Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

We see too many people jumping to judgement lately. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Those that accuse must provide irrefutable evidence that will stand up in court and against cross examination. These are the rights of every person living in the United States of America. Today we are seeing many people do the opposite. They are presuming guilt until proven innocent. Politics uses smears and lies to change opinion and therefore votes. We see evidence mounting against those who have been the accusers lately. Many accused President Trump of colluding with the Russians to win the election, but now it looks like the Obama administration played the American People for fools. The evidence is mounting that the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign set up the Russia scandal to try and take out President Trump. We have seen many people accuse President Trump with no evidence. The time has come for all of you to prepare your apologies. President Trump will soon be vindicated and the time to pursue those that conspired to overthrow a sitting president will begin.

We see many accusers of sexual allegations coming forward lately. Though we need to take these allegations seriously, we must also remember that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The accusers must provide irrefutable evidence that will stand up in court and against cross examination. Senator Franken has a damning photo, and he provided the apology his accuser wanted. I have seen no evidence from his other accusers as yet, so he must be presumed innocent at this time. Representative Conyer has made payments/settlements but we have not seen the evidence against him, therefore he must be presumed innocent at this time. Former President Bill Clinton has a lot evidence against him and he was found guilty of the many sexual allegations. Roy Moore has many accusers and the little evidence against him has not been verified as authentic, therefore he must be presumed innocent at this time. President Trump has had many accusers but we see no evidence therefore he must be presumed innocent at this time.

We see many stories with anonymous sources, and many of them have proven to be fake. To the American People, I say, Innocent Until Proven Guilty. We see many smears and lies, especially if politics are involved. Every accuser must provide irrefutable evidence of their claim against an accused, or that is all it is, a claim, that can not be backed up or proven. 

Should We Trust Obama Era Intelligence Officials?

Should we trust Obama Era intelligence officials like Brennan, Clapper and Comey, when they lied to congress, media, and the American People? At this point, it would be advised that anything these men say, should be put in question. They used a fake dossier to spy on a presidential candidate, and a president-elect, then lied about it. The hacked DNC appears to be an inside job, according to former NSA, yet it is still being said that Russia did it. With all the lies and conspiracies coming out of the former Obama Administration, all previous intelligence should be re-verified and confirmed true or false.

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 29: (L-R) FBI Director James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan testify during a hearing before Senate (Select) Intelligence Committee January 29, 2014 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee held a hearing on “Current and Projected National Security Threats Against the United States.” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Truth or Deceit? Which Do Want America?

The American People need to take back our country. We are tired of lies and deceits that are pushed on us that merely advance the hidden agendas of our politicians. We,the American People want our rights protected, we want our borders secure, we want to be safe, we want our laws enforced, we want our history and traditions to live on, we want to feel proud to be Americans. We are tired of feeling like second class citizens inside our own country, we are tired of seeing illegals and non-citizens being treated better than the US Citizens, we are tired of our weak borders and immigration policies, we are tired of rampart government corruption and our justice system failing to enforce the rule of laws, we are tired of lies and deceits when we can see them, we are tired of the inaction of the executive branch to investigate and prosecute the crimes we see, we are tired of the judicial branch letting people go free and making judgments based on politics not law, we are tired of the legislative branch and its failures to enact laws that benefit the American People, we are tired of being treated like fools.

The American People want change and reform that benefits all the US Citizens first, all the Legal Permanent Residents second, and all those legally visiting our great nation third. The United States of America is rich in heritage and tradition, but we are being destroyed from within now. Our children know nothing of our American history, and even less about history on the whole. The children think that their parents and grandparents grew up with all the luxuries and electronics of today. They have no idea what life was in the past. We, older Americans, need to teach them what life was like in the past. Electricity and combustion have transformed the world into what it is today. The last 100 years have seen many advancements, but the children do not realize that computers and cellphones have become common only in the last 30 years. The children are our future, but if they do not learn how to love this country, they will just give it away along their freedoms. The republic of the United States of America will cease to exist and will fall as the Roman Empire did, unless we teach the children the American spirit and show them how to love and protect this great nation. God Bless America and save her for the future of the world.


Our Hearts Go Out To New York City.

Our hearts go out to the victims of today’s terrorist attack in New York City. Thank you to the first responders for taking out the terrorist and helping the victims. May God take the fallen to his side, and help those injured to heal. May God keep the United States of America safe and help our military and law enforcement to defeat radical Islamist terrorism. God Bless America.

The Tides Of Change.

The American People are beginning to see the change we have long sought. The Trump/Russia scandal is nearing its close with no evidence against the President. The Clinton Email scandal and the Uranium One scandal investigations are now being opened. The Clinton campaign and the DNC appear to have paid for the fake Trump/Russia dossier. The dossier was used to obtain the FISA warrants, and was even included in the intelligence report on Russia attempting to influence the election. The Podesta Group and Fusion GPS are now being placed under the microscope. We are still waiting to find out which Republican candidate was the original purchaser of the dossier. We are still awaiting the appointment of a second Special Counsel. The conflicts of interest that now are apparent require this appointment. Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, and various others are now witnesses and/or suspects in these investigations therefore making it unacceptable that they continue working on these investigations. Attorney General Sessions needs to appoint a second Special Counsel, that will overtake the Uranium One investigation, Clinton Email investigation, and the Political Espionage investigation. The cleaning out of the Executive branch is now a priority, and the investigations that are now beginning, at least demonstrate that the Trump Administration is attempting to bring back the Rule of Law. The American People are seeing the tides of change, and should be happy that we are returning to a traditional United States of America.



The time to take back our country is now. American history and traditions need to be taught once again. The Pledge Of Allegiance, respect for our Flag, respect for our National Anthem, respect for our nation, and national pride, as well as the belief in God, Justice, and the rule of law, all need to return to the American People. The US military and veterans, are the keepers of these traditions and many know our American history as well. They are the proudest, bravest, and strongest, Americans that anyone will ever know. They keep this nation free and now it is time for them to teach the rest of the nation, especially the younger generation, what it means to be Americans, and how to love this great republic of the United States of America. The disrespect of our nation, military, law enforcement, President, God, laws, and values, must be ended. The American citizens must be taught once again what “by the people, for the people” means. The people, are the American people, not the illegal immigrants, not the legal immigrants, and certainly not the foreigners who visit our nation. Only US citizens can vote and determine who our elected officials are, and what laws will govern us. In the United States, the US citizen is the most important US asset. The children today are being taught that this is not so, and that the rights of others, whether they be foreigners, immigrants, or illegal immigrants, supercede their own rights. The time has come to teach our children that the US citizen is above all others inside the United States, and that no one is above them due to race, religion, or creed.

A time of great change is upon us and the American Spirit is about to be renewed. The United States of America is about to become ‘Great Again’. God, morals, and rule of law are returning and gaining strength. Ignorance and evil, are being battled right now, and the righteous with the blessing of God shall overcome and win. God Bless America and give the American people the understanding needed to overcome the evil that sought to overcome us.

The American Soldier

The American Soldier is the pride of the United States of America. The American Soldier lives, fights, and sometimes dies, for the nation they love so much. The greatest patriotic Americans are those who serve in the United States military. The love they have for this great republic of the United States of America, is so much more than the average US citizen has. They live and breath the United States of America. They protect the United States of America, and represent her proudly, with respect, honor, and duty. They are the greatest and most feared warriors the world has ever known. They are the best of the best, and it is they who keep the light of freedom from being extinguished. Our active duty military, and our veterans, keep and hold the traditions of this great nation. 

The United States of America, is proud of its military and its service. The American People are having some problems lately, but we will work them out. Our traditions are under attack here in the United States, but with the help of President Trump, our military, and our veterans, we will bring back the American Spirit to its people. We will have our people respect our nation, our flag, our anthem, and our traditions, again. Love of country, pride in nation, and belief in God, are returning, and will continue to grow. The Main Stream Media, Democratic Liberals, and the Un-Americans, are trying to use and smear the lives lost by our military, for political points, and it is disgusting. General Kelly, did us proud, and lets hope they will listen.




The Great Patriots are brought home with honor, and not left on some distant battlefield to rot. The reverence and honor due to them, is not lost on the military, veterans, and their families. Let us grieve as a nation, but show the proper respect for the deceased heroes and their families. May God bless our military and keep them safe, and give comfort to those families who have lost someone. God Bless America.

Busy Days for President Trump.

President Trump has been very busy lately. Today he announced his new pick for Dept of Homeland Security. He signed an executive order undermining parts of Obamacare, that will allow insurance to be sold across state lines and to allow the sale of policies that do not require all the statutes of Obamacare policies. Yesterday he had a speech in Pennsylvania to let everyone know his Tax Plan. He also gave an exclusive interview to Fox News.

The Main Stream Media has been putting forward FAKE stories that have been refuted. The Democrats are in meltdown mode over President Trump’s executive order. North Korea is making threats of war, as usual. Iran says it will start up its nuclear program if President Trump decertifies the Iran Nuclear Deal. Overall President Trump is doing a wonderful job, and driving the liberal Democrats nuts.

President Trump, the American People thank you for your hard work and recognize your great love for this nation and its people. God Bless President Trump, and The United States of America.

The United States Needs Your Help To Battle Her Enemies.

We need law and order to be restored in this nation. We need our children to be taught properly, how to be Americans. We need to rebuild our nations armed forces. We need to secure our borders and throw out anyone who does not belong. We need to stop waste and corruption within our cities, states, and federal government. We need to bring religion back into the lives of Americans. We need to instill the American Spirit back into our people. We need to develop beyond our existing technologies to take control of our future. We need to fight against evil and its many forms.

Today we have President Trump, and his message of ‘Make America Great Again’ and his policy of ‘America First’ have brought us hope of overcoming these evil forces and having God shine on us once again. The corruption in Washington DC is going to take time to drain, and we must believe it will happen. We can all help by voting, for people who will help our President. We must teach our children, family and American values. We must speak out against evil, and not let it take our voice from us or our children. We must report crime and corruption when we see it, or it will continue. We must take back our homes, cities, and country, from those who would take our rights, break our laws, and take our freedoms away. We are Americans and we are no one’s slaves. We will be the Greatest nation on earth again, and our people will prosper under our Constitution, Flag, and Anthem. God Bless America, and Make Her Great Again.