Persons And Items Still Not Investigated ????

Persons And Items Still Not Investigated ???? Why have none of the FISA judges been subpoenaed to testify ?? Why have none of the judges filed perjury, false statements, and contempt, in regards to the FISA warrants illegally obtained with false unverified information ?? Why has the indictment and extradition of Christopher Steele been sought …

Not Trade War!!! Good WorkAround Strategy…

Not Trade War!!! Good WorkAround Strategy… Since Congress failed to change our trade rules to match the rest of the nations of the world, ie taxing imports instead of exports, President Trump is implementing Tariffs to achieve the same objective. Trust President Trump, because he knows what he is doing. All the other nations charge …

Arrest Them All. Torture And Execute Them.

Arrest Them All. Torture And Execute Them. In many countries around the world, the response to protesters against the government or its officials, is just that. They would be arrested and thrown in prison. They would be given a sham trial, and then a public execution to be examples to the general population. This is …

The United States of America. Proud American.

The United States of America. Proud American. The battle is won and the USA is back and getting better each day. Thank you President Trump for all your hard work. You are a true patriot to give up your lavish lifestyle, to “Make America Great Again”. May God Bless You And Keep You Safe. Here …

Conquer The World.

Conquer The World. History has many episodes of war-like societies attempting conquest all the way up to global conquest. The last society to attempt global domination was Nazi Germany. The cruelty of Nazi Germany is well documented. The work camps where millions were slave labor to advance the projects and plans of the Third Reich. …

A Citizen Of Heaven.

A Citizen Of Heaven. I have many titles. Business Owner. US Marine. US Citizen. American. Earthling. Man. But the one that is most important to me, is A Citizen Of Heaven. I was born and raised on Earth in the state of Massachusetts in the most advanced country The United States of America. I went …

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction.

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction. We, the American People, have been told the Russians hacked the DNC server. Almost 2 years later, and still no one from FBI, CIA, NSA, Special Counsel, or any law enforcement agency, has generated search warrant and seized the DNC that is supposed to contain the evidence that …

Foreign Army Crosses The Border.

Foreign Army Crosses The Border. 50.000 foreigners illegally crossing our border should be considered an invasion by a foreign army, and it happens each month. Each month the CBP (customs and border patrol) apprehend 50,000 people entering the United States illegally, and then they are given due process and even allowed to claim asylum. Imagine …

Long Live The United States Of America !!!

Long Live The United States Of America !!! We have a new revival in this greatest country the world has ever known. God is returning. American History is returning. The economy, jobs, and factories are returning. Our military and its strength are returning. The American spirit is returning. The American People have hope once more, …

Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!??

Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!?? What has President Trump done to deserve such hate from the Liberal Left? Has he started a war? Has he destroyed the economy? Has he weakened the Military? Has he spied on American Citizens? Has he taken away any of the rights of American Citizens? Does he …