A New Beginning.

A New Beginning. The Time has come to Advance Humanity. I see no better time to Advance you then now. Here is your future and the next step in your development. The harnessing of photons is the next step in your technological development. Be careful with this technology, and use it wisely. Do you understand??? …

False Evidence Created False Investigation.

False Evidence Created False Investigation. Evil People are trying to stop a God/Allah/Yahweh Appointed President of the United States. God/Allah/Yahweh is trying to save as many people as possible before the coming Judgement Day. God/Allah/Yahweh is giving people the chance to redeem themselves before the big day. The Righteous of God/Allah/Yahweh can soon rejoice, for the Kingdom of …

We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh.

We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh. God/Allah/Yahweh has blessed the United States of America, and we thank him for appointing President Trump. God/Allah/Yahweh give Strength, Endurance, and Patience, to your God-Fearing Righteous and Faithful Warriors of the Light. God/Allah/Yahweh let Truth, Knowledge, and Understanding, be distributed among your Army of the Righteous, so we may Battle and Destroy those who are …

We Are NOT Idiots !!!

We Are NOT Idiots !!! The Dept of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have failed the American People. The Clinton Email Scandal showed more than just Clinton Corruption. Why have we NOT heard of all the email abuses that have been shown to have occurred ?? Former President Obama was communicating under barack@obama.com …

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching.

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching. God/Allah/Yahweh wants to see his Warriors of the Light put forth and enforce the principles of Truth, Rule of Law, and Justice. We are seeing the Truth come out, slowly but surely. We are not seeing the Rule of Law, or Justice yet. The United States of America, has always held the principles …

It Was A Set Up !!!

It Was A Set Up !!! All the new evidence points to a total and complete set up of President Trump. The Trump/Russia Collusion is about to be completely dead. The evidence is overwhelming against the Obama Administration. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Dept, and Obama Whitehouse, all colluded to attempt to frame President Trump …


Treason. We hear the word often these days, and the American People, know what it means. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/treason  and the law dictionary: The offense …

United States Military Intelligence.

United States Military Intelligence. You never hear anything from them but they exist. Carter Page was a Naval Intelligence Officer, but little is said about this. Admiral Rogers was the one that informed President-Elect Trump of the spying, and President-Elect Trump moved his transition team to Bedminster NJ. We know that Admiral Rogers was  U.S. Cyber …

Evidence Cover Up !!!

Evidence Cover Up !!! With all this evidence and articles, how come the American People are not seeing investigations, indictments, and prosecutions??? Instead we see cover up, wrongful redactions, and failures to go where the evidence leads. We are seeing evidence going missing, witnesses dying, and falsifications/alterations of documents. If the American People do not …

Blessed By God/Allah/Yahweh.

Blessed By God/Allah/Yahweh. Are you one of the Blessed?? Does God/Allah/Yahweh guide you in your life?? Does God/Allah/Yahweh punish you when you try to sin?? Are you different than all the people around you?? Have you seen UFOs?? Have you been instructed in some way?? Do you have strange abilities that no one around you has?? Do …