In God We Trust.

In God we trust. One nation under God. So help me God. These phrases have existed since the creation of this great nation. They are on our money, in our pledge of allegiance, and in the testimony of witnesses. The original systems of law for this nation and many others are based on the laws …

Chemical Weapons Will Not Be Allowed.

Chemical Weapons Will Not Be Allowed. The US, Great Britain, and France, conducted targeted strikes on Syria’s chemical weapon manufacturing and storage facilities. The airstrikes were done in retaliation to yet another confirmed chemical attack done by the Syrian government. The Use of Chemical weapons is Forbidden by international laws and treaties. The United States …

The Power Of God.

The power of God is beyond the comprehension of most people. God is an immortal being who rules Heaven and Earth. He is the God of Gods and the King of Kings. Throughout the ages he has directed the destiny of mankind whom he created. The time has come for the People of Earth to …

Perception and Intelligence Needed.

How many people actually see the Big Picture? Many people only know and care about their own little bubble? How many people only know their neighborhood? How many people only know their tri-city area? How many people know their county area? How many people know their state? How many people know their tri-state area? How …

God, Grant US Patience…

God, please grant the American People patience as they wait to see justice done against the Un-American Radical Democrats and their cronies. The crimes against the American People and President Trump shall soon become known to all the world. The evidence is being collected, there are many sealed indictments, and the American People will see …

God Is Great !!!

Remember God this day for the displays of his awesome power. God is always with us, yet few truly believe. Plagues, pillars of fire, parting the sea, healing the sick, water to wine, resurrecting the dead, the great flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the fulfillment of the prophecies, the laws he gave us, …

Conspiracy Against President Trump Confirmed !!!

Former President Obama and his administration illegally spied on the Trump Campaign, Transition, and Presidency, yet Special Counsel has never investigated, interviewed, or indicted, anyone that participated in these illegal activities. President Trump is the victim of a treasonous plot, to first stop him from being elected, and then to frame him so he could …

The Return of The United States of America. Enemies Beware !!!

The United States of America is returning from the brink of destruction. The American economy is booming. The American Spirit is returning to its people. The American Military is strengthening and the world is learning to fear its might once again. The Main Stream Media keeps attacking our President Trump and putting forward their Un-American …

Prepare For War !!! Defend Our President !!!

Democratic congressman’s call to arms against our President. Former Obama Administration officials and Democratic Politicians are making threats against our President. We, The American People are ready to take up arms to protect our President. Active duty and reserve military are prepared to defend our nation and president. Veterans are prepared to defend also. NRA …