This is NOT Climate Change.

We have been hearing many people speak about climate change and that it is due to the industrial activity of humans. We see the sun rising and setting in different directions than normal. The moon is different too. The ice caps are melting. Volcanoes are becoming active. Earthquakes are increasing in frequency and magnitude. Human …

Irma to be Worst Case Scenario.

Hurricane Irma is to ride up the center of the Florida peninsula. Follow your state and local instructions. We pray to God for the safety of the tourists and residents in Florida. Federal, State, and Local authorities are prepared, but this hurricane will not stall as Hurricane did. This is the strongest hurricane in history. …

America First, Now and Always.

President Trump, today made a deal with Congressional leaders on both sides to fund the government, raise the debt ceiling,for three months and provide initial Hurricane Harvey relief. This deal gives Congress more time to focus on his agenda by taking out three major issues. President Trump is showing his leadership skills at the critical …

Hurricane Irma Category 5

Please be aware that a Category 5 Hurricane is predicted to hit US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Florida. This is an extremely powerful hurricane that appears to be record breaker. Listen to your state and local authorities, and evacuate when requested to. The high speeds and high winds of this hurricane are capable of …

The Law and Illegal Immigration.

Today President Trump announced an end to the DACA (Dreamer) Program. It will be phased out, in six months. President Trump has shown ‘Heart’ by delaying it 6 months so congress can make a proper immigration bill pertaining to this issue. President Trump and the DOJ can not defend DACA because they believe it is …

Stop Attacking Our President !!!

The American People are sick and tired of the attacks on Our President. Our President is not mentally ill. The generals have never questioned his sanity as well as the the Vice President. Stop your stupid attacks on the mental health of our President. Also, stop attacking him because he is rich. If he was …

North Korea, The Land of Idiots.

North Korea has now tested and bragged that it has the hydrogen bomb. This is a provocation to the entire world. We know that North Korea has dealings with Iran and Syria. North Korea has smuggled arms to many locations. North Korea will sell weapons to the highest bidder. The time has come for North …

Questioning The Executive Branch.

Today we heard in court that the DOJ and FBI found no evidence of wiretapping at Trump Towers. Yesterday we heard from an Intelligence Committee that former FBI Director Comey had a letter of exoneration for the Clinton Email Scandal written up 2 months prior to the announcement which was before even the witness testimonies. …

The Battle for America.

Just in, Comey had Clinton exoneration speech written before witnesses were even interviewed. The conspiracy against President Trump and the Deep State are very real. The DC Swamp needs to be drained. Investigations need to be made, and prosecutions need to made. The American People need to know that the rule of law presides in …