Sorry Mr President.

The DC Establishment has been fighting you every step of the way, in regards to implementing your ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda. Congress has been largely impotent at all major legislative policies that help your agenda. The US Senate has been been the worst, from holding up your appointees to failing their promises to the …

Are You A Proud American?

Are you a proud American? Do you know the Pledge of Allegiance? Can you say the Pledge of Allegiance? Here it is: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Do you …

President Trump, We Want Justice, NOW!!!

Dear Mr President, On this page you will find links to stories about the conspiracy against you. The Time has come for you to do something about this. The evidence of illegal political espionage against you during the campaign and after is beyond refute. Make your DOJ do something now. We respect you Mr President, …

America is Back.

Thank you President Trump for your inspiring speeches both at the United Nations and today at Alabama. The United States of America, is proud of our President Trump, and his restoring of the Spirit of America. The world is once again respecting the United States, and the American People are feeling pride and hope once …

Conspiracy Exposed?

According to story in True Pundit six intelligence agencies conspired to wiretap Candidate Trump. Here is the Story link and in case that site is shut down we will copy the text. EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as NSA Front to Spy on Campaign Posted on September 20, 2017 by Investigative …

The Conspiracy Grows.

The conspiracy against President Trump is growing larger day by day. Perjury charges, at a minimum, should be filed against Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and Rogers. Former President Obama should be brought in for testimony due to expanding 12333 and lying to President Trump and the American People. They said that there were no FISAs and …

America is Proud of its President.

President Trump made the American People proud today. The days of diplomatic courtesies and lies are gone with President Trump. President Trump’s United Nations speech was honest and straight forward. He let the world know his America First policy. He let the various countries know that the United Nations needs to reform and perform its …

President Trump’s United Nations Speech.

President Trump gave his United Nations speech today. He spoke of his vision of reforming the United Nations into a functional institute for peace. He spoke clearly of the United States of America’s policy of “America First”, and where the nation stands on foreign policy. He called out North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela, on their …

Government, for the People, by the People.

The American People are under siege, and the war to take our country back is under way. We have many things that need to be changed and/or corrected. President Trump is our Commander in Chief, and is leading the way to a better future for The United States. Here are some of the major problems …