God, Grant US Patience…

God, please grant the American People patience as they wait to see justice done against the Un-American Radical Democrats and their cronies. The crimes against the American People and President Trump shall soon become known to all the world. The evidence is being collected, there are many sealed indictments, and the American People will see the arrests and trials shortly. The corruption within the government is massive and it takes time to set up airtight cases that will lead to convictions. The leaks that have occurred are to give the American People knowledge that justice is in the works and to be patient for a little while longer. President Trump and the American People are well aware of the attempted coup and the massive amount of criminal activity the Un-American Radical Democrats have done. The frustration of the American People and President Trump is very real and causes us to want action fast and decisive, but our justice system does not work as fast as we would wish. We see many resignations, firings, and reassignments, as well as many not seeking re-election. The swamp is large and the deep state well embedded, so it takes time to prepare the draining and clean up. Pray to God for patience and justice for America. Evil can hide in plain sight so one must identify all the parts and remove them with precision. We must make sure we get all of them or else they will come back like the cancer that they are. President Trump is highly intelligent and so are the people he has selected to high positions in his circle. The globalists, NWO, OWO, are scattered around the world, and are trying to control it. They want people to be evil, ignorant, and brainwashed, so humanity can be controlled and never advance to the next stage of development. Once a field drive is created and we can travel the planets and stars effectively, the teachings and prophecies will all come to pass. God is raising his children to enter heaven, and become as angels. The American People have great potential, and are being given the chance to lead the way for others. Have patience, and Trust in God. Remember our money says “IN GOD WE TRUST” for a reason. God Bless America and All Americans Who Believe In Him.

God Is Great !!!

Remember God this day for the displays of his awesome power. God is always with us, yet few truly believe. Plagues, pillars of fire, parting the sea, healing the sick, water to wine, resurrecting the dead, the great flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the fulfillment of the prophecies, the laws he gave us, and many more. Give praise to God and hope for the day of judgement, so that it will be heaven on earth. Remember God and Life, for he has power over death. Heaven is the realm of the stars, and God’s everlasting kingdom. We enter heaven in the flesh, as the most notable figures in religion also did. Remember God, keep his commandments, and serve him by becoming the best human being you can be. Always seek the truth, and see through the lies and deceptions that can lead you astray. Keep righteousness in your hearts, light, truth, and knowledge in your minds, and let your hands produce good works that bring love and hope to you and the people of earth. May God Bless You and Show You The Light And The Way.

The Return of The United States of America. Enemies Beware !!!

The United States of America is returning from the brink of destruction. The American economy is booming. The American Spirit is returning to its people. The American Military is strengthening and the world is learning to fear its might once again. The Main Stream Media keeps attacking our President Trump and putting forward their Un-American Radical Democrat agenda, but their ratings are going down and their funds are drying up. The Un-American Radical Democrats are being exposed, and their crimes are coming to light. Spying on political opposition candidates, targeting opposition groups, rigging elections using cyber and illegal immigrant voting, illegal use of intelligence agencies and abilities, teaching our youth to hate America and embrace Un-American Radical Democrat views, weakening our Military, destroying our economy, weakening law enforcement, protecting illegal immigrants over American citizens, removing American Traditions and History, removing the belief in God and religious freedom, aiding the enemies of the United States, attempting to overthrow a duly elected President Trump, conspiring to destroy the United States of America, obstructing the political appointees of our duly elected President, and many more. The Un-American Radical Democrats have conspired to weaken and destroy our great nation from the outside and the inside. The American People have been duped by these Un-American Radical Democrats for far too long. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are being severely abused, and our rule of law is being ignored. The Truth is no longer being told, and lies and propaganda are being spread as if Truth. Our children are not being taught properly, and parents should be very worried. Handwriting is gone. Proper english is gone. Arithmetic and math are gone. History is distorted now. Calculators, computers, and smartphones, are being used instead of pencil and paper. Our children are idiots without their toys. Our children are the future, and the parents and schools are supposed to prepare them. The American People need to return to basics and make sure our children are prepared for the future.

The future is not as it is today. Electricity, combustion, and propulsion, are merely steps in technological advancement. Fusion, photonic circuitry, and field drives, are the next step in technological advancement. Imagine a country having hand held laser weapons, fusion power, field drive vehicles that defy gravity, field drive vehicles that allow rapid star travel, and shields that can repel attacks. The country that enters that phase first will dominate the world. The technologies of today can not withstand against such technology, and that is why UFO’s and aliens are feared so much. The United States of America is going to be the nation that first gets this technology, because God has deemed it so. The future is brighter than anyone realizes, but their will be drastic changes that this world can not imagine.

God Bless America. God Bless The True American People Who Believe In Him.

Advances In Science Required.

Advances in science are required to allow Humanity to move forward as a race. We have come a long way in 200 years, but we are stagnating again. The devices we have today may seem complicated but they run on simple concepts. Combustion and electricity are the two principles used most in society today. Do you ever look up at the stars at night and wonder about what they are? Just 50 years ago, we believed that we were the only star that had planets around it. The big bang theory came about because the universe appeared finite, yet as we advance in telescopic technology, we see further and further, and always find more stars. We are just beginning to harness the photon and our next step in technological development lies in that direction. The technologies of the future are fusion, lasers, field drives, and star travel. We need to encourage young minds to think of the future, instead of giving them devices that take away thought and mental development. We need advances in science soon or we face much hardships in the near future. We shall bring you further information soon.

May God Bless America, and Those of Humanity He Finds Worthy.

Propulsion Vs Field Drive.

Propulsion systems use fuel to make an object move forward. Field drives create a bubble around an object so it can push or pull itself in the desired direction. If we could create a field drive than we would be able to travel at extreme velocities without the effects of inertia killing us. Living on Earth, we are traveling over 1000 MPH just standing on the surface, and in relation to the sun, we are traveling at 67,000 MPH. We do not feel the inertia of this travel, yet it must exist because we are traveling at this speed. If we could create a vehicle that could make us act like a photon, we could travel at the speed of light. This is not outside the realm of reality, but our scientific community is just a bunch of idiots. They need to begin to think of ways to advance humanity, and continue its existence. We can see light or photons from billions of light years away, and it does not require additional fuel to keep traveling. When you use a compass, it is reading the magnetic field of the Earth, not the magnetic field of the Sun. If there are extraterrestrial beings visiting us then they must be using a technology similar the one described to travel because propulsion can not take us to the stars effectively or efficiently. It is time for Humanity to advance beyond its primitive technologies, and we hope to inspire and guide our race to the next generation technologies that will ensure our continued existence.

North Korea Should Worry.

The false alarm of an incoming ballistic missile in Hawaii should worry North Korea. North Korea is now a nuclear equipped enemy and should probably want to set up an emergency communications line with the United States because their country could have been destroyed as a retaliatory nuclear strike. The people of North Korea should worry that their country could be destroyed by an error of any number of systems. If an asteroid or piece of space debris were to set off our systems in a way that appeared to be a missile from North Korea, they could easily be destroyed by a US nuclear response. Many stories and movies have been made of the possibility of nuclear war from errors. North Korea should feel lucky today that they are still alive. North Korea may want to set up a system that ensures that they are not destroyed accidentally by the US. One missile launched and viewed as a threat could bring the complete destruction of their nation. We have at least seven nuclear submarines in the area, three B2 nuclear capable bombers in Guam, and multiple warheaded ICBMs, not including the three Navy carrier groups and their armaments. North Korea should think twice about taunting the United States. We could lose one or two cities, but they would lose their entire country and people. North Korea wanted to enter the big boy game but they can not destroy the world, The United States can. Caution should be used by North Korea, because one error can bring their destruction. God Bless America, and please bring sense to North Korea.

The World Needs A New Direction.

Have you ever thought about the future? What will our world be like in 50 years, or 100 years?

Will it be a world of wonders, or a world of tragedy?

In the last 100 years, humanity has seen the following:

From horse drawn carriages to various powered automobiles.

From muskets to atomic weapons.

From viewing birds to traveling to the moon.

From small cities to cities populated by millions.

From a single radio station to worldwide communications networks.

From performing calculations on paper to super fast mega computers.

The following problems have been created or increased:

Overpopulation. From less than 3 billion people to over 6 billion people.

Pollution. A steadily increasing problem that affects all of us. The air we breath is filled with contaminates and the oxygen we need to live is being depleted faster than it is being created.

Ignorance and Illiteracy. A large percentage of U.S.. residents can neither read nor write. The dropout rates at the high school level have steadily increased. College tuitions continue to increase to the point where many are denied higher education due to lack of funds or they must endure years of debt.

Crime, individual and organized. This is a steadily increasing problem due to economic times further stressed with overpopulation and a weak penal system that treats criminals better than the poverty stricken populace.

Taxes. Federal taxes were started during world war II. Federal and state taxes have steadily increased and the benefits provided by these taxes have decreased due to the allowing of the politicians and corporate heads to control the benefits according to personal whims.

Famine. With population increasing, our ability to grow enough food will begin to steadily decrease. With the over-fishing of our oceans we are steadily decreasing our future food sources, for when the fish run out the populace will have to consume more of the land grown and bred food sources. People are starving even in the U.S.. where obesity has become a major problem.

Lack of clean freshwater. In most areas of the world there is polluted and/or below standard water. The water in many areas has chemical, biological, and/or human/animal waste.

Lack of living space. Rents have steadily increased over the years and now that the economy is doing poorly, many people are being forced into the streets because their income has fallen yet the landlords and banks still expect to receive full payment.

Unemployment, lack of work. This is due to poor planning by world and business leaders, also overpopulation and lack of technological advancement.

Failing economy. Due to corruption of world and business leaders, and their poor judgment. Also, due to lack of new products and technologies. Oil, gas, and electricity are primary to many of the existing technologies today and the ones who control these products have done everything in their power to prevent the emergence of any technology that threatens to make their products obsolete, no matter how beneficial to humanity or the future.

This is the world you know and live in. A world filled with many problems. War, hate, ignorance, corruption, greed, selfishness, lack of resources, and lack of caring. A world on the verge of self-destruction. A world where money and domination over others is cherished more than love and the welfare of others.

I know times are tough and the problems we face will only grow worse before they get better. The problems need to be faced now because we do not have much time left to do so.

The main problem humanity faces is overpopulation. There are only two solutions to this problem. The first is to kill off part of our population and implement strict birth control regulations. This is not acceptable and creates a way of thinking detrimental to the expansion of the human race. The second solution is to develop the technologies necessary for star travel and find a new world that we can relocate our excess population to. This is not possible with our present technologies. Time and resources do not exist to allow today’s technologies to solve our problem. In 50 years our population will nearly double again. The solution is to devise and develop new technologies that will allow time-efficient star travel and not cause rapid depletion of our resources. This new technology should also be pollution-free, so we can use it to clean up our world and provide better conditions for our people. We must also reform our present political, social, and economic systems.

Government, for the People, by the People.

The American People are under siege, and the war to take our country back is under way. We have many things that need to be changed and/or corrected. President Trump is our Commander in Chief, and is leading the way to a better future for The United States. Here are some of the major problems we have.

The Republic of the United States of America is built upon Democracy. This principal is one citizen gets one vote. If you are not a citizen than you can not vote. Voter fraud has been proven and it appears to be just as bad as President Trump has alleged. Many states are fighting the President’s commission on voter fraud. When the core principal of voting is interfered with, than the will of this republic’s people is not honored. Restrictions must be put in place to ensure that the process is maintained to the highest standard. Many illegals, felons, and permanent residents are voting. This is a violation and law and must be prosecuted. The democrats are trying to stop the President’s commission. The Russians did not affect our elections, but many votes that were cast inside the United States were fraudulent.

The Former President Obama, his administration, the intelligence agencies, and the deep state, have all conspired against President Trump, with the fake Russia story. The fake Russia Dossier. The fake claim that Russia hacked the DNC server. The political spying on a presidential candidate, and president-elect, using the NSA database. The fabrication of the whole Russia/Trump collusion story. The statements made on tv interviews, and sworn statements in front of Congress, that have now been proven false. The failure of the Main Stream Media to pursue this conspiracy and report it, are part of a cover up now to protect liberals, and keep their base from knowing the truth. Justice must be served, and we hope that this conspiracy is taken seriously and that convictions are coming.

The failure of the school systems to teach our children properly is a big issue. Our children are being indoctrinated with liberal ideas such as transgender, gay rights, black privilege, illegal immigrant rights, Muslim religion/teachings, while US History, English, World History, Math, science, pledge of allegiance, National Pride, and conservative views are being ignored. The education of our children is supposed to prepare them to be Patriotic Americans having the knowledge of our heritage and culture, and the basics of education. What are our schools teaching our children today? Ask your children basic US history questions and you too will be surprised at what they do not know. The United States is in serious trouble when its young people have no idea what it is like to be American Citizens. It appears we are being destroyed from the inside, and this is unacceptable.

The censorship that appears to be showing up now is also disconcerting. The FCC needs to start monitoring the suppression of conservative ideas and the enhancing of liberal ideas on all media platforms. Cable, radio, and internet are all being abused and censored and we need to correct this trend or lose ourselves as a nation.

The rule of law must be restored within the United States and the two tier justice system must be abolished. If the American People continue to see that justice for the poor does not exist than we as a republic may soon see a revolution by the people. Corruption is verified when the public knows that wrongdoing has been done and no actions have been taken to punish the wrongdoing. The executive branch is responsible for the prosecution and investigation of these crimes. Maybe it is time to make a list of ongoing investigations to made public. If the wrongdoings that we see, are not being investigated, then we have proof of a two tier system and corruption.

We need a border wall to stop illegal immigration, slave trade, drugs, and smuggling. The border wall needs to be funded, so the border can be secured. The military should probably be used to protect the southern border until the wall and more border patrol officials can be obtained. The illegals already inside our nation must be removed due to they are abusing many systems that should be for people who are legal. Medical, welfare, housing, school loans, voting, and many other services are being abused. The cost to the American People is outrageous and giving away our prosperity is unacceptable.

The corruption within our government needs to be taken care of soon or else we are going to fail as Rome did. Federal, State, and local governments should all be reviewed and corruption should be exposed and corrected. The swamp needs to be drained, but not just in Washington DC. The systems have allowed corruption for many years and must be restored to previous times or else our republic will fall. This is not an assumption, it is a reality as history has shown.

The Military needs to be strengthened and we need to make US interests a top priority. President Trump is working well on this, but more needs to be done. The United States should not be taking a backseat to any nation on this world. We also need to develop military technologies that will take us far ahead of other nations and ensure our success on the battlefield.

We need to develop the technologies necessary to bring us to the next stage of technological evolution. We have not had any major advances since world war two. We use fossil fuels and engines. We use rockets instead of field drives. We use missiles and projectiles instead of directed energy and various wave technologies. We use fission reactors instead of fusion reactors. We use binary computing when optical would provide so much more variations and uses. We use pills, shots, and chemo, when magnet, light, and sound, have many uses. We have many advances that need to occur, yet we are not pursuing them. Time to advance.

We are slowly bringing God back into society, and we need to analyze the worlds religions. Many religions of the world are intolerant about each other. President Trump could have a true Muslim ban if he wanted to pursue it. The Koran preaches intolerance of any other religion, and the destruction of any who are not Muslim. This goes against our right to religious freedom due to their religion seeks to destroy all others. This is a fact that can not be denied. Radical Islamist Terrorists participate in Jihad as written in the Koran. The Muslims, Jews, and Christians, all share the old testament but, due to divergences, now have made God seem as if he is different to each of them. World religions need to get together and discuss how to proceed past these religious dogma issues.

We have many things that need to addressed and this is only the beginning. May God Bless America, Keep Her Safe, and Guide Her According To His Will.