Truth or Deceit? Which Do Want America?

The American People need to take back our country. We are tired of lies and deceits that are pushed on us that merely advance the hidden agendas of our politicians. We,the American People want our rights protected, we want our borders secure, we want to be safe, we want our laws enforced, we want our …

Our Hearts Go Out To New York City.

Our hearts go out to the victims of today’s terrorist attack in New York City. Thank you to the first responders for taking out the terrorist and helping the victims. May God take the fallen to his side, and help those injured to heal. May God keep the United States of America safe and help …

The Tides Of Change.

The American People are beginning to see the change we have long sought. The Trump/Russia scandal is nearing its close with no evidence against the President. The Clinton Email scandal and the Uranium One scandal investigations are now being opened. The Clinton campaign and the DNC appear to have paid for the fake Trump/Russia dossier. …

The American Soldier

The American Soldier is the pride of the United States of America. The American Soldier lives, fights, and sometimes dies, for the nation they love so much. The greatest patriotic Americans are those who serve in the United States military. The love they have for this great republic of the United States of America, is …

Busy Days for President Trump.

President Trump has been very busy lately. Today he announced his new pick for Dept of Homeland Security. He signed an executive order undermining parts of Obamacare, that will allow insurance to be sold across state lines and to allow the sale of policies that do not require all the statutes of Obamacare policies. Yesterday …

The United States Needs Your Help To Battle Her Enemies.

We need law and order to be restored in this nation. We need our children to be taught properly, how to be Americans. We need to rebuild our nations armed forces. We need to secure our borders and throw out anyone who does not belong. We need to stop waste and corruption within our cities, …

Was the Las Vegas Shooter a Former Spy?

The training necessary to pull off an attack of this magnitude is tremendous. The knowledge needed of firearms, explosives, surveillance and covert operations, all point to perhaps a former CIA operative. He obtained all his weapons and explosives without raising red flags. He has no digital signature, according to reports, and that is strange. He …

Pride in America.

The American People should feel great pride in this great republic. The United States of America has the most powerful military, and we are very proud of the work they do, each and every day. President Trump has proven himself to be a very patriotic president and we should be very proud of his America …

We Feel Sorry, for America.

We feel sorry for all the tragedies striking the United States. The shooting of the Republicans on the ball field. The crisis with North Korea. Hurricane Harvey hitting Texas. Hurricane Irma hitting Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Florida. Hurricane Maria hitting US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The latest is the horrible massacre at …

Puerto Rico and Social Media Withdrawals.

Social media withdrawal is affecting many who live in Puerto Rico. The power grid is destroyed as well as many of the cell towers. Airports, water ports, hospitals, and shelters, are being restored and set up. Fema has been working tirelessly with military and national guard to provide humanitarian relief, logistical support, and infrastructure repair. …