The Immortal God, The God Of Abraham.

The God of Abraham is the immortal God and known by many names. The Jewish people know him as YHWH. The Muslim people know him as ALLAH. The Christian people know him as GOD the Father, or just GOD. The same GOD is worshiped by all these people, so why do they refuse to get along and do the will of God? Many will say that their teachings are different. YHWH taught Moses and he taught The Jewish people. ALLAH taught Mohammed and he taught The Muslim people. GOD taught Jesus and he taught The Christian people. The Immortal God of Abraham taught all of them, but as is the usual case, the Message and Teachings change with each telling. The Jewish people were spoken to directly by the God of Abraham, and given many laws to follow. The non-Jewish people were given a simpler set of laws that allowed them to enter and interact with the Jewish community and the Immortal God. The Muslim people were given laws similar to the Jewish people but through the Prophet Mohammed. The Christian people were given laws similar to the Jewish people but through the Messiah Jesus. The Immortal God, The God of Abraham, chose the Jewish people, and gave them the promised land of Judea. He gave them the instructions to build the Ark of the Covenant. He gave them the instructions to build the city of Jerusalem. He gave them the instructions to build the Temple of God in Jerusalem. He told them that he would destroy the Temple and scatter them due to their sins. He told them he would return their land in the future, and did. The God of Abraham, The Immortal God, is real and very much alive, and still in control of this world. You people who believe in God, need to remember that God is all powerful and that his will controls us all. To all you Jewish, Muslim, and Christian people, know this, that the GOD you worship is the same for all of you and that your Rabbis, Imams, and Priests should be instructing you to live in peace with each other. May God show all of you his wisdom and strength and bring peace to your peoples.



Mueller Investigation: Why is the RNC being looked into and not the DNC ???

Why is the Mueller investigation looking into the RNC and not the DNC? There is more than enough evidence showing that the DNC colluded with Russia and the Ukraine, yet all we hear about is he is going after President Trump, his administration, and the RNC. Where are the interviews and indictments against those democrats that we actually know colluded with Russia and the Ukraine in opposition research dossier that actually was used to illegally spy on the Trump Campaign and President-Elect Transition? The American are not stupid and we see this as a bias. Why is the Mueller investigation only targeting President Trump and associates when it is supposed to be investigating how Russia influenced or attempted to influence our presidential election? Who procured the emails from the DNC server? Was it from outside or was it an inside job as the NSA analysts say? Did the US government bring in British intelligence to spy on the Trump Campaign and transition? Was the information provided in dossier provided by Russia or made up by Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS? Why are there no indictments for using a fake dossier to obtain FISA warrants? Why are there no indictments for spying on a presidential candidate and president-elect? Why is it that Mueller has not indicted the leakers? Why does it appear that the investigation is avoiding anything to do with the Obama administration, democrats, DNC, or the Clinton campaign? Justice is blind and the investigation is supposed to go where it leads, yet now we hear that it is expanding to the RNC, but not the DNC? We, the American People want justice and the rule of law. If the other side is not charged, then replace Mueller and give us someone who will do their job! God Bless America and bring rule of law back to our great republic.

The American People President.

The American People finally have a President that is running the United States of America as a business with the American People as its shareholders. The American People, especially the middle class, have just received a ‘dividend’ from the United States government in the form of tax cuts and tax reform. The corporations that left the United States will now be coming back due to the actions of our President and Congress. The American People will see jobs returning as a result of corporations building and reopening factories inside the United States. The middle class will now grow, and our republic will prosper once again. President Donald Trump should be known as ‘The American People President’. Our President Trump may be extremely rich, but now he works for the American People and the results are fantastic. God Bless America and President Trump. Merry Christmas to All.

Truth Cometh, But Will Justice Follow ???

The American People are finally seeing the Truth emerge. The crimes of the Obama Administration appear to be many, but will the American People see Justice? The illegal surveillance of a republican presidential candidate to the attempted overthrow of a sitting republican President are no longer conspiracies but based in facts. The corruption within the Obama era executive branch is undeniable now. How many people are involved, and how much damage has been done to our great republic, remain to be seen. The illegal surveillance obtained under the guise of a FISA warrant obtained using a fake Trump dossier, appears to be fact. The unmasking of Trump associates is fact. The Russian collusion narrative with all its leaks and illegally obtained data, is falling apart and about to concluded. The American People have been divided because the former Obama Administration sought to subvert the Presidential election, and when that failed, they tried to overthrow President Trump by using disinformation and lies to create the Russian collusion narrative. The American People must see this Truth and realize that this civil war of parties was not created by the Russians, but by their own government officials. The American People must unite and demand that Justice be served on all on those who would destroy us from within. The American People owe President Trump their respect and loyalty as Americans, and those who doubted him should at least stop attacking him, if not apologize. The Mueller investigation should continue and conclude soon, with the exoneration of President Trump. The Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice, has done an excellent job so far and should be commended and continue its investigations so the swamp can be drained and Rule of Law restored. The American People should be angry that the corruption exists and that Justice and Rule of Law have been abused and ignored. This Great Republic of The United States of America shall be restored and made stronger so that it will serve the American People for many generations to come and not fall as the Roman Empire did.

God has blessed this great country and its people, and will continue to do so, as long as it keeps faith and adherence to him and his laws. God Bless America and give her and her People the strength, endurance, and wisdom to overcome evil and temptation, and live in his light with truth, justice, and freedom for all. God bless President Trump and keep him safe, and give him the wisdom and strength needed to “Make America Great Again’.

Presumed Guilty. United States in Jeopardy.

The American People must take a good look at themselves today. The American People must decide if we are a nation with the rule of law or if we are going to become a place of anarchy where the accused is “guilty until proven innocent”. We have seen many incidents lately that should have the American People worried. Allegations are not sufficient to find one guilty according the rule of law. Allegations should be investigated, and if found to be accurate and collaborated, then charges should be filed in a court of law. It is up to a judge or jury, to find the accused guilty, not the court of public opinion. The accused has rights, and lately we are seeing those rights being ignored and/or usurped. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. The accused has the right to face their accuser in a court of law. The accused has the right to examine all evidence against them. The accused has the right to cross examine all evidence and witnesses against them. The accused has the right to testify on their own behalf. The illegal immigrants have been given more rights lately than even a US senator. Senator Franken was forced to resign, without a trial or inquiry. The President and senate candidate Roy Moore, have been accused, but as yet there are no trials and/or convictions. US representative Conyers had some settlements but we know only that. The accusations are flying, but in the United States of America, one must be found guilty by a judge or jury. All those living in the United States have the right of innocence until proven guilty. Many in the United States are also forgetting, that false accusations or the bearing of false witness, are also crimes that can be taken to trial. We are a nation of laws, and it is time for us to remember that. The Salem Witch Trials are a good example of the way things can go wrong, if the rule of law is ignored, or false witness is believed. The American People need to think long about this.

May God Bless the American People and the United States of America. May he give them wisdom to follow his laws and the laws of the land. May he show you justice and mercy according to his will.


Thank You Mr. President.

The American People wish to send our sincerest thanks to President Trump for all you have done us and will do for us. The economy is booming and 4th quarter estimates are almost 4% GDP. Mr. President, you are fulfilling your many promises and we, the American People, are proud to call you our President. Keep up the good work!!! God Bless America and our President Trump.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

We see too many people jumping to judgement lately. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Those that accuse must provide irrefutable evidence that will stand up in court and against cross examination. These are the rights of every person living in the United States of America. Today we are seeing many people do the opposite. They are presuming guilt until proven innocent. Politics uses smears and lies to change opinion and therefore votes. We see evidence mounting against those who have been the accusers lately. Many accused President Trump of colluding with the Russians to win the election, but now it looks like the Obama administration played the American People for fools. The evidence is mounting that the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign set up the Russia scandal to try and take out President Trump. We have seen many people accuse President Trump with no evidence. The time has come for all of you to prepare your apologies. President Trump will soon be vindicated and the time to pursue those that conspired to overthrow a sitting president will begin.

We see many accusers of sexual allegations coming forward lately. Though we need to take these allegations seriously, we must also remember that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The accusers must provide irrefutable evidence that will stand up in court and against cross examination. Senator Franken has a damning photo, and he provided the apology his accuser wanted. I have seen no evidence from his other accusers as yet, so he must be presumed innocent at this time. Representative Conyer has made payments/settlements but we have not seen the evidence against him, therefore he must be presumed innocent at this time. Former President Bill Clinton has a lot evidence against him and he was found guilty of the many sexual allegations. Roy Moore has many accusers and the little evidence against him has not been verified as authentic, therefore he must be presumed innocent at this time. President Trump has had many accusers but we see no evidence therefore he must be presumed innocent at this time.

We see many stories with anonymous sources, and many of them have proven to be fake. To the American People, I say, Innocent Until Proven Guilty. We see many smears and lies, especially if politics are involved. Every accuser must provide irrefutable evidence of their claim against an accused, or that is all it is, a claim, that can not be backed up or proven. 

Should We Trust Obama Era Intelligence Officials?

Should we trust Obama Era intelligence officials like Brennan, Clapper and Comey, when they lied to congress, media, and the American People? At this point, it would be advised that anything these men say, should be put in question. They used a fake dossier to spy on a presidential candidate, and a president-elect, then lied about it. The hacked DNC appears to be an inside job, according to former NSA, yet it is still being said that Russia did it. With all the lies and conspiracies coming out of the former Obama Administration, all previous intelligence should be re-verified and confirmed true or false.

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 29: (L-R) FBI Director James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan testify during a hearing before Senate (Select) Intelligence Committee January 29, 2014 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee held a hearing on “Current and Projected National Security Threats Against the United States.” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)