War In Heaven.

War In Heaven. The War for your Future began long ago. God/Allah/Yahweh Created Adam and Ordered his Angels bow down in Obeisance to his creation. All the Angels obeyed except Lucifer, who was God/Allah/Yahweh’s Brightest Angel. God/Allah/Yahweh did Not Punish Lucifer right away for his Disobedience and commuted Punishment until Judgement Day. Have you ever …

Obey God/Allah/Yahweh.

Obey God/Allah/Yahweh. The Ten Commandments of God/Allah/Yahweh must be obeyed to qualify for entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. Breaking these commandments causes Evil to increase inside you, and when your Soul is Weighed on the Scales, you will be Denied entry into Heaven.   The Evil Ones want you to believe that you can …

I Serve God/Allah/Yahweh.

I Serve God/Allah/Yahweh. I have little Love for this World called Earth. I have no free will as many of you appear to enjoy. I was told that I am Prince, and to find my way Back. I was 7 years old. They took me in a craft and showed me this World called Earth, …

Voting System Failures.

Voting System Failures. Today we are seeing an abuse of our US voting systems. The failure for various counties to report properly is a violation of voting laws and therefore the votes from those counties should be dismissed per law. Voting laws were created to make sure voter fraud does not occur and affect elections, …

Evil Ones.

Evil Ones. The Evil Ones are using Lies and Deceptions, to Coverup their Evil Deeds, and God/Allah/Yahweh is Exposing them using the Light of Truth and the Army of the Righteous. The Battle of Good vs Evil is upon US and the Evil Ones are using every Tactic they have to Destroy your Soul and …


God/Allah/Yahweh. God Is Allah. Allah Is Yahweh. Yahweh Is God. The God of Abraham is known by many Names, and Three major religions Worship him. The Religious Wars of the Past, have been Fought because of the Prophets and Priests Failing to See this. Yahweh Gave Us the Ten Commandments. Allah Gave Us the Ten …

EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.

EVIL Leaders And Their Followers. Do you follow God/Allah/Yahweh and obey his commandments? 1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven …

VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh.

VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh. The Battle of Good vs Evil is upon US, and God/Allah/Yahweh needs you to prove you are Worthy of Entering Heaven and receiving his Gifts. Vote for those who Fear God/Allah/Yahweh and Follow his Commandments. The Army of the Righteous needs to Take back our country by Voting for those within our …


EVIL And HATE. God/Allah/Yahweh Give Strength And Endurance To Your Army Of Righteousness. The Battle Between Good and Evil continues on, and Today we saw an Evil man kill 11 people in a Jewish Synagogue. The Police responded rapidly and engaged this Evil man, and captured him alive. We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh that more were not …