Thank you, President Trump.

Thank you Mister President, for your leadership and courage. We, the American People, see the battles you are having with the Main Stream Media and the DC Establishment, and pray for your success. The American People stand behind our President and approve of your agenda. You need to tweet a little more, to let us …

The Threats of North Korea.

The threats coming from North Korea should not be ignored. We should respond with military action equal to their provocations. They shot a missile over Japan again. We should shoot a missile over North Korea. North Korea likes to think that it has the United states in a bind. China and Russia should do more …

Battle: Media vs American People.

Many media outlets and individuals are so hostile to Trump supporters and conservatives. They spread lies and negative opinions, hoping the American People are stupid and ignorant enough to believe them. I know we are all seeing many stories about the criminal acts that various politicians and staffers are committing, and wondering if investigations are …

War Between Good and Evil.

The war between good and evil is escalating. The world is entering the End Times, and God is preparing for the Day of Judgement. The fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, super storms, and the change in the positions of the sun and moon, are all signs spoken of in the various religious scriptures of the world. This …

Climate Change Does Not Explain Global Changes.

The change in the position of where the sun and moon rise and set is at the core of the climate change debate. The earth is shifting, and climate change is not causing it, but is being increased because of it. The icecaps melting and putting more water in the atmosphere is creating greater storm …

America of the Future.

The America of the future, is very different than it is today. We will have antigravity vehicles, fusion energy, directed energy weapons, forcefields, health scanning, photonic radar and communications, light to electricity power conversion, starships, and many other wonderful technologies. Optical circuitry that will allow us to progress beyond binary computers. The future is so …

President Trump, Thank You.

We the American People would like to say Thank You to our President Donald Trump. You have worked tirelessly through Hurricane Harvey and now Hurricane Irma. You have coordinated the evacuations, rescue, and relief efforts, to save American lives. We also wish to extend our Thanks to the many people who are assisting the American …

God Help Florida.

Please be aware that Florida will be hit by Hurricane Irma, probably cat 5, this weekend. The hurricane is predicted to ride up the Florida Peninsula. May God keep everyone safe, and give them the strength and endurance necessary to survive and overcome this tragedy. Federal, State, and Local Authorities have been working well together …