Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!??

Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!?? What has President Trump done to deserve such hate from the Liberal Left? Has he started a war? Has he destroyed the economy? Has he weakened the Military? Has he spied on American Citizens? Has he taken away any of the rights of American Citizens? Does he …

Save The Evidence. Take Them Down.

Save The Evidence. Take Them Down. We, the American People, are seeing evidence and witnesses disappearing in regards to the corruption within our government and its agencies. President Trump needs to order that the evidence be confiscated and secured so prosecution can occur of those who attempted a frame up and soft coup of his presidency. …

Prepare The Military !! Protect The President !!

Prepare The Military !! Protect The President !! The threats against the President and the First Family must be taken seriously. They attempted to assassinate President Reagan and they will do so against President Trump. Prepare the Military to implement action against all who are conspiring to Harm or Kill President Trump and members of …

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???

Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ??? God is the Ruler of Heaven and Earth. God gave us his laws. God told us that we would be judged, to see if we are worthy of entering Heaven. The gifts that God offers are beyond the comprehension of most people. Knowledge, Immortal Life, Perfect Health, …

Destroying the USA from within.

Destroying the USA from within. The problems we are facing, are Not new. Many people want to come to the United States of America because they want what the American Citizen has. The American Citizen is supposed to have a better life than people from other countries. The problem is, they do NOT. Just 50 …

Conspiracy To Take Down President Trump.

Conspiracy To Take Down President Trump. We, the American People, now have confirmation of the conspiracy to take down our President Trump. The DOJ IG report has texts showing the FBI agent and DOJ lawyer plotting to “Stop Him” meaning Donald J Trump, from being elected, and if elected, the insurance policy to ensure sabotaging …

Cover Up. Evidence IS Missing.

Cover Up. Evidence IS Missing. Strange how evidence is suddenly going missing from multiple cases. DWS server has been reported as stolen. DWS laptop was supposed to be delivered to prosecution but was given to defense by mistake. Hillary Clinton server was bleach bitted. DNC server has never been accessed by FBI to this day. …

The Light Conquers Darkness.

The Light Conquers Darkness. Heaven Vs Hell. Good Vs Evil. God Vs Devil. Intelligence Vs Ignorance. Truth Vs Lie. Law Vs Chaos. This world is on the verge of one of the greatest events in history. The Immortal Living God will visit Earth and Judge it. This has been prophesied for thousands of years and …

USA and North Korea Prepare for Summit.

USA and North Korea Prepare for Summit. United States President Donald J Trump and North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un are now both in Singapore for their historic peace summit. The world is watching with great anticipation that this summit may lead to an end of the Korean war and a stabilization of the Asian …

President Trump, The USA Stands With You.

President Trump, The USA Stands With You. We, the American People, are very proud of President Trump, and thank him for his service to US. President Trump, you have done more for US in a such a short time than we thought was possible in one full term. May God Bless You And Guide You. …