The Truth Comes Forth. God Is Saving America.

The Truth Comes Forth. God Is Saving America. The Corruption in the World is out of control and must stop. Former President Obama colluded with hostile foreign powers, allied foreign powers, multiple politicians, and multiple US agencies, to destroy the United States of America that he swore to protect and defend, all to advance Evil …

Spying. The Story Is Bigger Than We Think.

Spying. The Story Is Bigger Than We Think. Not only were US Intelligence assets used, but also those of Allies and possibly Russia. The United States of America is under attack by forces both foreign and domestic. The Former President Obama Administration did spy on Trump Towers via British Intelligence.  As you can see, the …

Weapons And Technology Far Beyond Ours.

Weapons And Technology Far Beyond Ours. We are primitive compared to God and his forces. Do you honestly believe that you can defeat the Armies of Heaven? Extraterrestrial beings and their technology have been reported today and throughout history, and no one on earth can defeat them. God is a being far beyond our development, …

The Almighty God Is Saving The United States Of America.

The Almighty God Is Saving The United States Of America. We are now seeing the awesome power of the almighty God/Allah/Yahweh. President Trump was elected against all odds and with all the powers of evil against him. The plots to rig the presidential election failed. The plot to take him down via lies and deceptions …

President Trump VS New World Order.

Dear President Trump, The time has come for you to order a complete investigation of the former Obama Administration. The conspiracy and coordination of the Agencies of The United States of America, as well as Foreign Powers both Ally and Hostile, to stop your election and overthrow you if elected, are very apparent to the …

Obama Administration Used Foreign Spy Agencies Also.

Obama Administration Used Foreign Spy Agencies Also. President Trump and the US Congress need to have all information brought to the attention of the world and to convict all persons involved in this frame up and attempted coup of a duly elected United States President. The actions of the Obama Administration are treasonous and the …

The Fight To Save The United States of America.

The Fight To Save The United States of America. The American People are Not stupid or idiots. The Un-American Radical Democrats, their Cronies, and the Main Stream Media, are the enemies of the American People. Instead of admitting to the truth and seeking to expose it, and correct it, they are trying to tell us …

Remember Our Soldiers, And American History.

Remember Our Soldiers, And American History. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have passed on from life, and to remember the way they lived and died. The American People have a rich history of historical battles, wars, fights, and accomplishments. On this day let us remember and reflect on all who have …