of these products and we remained prosperous due to all the factories and jobs remained in the US. After Nafta it worked against US and though we received cheaper products we were unable to put our population to work. Legal and illegal immigration were accepted before Nafta because we constantly had many unfilled jobs. Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Food stamps, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, and Work Safety Programs were implemented to assist the American Citizen and legal Immigrant during times of strife, injury, or illness. The Systems are now being abused and with identity theft even more so. Our national debt has increased dramatically, and we were close to insolvency as a nation recently. Our military spending was drastically reduced, and the welfare programs were drastically increased. The social stresses being placed on the United States of America, are intentionally fanning the flames of socialism and fascism in an attempt to destroy US. The influx of illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, and refugees, has been encouraged so as to weaken this nation and allow the formation of the New World Order. The Democrats used to be for the working class, and the Republicans used to be for big business. This has now changed and is causing much confusion. The Democrats are embracing socialism, communism, fascism and extreme liberalism(also known as anarchy). Republicans are still for big business but they are now for job creation and bringing those big businesses back to the US. Securing our borders is necessary for national defense and security. People, Drugs, Terrorists, Criminals, and Smugglers, need to be stopped.



The United States of America needs to be restored in many areas, or else it will become as a third world country and exist no more. The idiots of this country are falling for the Lies and Deceptions of the Evil Globalists and their Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Liberals. The ideologies that are falsely believing have been tried before and if they research history, religion, politics, and law, they will begin to see the wisdom of our forefathers when they formed this great constitutional republic. The law is supposed to apply to all equally. Law enforcement is required or law becomes only nothing. Judges are required to oversee the implementing of the laws properly. Laws are to be created to benefit all the people of the United States, and not the elite. These are the founding principles and obviously are Not being taught in our schools anymore. The Freedoms and Rights afforded to those within our borders are for those who came and reside here legally. President Trump is battling to restore this great republic and We, The American People, should be assisting him to do so. God/Allah/Yahweh taught the foundations of civilization, and those are faith, laws, judgement, and enforcement. God/Allah/Yahweh also taught us about Heaven, and the ways to enter, and be rewarded. God/Allah/Yahweh also taught us how to know and be Good, and to Evils and Temptations to avoid and not fall prey to. The Idiots of this country need to understand that once the United States of America is restored, then legal immigration and new benefit programs can be increased and/or restored/created. It is Not Evil to place the welfare of the United States and its people ahead of all others. It is actually required by law to do so, in the oath sworn by all citizens, legal residents, and military and government officials. It is Evil to wish to give away your country and the rights and freedoms of its people, for lies and deceptions that will only cause your damnation and the fall of humanity into another dark age that will take thousands of years to recover from again. Learn to read and write, and study math and science, and learn from history, so the whole of humanity can advance forward and our Children can enter Heaven. Do Not embrace Evil and Do Not go down the path of Damnation and Destruction. Respect the Constitution and demand adherence to it. Justice, Law and Order, and the Respect of the Freedoms and Rights of others as granted under them. To give rights to foreigners that do not come here legally is wrong. To attempt to take away the rights of Citizens and legal residents, or to place them in unnecessary danger, is wrong and if done on large scale, Evil. Many people want to come to this great republic for a better life, but they must adhere to our laws, and respect the rights and freedoms of those who live here and were invited to live here. God/Allah/Yahweh taught us many things about Righteousness and Evil. Learn and do not become Evil.




May God/Allah/Yahweh Bless And Guide All Along The Path Of Righteousness And Good, And May God/Allah/Yahweh Destroy All From Earth And Heaven.

A Citizen Of Heaven.

A Citizen Of Heaven. I have many titles. Business Owner. US Marine. US Citizen. American. Earthling. Man. But the one that is most important to me, is A Citizen Of Heaven. I was born and raised on Earth in the state of Massachusetts in the most advanced country The United States of America. I went to public schools and we did not have enough money for me to go to college. I went into the US Marine Corps at the age of 19. I served 4 years active duty and left because I did not like the politics. I served under President Reagan and worked on some of the most advanced electronics systems of the times. I am a proud American Citizen and Marine Veteran. I have also known that I am a citizen of Heaven from the age of 7. I am watched over and held to a stricter standard then most people here on Earth. I have studied this world, its peoples, its cultures, and its religions. I have studied math and science my entire life and been obsessed with going to Heaven. Star travel and all the technological advances necessary to achieve it.


The UFOs many people see, are real and highly advanced by our standards, but are just like the cars in our society. Some have tourists that are visiting and observing the primitive peoples and cultures. Some have scientists that observe and keep this great experiment on track and work here. Some are automated and remote controlled as the drones of today are. All of them are simple to God/Allah/Yahweh, and just tools that he uses. I have seen only a few UFOs when I was young, but those still put our technology today to shame. I have seen people around me sometimes controlled as if they were themselves merely biological robots. People made to say and do things, or stopped from saying or doing things. My wife has even had lit cigarettes suddenly appear and drop on her as I was in my office just ten feet from her. These are the things they have shown me that they are capable of.

May God Guide Us To Him And Heaven

I am a Citizen of Heaven, and I desire to be in Heaven, but I fear that even there, I will be different from others. I was told when I was young, that I am a prince and to find my way back. My eyes have actually glowed twice in my life and this causes me great concern, for I have only read of one kind of being that this occurs to. Angels. And the worst of it, is that my name is Michael. The conclusion is beyond belief but I can be no other. We are in the EndTimes and we must all prepare for judgement. Make yourselves worthy, for God/Allah/Yahweh will arrive in my lifetime and the prophecies shall be fulfilled as written. The Earth and all its residents are about to know God/Allah/Yahweh and see his awesome power. The Evil shall be cleansed from the Earth and no Mortal being shall escape judgement. All I can say, is prepare and repent, or face the wrath of God/Allah/Yahweh, which no one on Earth can withstand unless God/Allah/Yahweh wills it. God Bless All The Righteous And Guide Them To Be Worthy Of Entering Heaven And Receiving His Wonderful Gifts.

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction.

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction. We, the American People, have been told the Russians hacked the DNC server. Almost 2 years later, and still no one from FBI, CIA, NSA, Special Counsel, or any law enforcement agency, has generated search warrant and seized the DNC that is supposed to contain the evidence that Russia hacked it and then gave the emails to Wikileaks to affect the election. The evidence has probably been erased already. No indictments have been made against Guccifer 2.0 or the Russian government, yet we see indictments for Russian social media ads in Russian. Why is this?

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If the intelligence agencies are correct in this assessment that they made public and put sanctions on Russia and ousted diplomats, then how come there has been no collaborating evidence? President Trump has questioned this assessment from the beginning but the American People have seen no action based upon it by the Special Counsel. You would think that all the evidence necessary for the assessment would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, Russia’s guilt, yet nothing has come of it. Instead all attention seems to on the false claims within the fake dossier.


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What about the Russian bank server pinging the Trump server? Has anyone pursued that? Why has no one from the CIA, FBI, or NSA been questioned on this assessment or the evidence to back it up?


President Trump should order an investigation into the CIA, NSA, and FBI, regarding this.


Foreign Army Crosses The Border.

Foreign Army Crosses The Border. 50.000 foreigners illegally crossing our border should be considered an invasion by a foreign army, and it happens each month. Each month the CBP (customs and border patrol) apprehend 50,000 people entering the United States illegally, and then they are given due process and even allowed to claim asylum. Imagine an army of 50,000 soldiers crossing our border. What should our response be?? Welcome to the USA?? The response would and should be, that our borders have been breached, and that the military be dispatched to destroy the invading army.


Please note: this photo shows less than 1000 troops.

Now imagine a foreign government having its soldiers dress up as civilians, and have them cross the border in small groups. Are they still an invading army?? Yes, they are. But according to our immigration laws they can be let in, if they claim to be refuges or ask for asylum. Now imagine a criminal organization training family units or unaccompanied minors to cross the border so they can set up their organization inside that country?? These scenarios should bother all Americans, yet they are all to real today. The enemies of the United States are many, and they are not stupid. They are playing the emotions of the American People so they come in this way.



This is an invading army and they should be treated as such. Many will make claims that they have been taught to use so they can gain entry. Look at MS-13 as an example. We should be treating these people as invaders, unless they come by means of port of entry. The CBP should work in unison with the military to stop these invaders who pose a clear and present danger to the American People, even if they dress the part of poor people seeking a better life. Crime, Drugs, Weapons, Smuggling Goods and People, can all interpreted as invasion by a foreign army that our supposed ally nations have allowed to make it to our borders.

It is an act of war to violate another nations borders without permission. Why is it Not treated as such when an ally allows our borders to be breached??

The United States of America is sovereign nation, to violate its borders, is an act of war. Obviously, the American People have forgotten this small fact.

God Bless America And Protect And Save Her.



Long Live The United States Of America !!!

Long Live The United States Of America !!! We have a new revival in this greatest country the world has ever known. God is returning. American History is returning. The economy, jobs, and factories are returning. Our military and its strength are returning. The American spirit is returning. The American People have hope once more, and await the return of the Rule of Law. Our Great Republic is returning Hopes and Dreams of Better Days to the Proud American People.

Thank You, God for Blessing this Great Nation to be a Beacon of Truth, Justice, and Freedom, based upon your 10 Commandments. May the American People never forget your Wisdom, Power, and Glory.


Thank You, President Trump, for answering God’s Call and Saving America. “Make America Great Again”.











Let the Battle of Good and Evil come, and here is our song of Battle.



Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!??

Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!?? What has President Trump done to deserve such hate from the Liberal Left? Has he started a war? Has he destroyed the economy? Has he weakened the Military? Has he spied on American Citizens? Has he taken away any of the rights of American Citizens? Does he worship the Devil and claim there is no God? Has he weakened law enforcement and made crime rates rise? Has he increased your taxes and made the national debt double? No, he has Not done any of these things. Instead he has avoided war. He has the economy booming. He has strengthened the Military and is repairing the VA. He has Not spied on American Citizens but has been the victim of spying, false accusations, and an attempted soft coup. He has stood for the Rights of every American Citizen. He has brought back God/Allah/Yahweh and freedom of religion. He has strengthened law enforcement and crime rates are down in many areas already. He decreased corporate and personal taxes, and the booming economy has more than paid for those tax decreases. Here is a website that keeps track of President Trump’s accomplishments. Check it out and see if you realized how much President Trump has accomplished. The hate for President Trump is beyond belief, and we the American People would like to know why you hate our President? If all you can point to is the Phony Russia Investigation, and that he is extremely rich, then you need to open your eyes and see the truth.

The Globalists want to destroy the United States of America so they can take over and have their One World Order. President Trump is a Nationalist as was Ronald Reagan. President Trump has strengthened the military and the economy of the USA. Unemployment is already at record lows. The stock market has remained about 5-6000 above what it was before President Trump was elected. The opioid crisis is being worked on. The southern border is being secured. The North Korean threat may be over. ISIS is nearly all destroyed. What can you hate President Trump for? Do you hear large numbers of our troops dying? No. Do you hear other nations threatening the USA? No. Are Opioid deaths increasing? Have not heard that they are. We are the American People, and we respect our nation, our flag, and our President. If you hate President Trump, you need to provide valid reasons for it. Just because you are a Globalist, a Democrat, a rino, a liberal, a satan worshipper, an evil Un-American, an atheist, a terrorist, or just a screw up that wants the system to take care of you, you have no right to hate President Trump.

God Will Judge You For Your Hate, And If It Is Based On Lies And Deceptions, It is Still Held Against You, For you Are Supposed To Learn Right From Wrong, And Light From Dark. Your Own Actions And Deeds Determine If You Will Go to Heaven Or Hell.

Save The Evidence. Take Them Down.

Save The Evidence. Take Them Down. We, the American People, are seeing evidence and witnesses disappearing in regards to the corruption within our government and its agencies. President Trump needs to order that the evidence be confiscated and secured so prosecution can occur of those who attempted a frame up and soft coup of his presidency. Too much evidence is beginning to go missing, and must be retrieved and secured. The Evil Globalists, and Un-American Radical Democrats, along with their conspirators, need to be rounded up, Tried, and Executed, for Sedition and Treason. Many of them have sworn to protect the United States of America and the US Constitution, and have betrayed their oath and duties. Evil has invaded the US Government and must be purged. The DOJ and FBI are slow walking evidence in hopes of making the statute of limitations run out on their crimes. They want to bury the investigations and begin the destruction of the United States of America, all over again. The time has come for President Trump to order the documents and evidence be produced, retrieved, and secured, so the trails and executions can begin. Justice is Not being served and if Law and Order are Not enforced than the United States of America is Lost.

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God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching And If Justice Is Not Restored, Then God/Allah/Yahweh Will Judge And Punish Accordingly. The battle for your souls is underway, and Good shall triumph over Evil. Truth shall Destroy Lies and Deceptions. The Righteous shall be Blessed by God/Allah/Yahweh. Choose wisely, for God/Allah/Yahweh, has ultimate power and has laid down his laws, and warned all through the prophecies. Fear God/Allah/Yahweh, and make yourselves worthy in his eyes, or face his wrath and eternal damnation. The choice is yours, but you have been warned. Glory To God/Allah/Yahweh, Now And Forever.

Prepare The Military !! Protect The President !!

Prepare The Military !! Protect The President !! The threats against the President and the First Family must be taken seriously. They attempted to assassinate President Reagan and they will do so against President Trump. Prepare the Military to implement action against all who are conspiring to Harm or Kill President Trump and members of the First Family. The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats, Globalists, and Sympathizers, must be warned that if any harm comes to President Trump, The First Family, or Members of his Cabinet, the Military will implement swift action to Collect, Charge by Military Tribunal, and Publicly Execute them. This is NOT a game and we do not want to see history repeat itself. The Patriotic Americans who love God, Country, and Freedom, must spread the word that such an attack will be met with Military Might the likes of which has Not been seen since 9/11. The President of the United States of America, represents our Great Republic and the American Citizens, and shall be treated with respect and dignity. Threats to our President and his Family are to be viewed as threats against Our Nation and Its People. We will Protect our President and Defend Him and our Nation. God Protect President Trump, The First Family, And the United States of America.

Remember, Protect The President.

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ??? God is the Ruler of Heaven and Earth. God gave us his laws. God told us that we would be judged, to see if we are worthy of entering Heaven. The gifts that God offers are beyond the comprehension of most people. Knowledge, Immortal Life, Perfect Health, Peace, and the ability to pursue Good Deeds and Actions. Are you worthy? Are you Good enough to enter Heaven? Are you Evil and deserve to go to Hell? Do you follow the Laws of God? Do you pursue Knowledge and Understanding? Do you pursue Righteousness or Evil and Deception? Do you know Good from Evil and Right from Wrong? Do you know how to Read and Write? Do you know Math? Do you know Science? Do you know Law and Justice? Are you a Warrior of Righteousness or a Warrior of Evil? Do you seek to improve the Earth and the lives of its residents? Do you seek to destroy the Earth and enslave its residents?

The Judgement Day is coming soon, and you must ask, “Am I Prepared” ? Have I made myself worthy in the eyes of God? God has the Duty and Responsibility to keep Evil out of Heaven. The same process is used by various countries and known as their Justice Systems. How will you be Judged?