President Trump WAS ‘Wiretapped’.

The republican and democratic memos confirm that the Trump campaign, Trump transition, and Trump Presidency, were spied on using US Government NSA Surveillance through FISA warrant obtained using fake dossiers paid for by Clinton campaign and DNC. The Obama administration, Deep State, Main Stream Media, and Democratic Party, have conspired to spy and overthrow a Presidential candidate and President of the United States. The American People are not stupid and the facts are showing that the Democrats used any and all means available, legal and illegal, to try to take down, the Trump campaign and when they lost, the Trump Presidency. President Trump has given up much for the American People and The United States of America, and we thank him for saving our American Spirit and way of life. We thank God for his infinite wisdom and love of this great republic. May God Bless America and Bring Her Back to Greatness.

We pray that justice will prevail and that these traitors will be brought to justice and their treason will be exposed for all to see. Their are many investigations and soon we hope to see the fruit of their labors. We almost lost our republic and thanks to God and President Trump, we see a resurgence in country, religion, military, law enforcement, economy, and American Spirit. We, the American People, love our God, Country, Freedoms, Rights, Rule of Law, and our Great President who is saving our way of life. Thank you President Trump, and thank God for looking after the USA.

Safety Does NOT Equal Gun Control.

Safety does Not equal gun control. Safety can only be assured with perimeter control. Put a wall around that which you to protect. To allow people in and out of the area, you put gates. To restrict when people have access, you lock the gates when they are not to enter. If you wish to restrict weapons from entering the area, you put armed guards and metal detectors at the gates. If you wish to restrict drugs and explosives you add drug and bomb sniffing dogs at the gates. This is done at our government buildings and courthouses, and our prisons and secure military sites. The reason it is done this way, is because it works. Disarming the population violates the 2nd amendment and creates an atmosphere where the armed criminals or government could control the population with no recourse. The United States has not been invaded by a conquering army, due to the general population being armed and able to defend itself.

The mass shootings that have occurred in the schools, can be controlled by the means listed above. Our schools would probably be even safer than are now because gangs would not be able to bring in weapons or drugs also. The mass shooting that occurred in Las Vegas is a completely different case. The assailant modified 2 weapons to BE automatic weapons, and used bump stocks on the others to make them  ACT automatic. Having spotters and sharpshooters at large outdoor events is probably the only way to reduce the number of deaths and injuries. The church mass shooting is being handled by having armed personnel present during masses.

Restricting access to guns only makes us less safe, and more vulnerable. The problem with mental illness could easily be solved by making everyone with a gun permit submit to annual or bi-annual mental health checkups. This would ensure that people with mental problems could be identified and receive treatment before they use their weapons on the population. May God Bless America and Give Her The Wisdom To Overcome Such Sad Tragedies.

Florida School Shooting.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the students, teachers, and residents in Parkland, Florida. May God Help All Of You In These Trying Times And May He Give You Strength And Comfort. We grieve for those who lost their lives. We pray for those injured to recover. We are saddened for what this community has had to endure, and hope for a full recovery for those affected by this event. We thank God that the number of deaths and injuries was not even greater. The training of the school personnel, teachers, and students, in situations like this, kept the majority of people alive and unharmed. Thank you to all the brave souls, living and dead. Please remember to be strong, brave, and have the courage to overcome and advance from this tragedy. The hearts of the American People are with you, and we grieve with you also.

The evil acts of this young man will see that he remains in jail and may even face the death penalty. His actions are evil and inexcusable. In the coming days we will learn more about this evil man and how he was able to obtain the weapons and equipment, as well what can be done to strengthen our defenses against such attacks.

We have a message for all the American People. “Stay vigilant in these times of trouble, and inform authorities when you think someone wants to do harm to others.” God Bless America, and Protect Her People.

President Trump And His Mission To Save USA.

The American People are beginning to see the extent of damage that corruption within the US Government can cause. Former President Obama tried to affect the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Donald Trump won the election and became our 45th president, which was an outcome that he refused to accept. He and his deep state shadow government, then conspired to frame President Trump with Russian collusion which would lead to impeachment and his removal. The Changing/Saving event for President Trump was the Congressional Intelligence Committees agreeing to investigate the allegations by President Trump that Former President Obama had wiretapped Trump Towers. If the Congressional Intelligence Committees had been Democrat controlled and refused to investigate, then the conspiracy would have worked and President Trump would have been impeached and removed. The time line of events so far can be viewed at posts and you can judge for yourselves. Our Great Republic was almost destroyed from within, and we thank God that he allowed the events to fall in the correct order that literally saved the United States of America. The time has come to purge the evil from within and bring glory back to God and country. God Bless America and Make Her Shine Under Your Guidance and Protection.

ObamaGate. The Democrats Worst Nightmare.

ObamaGate is set to explode, and the Democrats are in total panic. The conspiracy to overthrow an incoming president by the outgoing president is unheard of. The abuse of power goes far beyond what we have publicly seen. The Obama Administration conspired to affect the election process by spying on the political opponents of Hillary Clinton and when that failed they conspired to impeach the incoming president with a phony Russia collusion story that could only be disproved by having the Intelligence Committees of Congress look into it. The federal gag order placed on the President by the FISA courts made it virtually impossible for him to defend himself. Look back at President George W Bush being silenced when he attempted to tell people during a speech due to this. He attempted to put an investigation in the Democrat controlled Intelligence Committees of Congress but they refused to investigate thereby making disclosure to the American People impossible. President Trump would have been impeached if he had not had the Intelligence Committees of Congress look into surveillance at Trump Towers. The President was lucky enough to have a Republican controlled Congress or else Former President Obama’s plan may have worked. Now the Democrats are in panic mode due to the Intelligence Committees revelations of FISA surveillance abuses. This is only the beginning of the investigations of the Obama Administration and all its associates. The charges of collusion and obstruction of justice are made up in attempt to overthrow President Trump. The government corruption, also known as the DC Swamp, fears President Trump and his cabinet because they can and will, expose and remove these elements that are undermining our this great nation. The American People should thank God that President Trump is a highly intelligent and effective leader, or else we might have been destroyed from within from these traitorous elements.

It should also be noted that we have some strings that have not been addressed. The first is the claim that Russia hacked the DNC server. The DNC server was never formally checked by the FBI, but a third party that claimed Russia hacked it and provided the required information. The second is the claim from the Russian bank that was pinging the Trump server, that it was hacked and requested assistance in determining who did it. What information is available about this? The third is in regards to the Obama Whitehouse documents that were sent to the Obama Library. Were the documents ever obtained and looked at? If not, why not. If yes, what did they find in them? Fourth, as to election machines, was it ever determined why some machines were putting votes for President Trump as votes for candidate Clinton? If recollection is correct only one machine did the opposite. Fifth, was Russia falsely accused and sanctioned? If so, then all those involved should be found and convicted of conspiring to incite war. These are just some of the things we still need answers to. I hope someday to know the answers to these questions.

God Bless America and The American People. God bring Justice and Rule of Law back to this nation and world.