Mueller Investigation: Why is the RNC being looked into and not the DNC ???

Why is the Mueller investigation looking into the RNC and not the DNC? There is more than enough evidence showing that the DNC colluded with Russia and the Ukraine, yet all we hear about is he is going after President Trump, his administration, and the RNC. Where are the interviews and indictments against those democrats …

The American People President.

The American People finally have a President that is running the United States of America as a business with the American People as its shareholders. The American People, especially the middle class, have just received a ‘dividend’ from the United States government in the form of tax cuts and tax reform. The corporations that left …

Truth Cometh, But Will Justice Follow ???

The American People are finally seeing the Truth emerge. The crimes of the Obama Administration appear to be many, but will the American People see Justice? The illegal surveillance of a republican presidential candidate to the attempted overthrow of a sitting republican President are no longer conspiracies but based in facts. The corruption within the …

Presumed Guilty. United States in Jeopardy.

The American People must take a good look at themselves today. The American People must decide if we are a nation with the rule of law or if we are going to become a place of anarchy where the accused is “guilty until proven innocent”. We have seen many incidents lately that should have the …

Thank You Mr. President.

The American People wish to send our sincerest thanks to President Trump for all you have done us and will do for us. The economy is booming and 4th quarter estimates are almost 4% GDP. Mr. President, you are fulfilling your many promises and we, the American People, are proud to call you our President. …

Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

We see too many people jumping to judgement lately. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Those that accuse must provide irrefutable evidence that will stand up in court and against cross examination. These are the rights of every person living in the United States of America. Today we are seeing many people do …

Should We Trust Obama Era Intelligence Officials?

Should we trust Obama Era intelligence officials like Brennan, Clapper and Comey, when they lied to congress, media, and the American People? At this point, it would be advised that anything these men say, should be put in question. They used a fake dossier to spy on a presidential candidate, and a president-elect, then lied …