God, please grant the American People patience as they wait to see justice done against the Un-American Radical Democrats and their cronies. The crimes against the American People and President Trump shall soon become known to all the world. The evidence is being collected, there are many sealed indictments, and the American People will see the arrests and trials shortly. The corruption within the government is massive and it takes time to set up airtight cases that will lead to convictions. The leaks that have occurred are to give the American People knowledge that justice is in the works and to be patient for a little while longer. President Trump and the American People are well aware of the attempted coup and the massive amount of criminal activity the Un-American Radical Democrats have done. The frustration of the American People and President Trump is very real and causes us to want action fast and decisive, but our justice system does not work as fast as we would wish. We see many resignations, firings, and reassignments, as well as many not seeking re-election. The swamp is large and the deep state well embedded, so it takes time to prepare the draining and clean up. Pray to God for patience and justice for America. Evil can hide in plain sight so one must identify all the parts and remove them with precision. We must make sure we get all of them or else they will come back like the cancer that they are. President Trump is highly intelligent and so are the people he has selected to high positions in his circle. The globalists, NWO, OWO, are scattered around the world, and are trying to control it. They want people to be evil, ignorant, and brainwashed, so humanity can be controlled and never advance to the next stage of development. Once a field drive is created and we can travel the planets and stars effectively, the teachings and prophecies will all come to pass. God is raising his children to enter heaven, and become as angels. The American People have great potential, and are being given the chance to lead the way for others. Have patience, and Trust in God. Remember our money says “IN GOD WE TRUST” for a reason. God Bless America and All Americans Who Believe In Him.