Our Hearts Go Out To New York City.

Our hearts go out to the victims of today’s terrorist attack in New York City. Thank you to the first responders for taking out the terrorist and helping the victims. May God take the fallen to his side, and help those injured to heal. May God keep the United States of America safe and help our military and law enforcement to defeat radical Islamist terrorism. God Bless America.

The Tides Of Change.

The American People are beginning to see the change we have long sought. The Trump/Russia scandal is nearing its close with no evidence against the President. The Clinton Email scandal and the Uranium One scandal investigations are now being opened. The Clinton campaign and the DNC appear to have paid for the fake Trump/Russia dossier. The dossier was used to obtain the FISA warrants, and was even included in the intelligence report on Russia attempting to influence the election. The Podesta Group and Fusion GPS are now being placed under the microscope. We are still waiting to find out which Republican candidate was the original purchaser of the dossier. We are still awaiting the appointment of a second Special Counsel. The conflicts of interest that now are apparent require this appointment. Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, and various others are now witnesses and/or suspects in these investigations therefore making it unacceptable that they continue working on these investigations. Attorney General Sessions needs to appoint a second Special Counsel, that will overtake the Uranium One investigation, Clinton Email investigation, and the Political Espionage investigation. The cleaning out of the Executive branch is now a priority, and the investigations that are now beginning, at least demonstrate that the Trump Administration is attempting to bring back the Rule of Law. The American People are seeing the tides of change, and should be happy that we are returning to a traditional United States of America.



The time to take back our country is now. American history and traditions need to be taught once again. The Pledge Of Allegiance, respect for our Flag, respect for our National Anthem, respect for our nation, and national pride, as well as the belief in God, Justice, and the rule of law, all need to return to the American People. The US military and veterans, are the keepers of these traditions and many know our American history as well. They are the proudest, bravest, and strongest, Americans that anyone will ever know. They keep this nation free and now it is time for them to teach the rest of the nation, especially the younger generation, what it means to be Americans, and how to love this great republic of the United States of America. The disrespect of our nation, military, law enforcement, President, God, laws, and values, must be ended. The American citizens must be taught once again what “by the people, for the people” means. The people, are the American people, not the illegal immigrants, not the legal immigrants, and certainly not the foreigners who visit our nation. Only US citizens can vote and determine who our elected officials are, and what laws will govern us. In the United States, the US citizen is the most important US asset. The children today are being taught that this is not so, and that the rights of others, whether they be foreigners, immigrants, or illegal immigrants, supercede their own rights. The time has come to teach our children that the US citizen is above all others inside the United States, and that no one is above them due to race, religion, or creed.

A time of great change is upon us and the American Spirit is about to be renewed. The United States of America is about to become ‘Great Again’. God, morals, and rule of law are returning and gaining strength. Ignorance and evil, are being battled right now, and the righteous with the blessing of God shall overcome and win. God Bless America and give the American people the understanding needed to overcome the evil that sought to overcome us.

The American Soldier

The American Soldier is the pride of the United States of America. The American Soldier lives, fights, and sometimes dies, for the nation they love so much. The greatest patriotic Americans are those who serve in the United States military. The love they have for this great republic of the United States of America, is so much more than the average US citizen has. They live and breath the United States of America. They protect the United States of America, and represent her proudly, with respect, honor, and duty. They are the greatest and most feared warriors the world has ever known. They are the best of the best, and it is they who keep the light of freedom from being extinguished. Our active duty military, and our veterans, keep and hold the traditions of this great nation. 

The United States of America, is proud of its military and its service. The American People are having some problems lately, but we will work them out. Our traditions are under attack here in the United States, but with the help of President Trump, our military, and our veterans, we will bring back the American Spirit to its people. We will have our people respect our nation, our flag, our anthem, and our traditions, again. Love of country, pride in nation, and belief in God, are returning, and will continue to grow. The Main Stream Media, Democratic Liberals, and the Un-Americans, are trying to use and smear the lives lost by our military, for political points, and it is disgusting. General Kelly, did us proud, and lets hope they will listen.




The Great Patriots are brought home with honor, and not left on some distant battlefield to rot. The reverence and honor due to them, is not lost on the military, veterans, and their families. Let us grieve as a nation, but show the proper respect for the deceased heroes and their families. May God bless our military and keep them safe, and give comfort to those families who have lost someone. God Bless America.

Busy Days for President Trump.

President Trump has been very busy lately. Today he announced his new pick for Dept of Homeland Security. He signed an executive order undermining parts of Obamacare, that will allow insurance to be sold across state lines and to allow the sale of policies that do not require all the statutes of Obamacare policies. Yesterday he had a speech in Pennsylvania to let everyone know his Tax Plan. He also gave an exclusive interview to Fox News.

The Main Stream Media has been putting forward FAKE stories that have been refuted. The Democrats are in meltdown mode over President Trump’s executive order. North Korea is making threats of war, as usual. Iran says it will start up its nuclear program if President Trump decertifies the Iran Nuclear Deal. Overall President Trump is doing a wonderful job, and driving the liberal Democrats nuts.

President Trump, the American People thank you for your hard work and recognize your great love for this nation and its people. God Bless President Trump, and The United States of America.

The United States Needs Your Help To Battle Her Enemies.

We need law and order to be restored in this nation. We need our children to be taught properly, how to be Americans. We need to rebuild our nations armed forces. We need to secure our borders and throw out anyone who does not belong. We need to stop waste and corruption within our cities, states, and federal government. We need to bring religion back into the lives of Americans. We need to instill the American Spirit back into our people. We need to develop beyond our existing technologies to take control of our future. We need to fight against evil and its many forms.

Today we have President Trump, and his message of ‘Make America Great Again’ and his policy of ‘America First’ have brought us hope of overcoming these evil forces and having God shine on us once again. The corruption in Washington DC is going to take time to drain, and we must believe it will happen. We can all help by voting, for people who will help our President. We must teach our children, family and American values. We must speak out against evil, and not let it take our voice from us or our children. We must report crime and corruption when we see it, or it will continue. We must take back our homes, cities, and country, from those who would take our rights, break our laws, and take our freedoms away. We are Americans and we are no one’s slaves. We will be the Greatest nation on earth again, and our people will prosper under our Constitution, Flag, and Anthem. God Bless America, and Make Her Great Again.

Was the Las Vegas Shooter a Former Spy?

The training necessary to pull off an attack of this magnitude is tremendous. The knowledge needed of firearms, explosives, surveillance and covert operations, all point to perhaps a former CIA operative. He obtained all his weapons and explosives without raising red flags. He has no digital signature, according to reports, and that is strange. He is said to be an accountant, but that does not account for his ability to bring in weapons and explosives, scope out situations for maximum damage, set up platforms, set up surveillance, and carry out the operation. No one knows anything about this man, and yet he was able to carry out an attack that was huge and horrendous. His knowledge, money, and abilities, show a highly trained individual, and that does not match the man being described by friends, family, and neighbors. The scope of what this man was capable of, all point to a highly trained covert CIA operative or other agency operative. I honestly believe that the people of that event, were lucky that this man was not able to inflict even higher casualties than he did. He did not use his explosives, and his bullets were unable to penetrate the fuel tanks.

God must be watching over us, because the information coming out, proves that this man wanted to create a much larger disaster. Thank God for his intervention. God Bless America, and Keep Her Safe. God Bless The American People, and Continue to Support Many to be Heroes. God Help All those Dead, and Injured by This Evil Man. Thank you to all the brave and heroic people at the Las Vegas attack.

Pride in America.

The American People should feel great pride in this great republic. The United States of America has the most powerful military, and we are very proud of the work they do, each and every day. President Trump has proven himself to be a very patriotic president and we should be very proud of his America First policy and his Make America Great Again policy. The American People have been having a hard time lately, with attacks and disasters coming all too frequently. Our military, police, and law enforcement agencies have performed admirably and we are very proud of all of you. FEMA, the National Guard, and our various military branches have kept the death and suffering from the natural disasters low, and we are very proud of you. Our first responders to attacks on our people and the heroes who helped their fellow citizens deserve our praise and we are very proud of you. Our front line troops, dealing with ISIS, Afghanistan, North Korea, and many other battlefields, thank you for your service, we are very proud of all of you. The United States of America is the greatest nation on earth, and its citizens are proud of their Heritage, Constitution, Flag, Pledge of Allegiance, Anthem, and overall rights and freedoms. The American People are thankful to all those who protect and keep us safe.

God Bless America and Keep Her People Safe. God Bless All the Lost Souls Who Have Died, an Comfort All the Remaining Souls Who are Suffering. God Bless All Those Who Have Helped Others in Their Suffering. God Bless All the Righteous People and Curse All Who are Unrighteous.

We Feel Sorry, for America.

We feel sorry for all the tragedies striking the United States. The shooting of the Republicans on the ball field. The crisis with North Korea. Hurricane Harvey hitting Texas. Hurricane Irma hitting Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Florida. Hurricane Maria hitting US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The latest is the horrible massacre at Las Vegas, Nevada. Our sincerest condolences to all the American Victims, and our honest thanks to the first responders and rescue workers. The United States has been under a huge amount of stress from these horrendous attacks and disasters. God Bless America and Give Her People the Strength and Endurance to Overcome these events. God Bless All of the American People and Keep Them Safe.

Puerto Rico and Social Media Withdrawals.

Social media withdrawal is affecting many who live in Puerto Rico. The power grid is destroyed as well as many of the cell towers. Airports, water ports, hospitals, and shelters, are being restored and set up. Fema has been working tirelessly with military and national guard to provide humanitarian relief, logistical support, and infrastructure repair. The media has shown people looking for cell phone service, then waiting in long lines for gasoline for their vehicles. Without power, the younger generation is going to start showing signs of withdrawal. This is going to be a wonderful opportunity to study the affects of social media on the younger generation. This tragedy is being remedied quickly so soon you will see many postings from Puerto Rico. May God keep the American People of this tragedy safe.

Sorry Mr President.

The DC Establishment has been fighting you every step of the way, in regards to implementing your ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda. Congress has been largely impotent at all major legislative policies that help your agenda. The US Senate has been been the worst, from holding up your appointees to failing their promises to the American People. The Resist movement of the Democrats has been able to stifle your progress forward, but that has been due to their underhanded actions. You need to expose these actions to the American People. The American People need to see your backbone, and lately we have not seen this. The Main Stream Media is making you look like an incompetent politician, and your backing of the Republican party politicians, and your failure to bring Democratic party politicians to justice, are hurting your image in the eyes of the American People. Peace through Strength is not just for foreign relations but also for domestic relations.

You have been tough with other countries and we are very proud of you on that front. You have been weak on showing the American People strength at home. We all know that Former President Obama, and his administration, used political espionage through the intelligence agencies, to create, propagate, and falsely accuse, you and your incoming administration of colluding with Russia. Where are the investigations into this? The Democratic National Committee (DNC) was not hacked by Russia. Where is the investigation into this? Former FBI Director Comey, rigged the outcome of the Hillary Clinton email scandal, colluded with US Attorney General Lynch and probably Former President Obama, in regards to this, as well as the infamous Trump Russia Dossier that the FBI pushed forward to surveil your campaign, transition, and the start of your administration. He also leaked memos of meetings with you as well as committed perjury in regards to the dossier, DNC hack, and the wiretapping of Trump Tower. Where are the investigations into this? The Intelligence agencies all lied to Congress. Where is the investigation into this? Former President Obama modified 12333 to make following the leakers harder and to ensure problems for you and your administration, as well as lied about surveillance. Where is the investigation into this? Obama Whitehouse documents were sent to the Obama Library to ensure no public access to them for 5 years. Where is the investigation into this? We have seen so much fake news, false data, and false testimonies. Where are the investigations into all this? Where are the statements to let the American People know the lies that were told to them? Where are the testimonies before Congress of Former President Obama, Christopher Steele, and the FISA judges? Many of the American People are divided on these issues because no information has been publicly announced, and no actions appear to be taken. Mr President, you appear weak to the American People in these areas, and that is why your ratings are still low. Many American People do not realize that you are innocent, and therefore they view you as guilty because the narrative is still being pushed by Democrats and the Main Stream Media. You must stop this narrative, and then the country will unite a bit more, and your ratings will improve. The liberal American People believe Mueller will find evidence for your removal from office. Straighten them out!!! Also make the Department of Justice and Congressional Intelligence Committees, tell the TRUTH !!!

The Alabama Senator race is just one example of how the American People are viewing your judgments lately. The American People are putting politicians in place to assist you, that believe in your agenda. The existing Republican Party is filled with members of the swamp and if you and US Attorney General Sessions can not or will not drain the swamp, then the American People will, through the power of the Vote.

Dear President Trump,

We, the American People, want to see TRUTH, STRENGTH, HONESTY, NATIONAL PRIDE, RESPECT and Adherence to the RULE OF LAW. DO NOT CHANGE from the man we voted for. DO NOT let the swamp overcome you. We have your back, when you stick to the agenda. GOD BLESS YOU and GUIDE YOU, MR PRESIDENT. God Bless America, and make her Great again.


The American People