The Almighty God Is Saving The United States Of America.

The Almighty God Is Saving The United States Of America. We are now seeing the awesome power of the almighty God/Allah/Yahweh. President Trump was elected against all odds and with all the powers of evil against him. The plots to rig the presidential election failed. The plot to take him down via lies and deceptions of wrong doing, and the continuous negative media with their smears, are unable to take him down, because God/Allah/Yahweh is giving him strength and guidance. The United States has made the greatest recovery in the history of the world, due to God/Allah/Yahweh and the man he appointed to be president, President Trump. The Battle of Good Vs Evil is now upon us and God/Allah/Yahweh is keeping his promises as well as President Trump. The United States of America is a constitutional republic that was created based upon the belief and laws of God/Allah/Yahweh. The powers of evil have been trying to destroy the United States of America due to this. They are trying to destroy our belief in God/Allah/Yahweh, and they are trying to destroy our ability to be the Army of Righteousness and Truth. They want you to believe there is no God/Allah/Yahweh, and that the ways of sin and lawlessness are not wrong but are your rights. The truth is that good follows the laws of God/Allah/Yahweh, and that evil does not. This is the founding principle of our justice system and law enforcement system. God/Allah/Yahweh has allowed us freedom of choice as long as it falls within his plans. God/Allah/Yahweh has destroyed individuals, armies, cities, countries, and even most life on earth before, and can easily do it again. The fear of God/Allah/Yahweh and should foremost in our thoughts and actions, and we should seek to be good and righteous children of him. The time has come to return to the ways of God/Allah/Yahweh, and we are not talking about following the will of the priests/Mullahs/Rabbis that twist the laws and words of God/Allah/Yahweh. The truth and the ability to know right from wrong, are the responsibility of each and every one of us. We are born a blank slate with no knowledge, and must learn as we grow up. We must learn to read and write. We must learn math and science. We must learn the laws and regulations of the society we live in. We must learn good and evil, right from wrong, through our studies of religion and law. We must not accept what others say is true but find out for ourselves.

They used to say that the world was flat. They used to say that the sun, moon, planets, and stars rotated around the earth. They used to say that the solar system was unique and the only one with planets. They used to say that the heavier object would fall faster than the lighter object. They used to say that man could never fly. Today they say Heaven is a place where you go when you die. Today they have forgotten that Hell exists. Today they have forgotten that God/Allah/Yahweh has promised a judgement day. Today they have forgotten that God/Allah/Yahweh has taken his most faithful to heaven in the flesh. Today they have forgotten that God/Allah/Yahweh can resurrect the dead. Today they have forgotten that God/Allah/Yahweh gave us prophets and prophecies and that God/Allah/Yahweh keeps his word. Learn the truth and become good in his eyes or face his wrath and judgement.


President Trump VS New World Order.

Dear President Trump,

The time has come for you to order a complete investigation of the former Obama Administration. The conspiracy and coordination of the Agencies of The United States of America, as well as Foreign Powers both Ally and Hostile, to stop your election and overthrow you if elected, are very apparent to the American People. The laws, rules, and regulations, of The United States of America, have been broken, twisted, and distorted, in an attempt to get rid of you, and go against the wishes of the American People who want to “Make America Great Again”. The American People are proud of you, and The United States of America is once again becoming Great and recovering under your leadership. God has truly blessed The United States of America and you are blessed and guided by his almighty hand, for there is no other way to explain the victories over the evil that sought to destroy US. Truth and The Rule of Law must be restored, if we are to survive this battle of good vs evil. The American People reject the New World Order (Globalists) that would destroy US and create a system resembling feudalism where the masses are controlled by keeping them ignorant and filling them with lies and deceits. The Power and Will of God, will not be thwarted by the evil people who think they can maintain control over the Children of God. Mr. President, you must fight these evil people with Truth, Understanding, and the restoration of our US Justice system. The evil people have infiltrated the highest levels in our government and society, and you are the only one who can restore our Great Republic of The United States of America back to the enforcement of the US Constitution and the principles upon which make this nation Great. Mr. President, clean out the filth and corruption in the Executive Branch. You have the right to demand the investigations be undertaken. You have the right to demand the unredacted documents Congress is seeking, to be brought to you. You have the right to fire anyone in the executive branch who disobeys a direct lawful order from you. You are the CEO of the executive branch, and the Commander in Chief of the US military. Mr. President, use your article 2 constitutional powers to clean house in the executive branch and agencies, and make the American People proud of you once again. God Bless President Trump And The United States Of America.

Obama Administration Used Foreign Spy Agencies Also.

Obama Administration Used Foreign Spy Agencies Also. President Trump and the US Congress need to have all information brought to the attention of the world and to convict all persons involved in this frame up and attempted coup of a duly elected United States President. The actions of the Obama Administration are treasonous and the traitors need to be brought to justice and punished. It is bad enough weaponizing our intelligence agencies, but they also colluded with allied spy agencies and possibly Russian spy agencies, to subvert the campaign, election, and presidency of our President Trump. Why is it that the Mueller investigation did not turn this up and pursue? The Mueller investigation is a sham and due to these events and their failure to disclose and pursue is treasonous sedition, gross negligence, and dereliction of duty. Criminal charges are needed against Mueller and any and all persons involved in this outrageous breach of ethics and cover up. It is now clear that Military Investigations and Tribunals are now required to bring Justice and to catch all the players involved in these treasonous acts. They attempted to incite war with Russia, and colluded with Ally spy agencies to stop the election, and impede the presidency of President Trump. Foreign relations with all countries involved in these actions should be seriously questioned and maybe even considered acts of war. This is unacceptable and demands a strong response. Put the troops on high alert and round up the seditious traitors and let the military tribunals begin. God Save And Bless America, And Destroy All Her Enemies Foreign And Domestic.



The Fight To Save The United States of America.

The Fight To Save The United States of America. The American People are Not stupid or idiots. The Un-American Radical Democrats, their Cronies, and the Main Stream Media, are the enemies of the American People. Instead of admitting to the truth and seeking to expose it, and correct it, they are trying to tell us that it is okay to spy on your own citizens, even if they are running for president, as long as it is to benefit them. Hillary Clinton is one of the biggest crooks we have seen in a long time, but they exonerate her before interviews, give immunity to all her cronies, let them destroy evidence, and even let them destroy subpoenaed evidence, and never treated her the way they treated President Trump, without any evidence. Where is innocent until proven guilty? Where are the investigations, indictments, and trials of those that evidence has been found against? Has the DNC server been seized and search to verify the Russian hacking? Has the Russian bank server that was pinging the Trump server been investigated? I remember the Russian bank asking for help from US to determine who hacked into them. Has the British Spy Christopher Steele been indicted and extradited to the US? Have Hillary Clinton and the DNC been called in to testify about the fake dossier they paid for, and that campaign money paid foreign operatives? What about DWS and the Awan Bros espionage? What about British Intelligence Spying on the Trump campaign at the request of the United States? Why does it look like we have a broken justice system that only goes after republican/conservatives, yet not democrats/liberals? The Mueller investigation was told to investigate Trump/Russia collusion and anything that comes from that investigation. Where are the investigations, indictments, and trials of those on the Hillary Clinton/ Obama side that affected our elections. Where is the investigation into the Obama DHS going into voting machines during the election?




President Trump, we the American People demand action be taken to restore Justice For All and The Rule Of Law.

God Bless America And Make Her Whole Again.

Remember Our Soldiers, And American History.

Remember Our Soldiers, And American History. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have passed on from life, and to remember the way they lived and died. The American People have a rich history of historical battles, wars, fights, and accomplishments. On this day let us remember and reflect on all who have passed away, but especially upon those who dedicated their lives to keep our American Republic the land of the free and the home of the brave. The American People must remember our history and the actions of so many Americans that have made and kept this great nation of The United States of America, alive and a beacon of freedom and justice for all. Today we remember our dead and our fallen. We give thanks to how they have enriched our lives and reflect upon the values and traditions that they stood for, and passed on. God Bless America And All Those Who Believe In Him.

We Now Have A President Of The United States Of America.

We Now Have A President Of The United States Of America. The American People thank President Trump, for finally taking charge of the Executive branch. May God Bless And Guide President Trump. The American People have been waiting for their President to take charge of the Executive branch and to finally realize the power of the office he was voted to occupy. We congratulate President Trump on this first step and look forward to him restoring the Rule Of Law and Justice For All. We expect to see major shakeups and meltdowns from the DC Swamp and fake news Main Stream Media, as they scramble to attempt to stay in power, and out of jail. President Trump has the victim for far too long and the American People need to see strength at home as well as abroad. The Un-American Radical Democrats, DC Swamp, and Main Stream Media, need to the strength and spirit of the American People, as well as their duly elected President. We have seen that the Obama Administration attempted to destroy this Great Republic from within, and then tried to destroy and hinder the President we elected to save US. The only weakness we have been seeing from this President has been the taking control of the homeland and executive branch. Our hearts have been heavy seeing the bashing everyone has been giving President Trump here in the USA. President Trump has just shown US that he is still a fighter, and our hearts have been lifted by this. We still await justice for those who attempted to overthrow our President using the most vile and evil of tactics we have ever seen. We still await the return of the rule of law, which the states and executive branch agencies have twisted and abused to attempt to take down the USA. The sworn oaths of the traitors to the USA, must be enforced and discipline in the ranks restored. God Bless America And Make Her Great Again. The American People are NOT blind idiots, but if you watch the MSM (Main Stream Media) you would think we just elected the Devil, and that our previous president was God on Earth. The Righteous are filled with Understanding, and seek the Truth of all things. President Trump has told us the truth much more than the others in government. He has kept his promises to US, which is so refreshing. He has his good points, and bad points, because no one is perfect. He believes in God, prays, and has brought religion back to US. He is a very rich man, and yet he desired to become president and save the country he loves. He must love God and country a helluva lot to put up with the attacks and abuse he does. The Unrighteous are filled with Hate and Anger, and their Lies and Deceits are filled with Untruth. They worship the Devil and seek only power and riches for themselves. They seek to destroy God and the USA so they create a NWO (New World Order) or OWO (One World Order) that they control. They seek to keep humanity from entering Heaven, from being worthy to be with God, and from receiving the wonderful gifts God has promised. They want to spread Ignorance and Evil so they can prove to God that Humanity is Primitive and Worthless, and should be destroyed. Are you worth saving?

President Trump, you need to be strong at home, and show the American People that God guides you and protects you. God Bless America And Guide The Righteous To Heaven.

Prince of the Religions.

Prince of the Religions. If the Prince is on Earth at this time, then the prophecies are being fulfilled. What is the purpose of this Prince? You may want to start to do some research, and to do some soul searching. God/Allah/Yahweh is very real, and very powerful, and his prophecies and teachings have been with us for a very long time. The Prince is a tool of God, placed on Earth at this time, to assist God with his plan for us.

The Prince was born in the United States of America. When he was seven years old, he was visited and told, “You are a Prince. Find your way back to us”. He lived in a middle class neighborhood and went to public school. He had a hard time growing up, because he was different, and picked on by everyone, including his own family. He excelled at school and learned all he could about rockets, UFO,s, ancient legends, and many other subjects. He was and still is obsessed with star travel and returning. He had breathing problems while growing up and this kept him from pursuing many activities, so he could pursue knowledge and understanding as was God’s plan, but he was unaware of this, until later. He was allowed to become a US Marine, and he learned electronics, and some of the cultures of the world. He spent four years in the US Marines, and during his time God kept the US from war. He has developed theoretical technologies that will allow humanity to progress in advancement, but he has been told that he is wrong by many people. He has settled down and married, but is not allowed to have children of his own. There have been many strange happenings in his life, and some still question his sanity. He is not rich, and owns very little, but he still develops himself. He has accepted his life this way though he wishes it could be different. He has shown that a common person can advance in knowledge and understanding. He has shown that humanity can advance, but that evil keeps them from doing so. He has advanced in his understanding of religion and prophecy. He has come to know how to judge and that he will play a role in judgement day. He desires for as many people as possible to someday enter Heaven. He does what he can, and waits for God to let him do more.

We hope that you will progress and make yourselves worthy to God and Heaven, for the gifts they offer the Righteous Children of God. We hope that you will learn and travel on a path of righteousness that leads to knowledge, understanding, truth, and enlightenment. May God Bless And Guide All His Righteous Warriors And Children.

The RULE OF LAW is gone in the United States of America.

The RULE OF LAW is gone in the United States of America. The American People have NOT seen JUSTICE or the RULE OF LAW restored yet. The corruption and law breaking are seen all over the place, and NOTHING is being done to bring them to justice. Instead we see a system of cover up and slow walking, that makes our Justice and Law Enforcement systems an absolute joke. The principles of which this nation has upheld for hundreds of years are gone. The President of the United States was framed by the very agencies and institutions that are sworn to uphold the constitution, and the investigations are still ongoing by these same people, yet there are no charges against them. The Attorney General recuses himself due to conflicts of interests, but the investigators and those in charge of the investigations have much more conflicts of interests yet they still remain. No charges have been brought up against these traitors, and no actions appear to be taken to do so. The United States is on the verge of a collapse, and if nothing is done soon to restore the US Constitution and the Rule Of Law of which it guarantees, than we will soon see riots and martial law declared. The American People have Rights and Privileges, that are being ignored. EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW is not supposed to be just a saying, it is supposed to be the LAW OF THE LAND. President Trump has done well on many things that he promised, taxes, economy, military, foreign policy, and somewhat immigration issues, but he is failing as chief of the Executive Branch. President Trump needs to reign in the agencies of the executive branch and take charge. Rule Of LAW must be restored NOW!!! The Executive Branch is supposed to provide oversight of the Judicial and Legislative Branches. Why are the corrupt politicians not being found and prosecuted? Why are the corrupt judges not being found and prosecuted? Why are you letting corrupt people within your own Executive Branch undermine you? Why are you not enforcing the recusals of the people investigating you when they have obvious conflicts of interests that require it according to law? Mr. President, DO YOUR JOB!!! These people have sworn an oath to uphold the US Constitution, just as you did. They have broken their oaths, and it is your sworn duty to hold them accountable. You may become one of the greatest Presidents of US history, or you may become the President who let the United States be destroyed by lack of leadership of your own executive branch.

The United States of America is in crisis. The roots of our democracy are being destroyed from within.

One citizen, one vote is the biggest root, and it is dying. Illegals immigrants, legal permanent residents, criminals, and even dead people are voting. Busloads are being brought into districts they are not qualified to vote in. Hacking of election systems by Obama DHS has also been said to exist. Corrupt voter station personnel have also been reported. Our voting systems are priority number one or we lose Democracy.

Our borders must be secured or an army can come across and destroy us from within. The illegals can vote and make footholds in the communities, and as they take over they can dictate and change the laws to be beneficial to them and destroy us from within. They can also smuggle in goods such as arms and drugs where they can take over our people by destroying their minds, or making our communities unsafe. These are terrorists tactics, and ISIS is a prime example as well as the Taliban and Hamas.

The Rule of Law must be applied equally or the general masses will eventually revolt. Right now we see that a former President corrupted our systems and attempted to rig an election by a lot of different means and failed. He then framed the incoming President with false crimes and attempted a coup using executive branch agencies and employees, various politicians, and even the main stream media. The only thing that saved President Trump was getting the Senate and House intelligence committees to investigate the “wiretapping”. With all the evidence pointing to these criminals and traitors, and no action being taken against them, we see weakness in leadership and failure to uphold rule of law. Corruption must be purged or all is lost.

These principles must be restored or we will lose our republic and all that our forefathers created. God Save America.