God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan.

God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan. Let it be known that God guides and directs this world and all its people including President Trump. Many of you fail to see God’s greatness and wisdom. God made Donald Trump run for President. God had all of you vote for Donald Trump. God gives President Trump the Strength and Endurance to do the job he directed him to do. God made a billionaire with the best life had to offer, run for, and win, the Presidency of the United States of America. The Un-American Radical Democrats did everything they could to rig the election for Hillary Clinton. They had illegals vote. They had the dead vote. They had the criminals vote. They hacked the election machines they could. They spied on Candidate Trump. God gave the American People the will to vote for Donald Trump to be President. They tried to frame President Trump with Russia collusion to overthrow his Presidency. God gave him a Republican Congress to allow him to have the intelligence committees to be able to bring their corruption to light. FISA and the NSA were abused, but the President could not tell the American People because of the federal gag order that prevents disclosure. God made all this possible and still people refuse to believe. Let the faithful of God know that President Trump was chosen to lead this nation, by none other than God himself. God Bless America and His Believers.

God Help America Save The World.

God Help America Save The World.

God Help America Save The World. America, also known as The United States of America, is in a struggle to save the world from Evil. America is the most advanced technological democracy on this planet. The world is facing a battle today, predicted long ago by God. Once again Evil is trying to destroy the plans of God, and keep the faithful people from entering Heaven, and being with God. Many people were told to watch for the signs, and with the Sun and Moon rising and setting in different spots, the events are happening for the EndTimes. The population of our world has grown to where it can no longer safely support all life, and therefore we are seeing food chain species becoming extinct faster than ever. The icecaps and glaciers are melting faster because the sun is more active due to it is shifting its magnetic poles. Our magnetic poles will follow shortly after. This is the reason for the increase in volcanoes and earthquakes recently. The severe storms we are seeing is due to an increase in moisture from the melting and an increase in solar wind, as well as a fluctuating earth magnetic field. These are troubling times and were predicted by God many thousands of years ago. God tried to let our ancestors know would happen, but as predicted many have twisted his words to their own benefits. Every religion has different stories, rituals, and laws that they say God gave them. They all have stories of God giving his laws, of his blessings and curses, and of the future events to unfold. Evil has twisted things to make people sin, and to keep them ignorant, so they can not enter Heaven by technological advancement and adherence to righteous laws and behaviors. God wants the People of Earth to join him in Heaven and become a star faring race with a bright future. You enter Heaven in the flesh, not by spirit. God created this world and has every soul that has ever existed, inside a repository, so they may be resurrected and judged at the end of his plan. We all know that God controls destiny and that his prophecies always come to pass. We know that God and his Messengers have come down from Heaven and that they have interacted with humanity in many ways. The time for your understanding is now upon us, and it is God’s will that his plan be fulfilled. God is an immortal being that is far advanced compared to us, and we can do nothing to stop his will or plan. Some say that he does not exist. Some say that we are alone in the universe. Some say that we are just ignorant animals that are not worthy of entering Heaven. Some say that we are able to become God-Like and that we are being carefully nudged to this end. What do you believe????

May God Bless America And Show Her his Greatness And Strength To Help Her Battle Evil And Save Our World And People. God Grant Understanding To All who Seek Righteousness And Truth.

In God We Trust.

In God we trust. One nation under God. So help me God. These phrases have existed since the creation of this great nation. They are on our money, in our pledge of allegiance, and in the testimony of witnesses. The original systems of law for this nation and many others are based on the laws handed down by God. Today’s generation has no clue of what God is. They say there is no God. They say they are the future but they will have no future. They no nothing about God, and reject everything about religion, therefore they will not follow the law according to God. They say that they are the future and we are the past. They say that their ways are the ways of the future and that God does not exist, and we are stupid to believe in a fictitious being. They say that God’s laws do not apply to them, for he does not exist. They say that God will not punish them because he is not real. They have never been taught history or religion. They have been allowed to sin without the threat of punishment for such sin. They do not believe in the prophecies of God and think we are stupid to believe. For those who believe, we remind them to read the prophecies of God and what he told us would happen. God told us these days would come, and that his judgments would befall them.

God is an immortal being who rules Heaven. Heaven is not another dimension that we enter when we die. Heaven is the rest of the universe. Once mankind has advanced beyond rockets, God will come and enforce his laws with judgment. God told us what would happen and we can only pity the younger generation for their ignorance and stupidity in not heeding the warnings and teachings. Soon the trumpets will be blown and the plaques will be unleashed. The evil will be punished and the good will see Heaven.

God Please Show The People Of Earth Your Existence And Great Power. God Bless The Good People Who Follow Your Laws and Fear Your Great Wrath. God Bless Your Faithful, And Turn The Minds And Hearts Of Our Children To Follow You.


Chemical Weapons Will Not Be Allowed.

Chemical Weapons Will Not Be Allowed. The US, Great Britain, and France, conducted targeted strikes on Syria’s chemical weapon manufacturing and storage facilities. The airstrikes were done in retaliation to yet another confirmed chemical attack done by the Syrian government. The Use of Chemical weapons is Forbidden by international laws and treaties. The United States has stated that they are not involved in the Syrian civil war, and that these strikes were done to destroy Syrian capabilities of making another chemical attack. The US has also told Russia that they have failed in their duties as guarantor, that the Syrian government had destroyed all its chemical weapons. The strikes have been completed and damage assessments and press briefings will be held around 9 AM tomorrow morning. God Bless You and Keep You Safe From Harm.


God vs Devil.

God vs Devil, which side are you on? Are you a warrior for God? Do you seek to do good and spread the truth, or do you seek to do evil and spread lies? The future of your world, country, and very soul, depends on which side you choose. God wants his laws observed, and for people to seek truth and understanding, so they can advance and join him in Heaven. The Devil wants people to forget God and rebel against God’s laws, and for people to live in ignorance and believe his lies and deceits, so they fail to advance and enter Heaven. The promised end times are upon us, and your future, and the future of mankind, are now playing out. For many years the people of earth have been told these events will and must occur, and to prepare yourselves for these times. Science and technology are about advance to a level that will allow entry into Heaven, and God has been working towards this goal. The Devil wants mankind to stay ignorant and primitive, so they will never enter Heaven and will destroy themselves, proving to God that his creation of mankind was a mistake. The stories passed down by many religions have told this story over the years in one form or another. The power of God is great indeed, and has been shrouded in mystery and prophecy, to bring this glorious day about. God wants us to join him in Heaven. The Devil wants to keep us from this goal. It is as simple as that. The evil ones on Earth that keep the world ignorant and under their control, fear these days, for when they lose, they will be nothing but chafe. Let those who have wisdom and understanding, bring knowledge and light to vanquish ignorance and darkness. Blessed be God and May He Grant You Wisdom and Understanding.

The Power Of God.

The power of God is beyond the comprehension of most people. God is an immortal being who rules Heaven and Earth. He is the God of Gods and the King of Kings. Throughout the ages he has directed the destiny of mankind whom he created. The time has come for the People of Earth to learn some truths they seem to have forgotten. Heaven is the vastness of stars and planets that you see in the sky and beyond. The Angels who are the Messengers of God have always appeared as men, and been given food and drink as welcome. The spirit world does not exist as it is preached today. The spirit rests in a repository created by God, where it resides until judgement day. On that day the spirit is reunited with the body and brought before God for judgement. The books of judgement are then opened and all the deeds of that person shown, both good and evil. Some special persons have been taken to heaven and always in the flesh, so Heaven must be in the physical world. God spoke through the Prophets and from what they preached and wrote, we have entered the prophesied End Times. Earthquakes, floods, massive storms, volcanoes, plaques, war, and the shifting of the stars at night are all occurring. The war between good and evil, light and darkness, truth and lie, or knowledge and ignorance, is under way. Mankind is now being placed under pressure to test the souls of its people and assist in the judgement of the same. Now is the time for people to become enlightened and gain understanding so that they might be judged worthy to enter heaven, or face damnation. God has the power to destroy all life on earth if he chooses.

The Lord of the Universe has power beyond your imagination. Have you ever seen a light in the sky that act naturally? Have you ever seen things in the sky that nobody else has? Have you ever felt a presence that you could not explain? Have you ever been compelled to change your actions by something around you that you can not explain? Have you ever wanted to do wrong and were punished by events beyond your control? Have you ever been saved by the words or actions of another that you do not even know? All these things are controlled by God. Never underestimate the power of God.

God Bless America and Keep Her Safe. God Bless the Righteous and Bring Evil to Damnation. May you walk in the ways of righteousness and enter Heaven.

Perception and Intelligence Needed.

How many people actually see the Big Picture? Many people only know and care about their own little bubble? How many people only know their neighborhood? How many people only know their tri-city area? How many people know their county area? How many people know their state? How many people know their tri-state area? How many people know their entire country? How many people know their tri-country area? How many people know their entire world? How many people know their solar system? How many people know their galaxy? How many people know their universe? How many people actually see the big picture?

If you are wondering what we mean by this, then you probably need to work on your perception. Knowledge, intelligence, and perception, allow people to progress. If you were able to go back in time, and bring today’s technology with you, what would our ancestors think about you? Would they worship you as a god? Would they kill you for being a demon? Would they seek your knowledge or just desire to steal your devices believing they would make them powerful? Now think about going into the future. Would your descendants view you as an idiot not knowing anything? Would they view you as superior coming from a golden age lost in between? Would they make you into a slave? Would they teach you and bring you to their level? Would they treat you like a dumb animal or an equal? If you were a rocket scientist in this time you may have status, but in the future when interstellar star travel is real, you would only only be a child playing with fireworks and have no status.

Now imagine a race of beings that has conquered death, that travel interstellar space, that can manipulate matter and energy, and that can conquer or destroy you at will. Does this sound familiar to you? The legends of Gods and Angels? What if they are still here, but choose to remain hidden from us except when needed to progress their master plan? What is their master plan? What do they want from us? They do not want to be treated like Gods. They tried that before and the results were not what they wanted. It seems that they are developing us in steps technologically. The prophecies of many religions speak of a judgement day or day of reckoning. If you look at those prophecies you will see that the time is upon us. The sun and moon are rising and setting in different spots then before. God is preparing to fulfill the prophecies he made. The people of earth must choose the path of righteousness, truth, and light, or be prepared to face hell and damnation. The word of God is all powerful, and woe to any who oppose his word. God Bless Those Who Follow His Laws And Fear His Wrath.

God, Grant US Patience…

God, please grant the American People patience as they wait to see justice done against the Un-American Radical Democrats and their cronies. The crimes against the American People and President Trump shall soon become known to all the world. The evidence is being collected, there are many sealed indictments, and the American People will see the arrests and trials shortly. The corruption within the government is massive and it takes time to set up airtight cases that will lead to convictions. The leaks that have occurred are to give the American People knowledge that justice is in the works and to be patient for a little while longer. President Trump and the American People are well aware of the attempted coup and the massive amount of criminal activity the Un-American Radical Democrats have done. The frustration of the American People and President Trump is very real and causes us to want action fast and decisive, but our justice system does not work as fast as we would wish. We see many resignations, firings, and reassignments, as well as many not seeking re-election. The swamp is large and the deep state well embedded, so it takes time to prepare the draining and clean up. Pray to God for patience and justice for America. Evil can hide in plain sight so one must identify all the parts and remove them with precision. We must make sure we get all of them or else they will come back like the cancer that they are. President Trump is highly intelligent and so are the people he has selected to high positions in his circle. The globalists, NWO, OWO, are scattered around the world, and are trying to control it. They want people to be evil, ignorant, and brainwashed, so humanity can be controlled and never advance to the next stage of development. Once a field drive is created and we can travel the planets and stars effectively, the teachings and prophecies will all come to pass. God is raising his children to enter heaven, and become as angels. The American People have great potential, and are being given the chance to lead the way for others. Have patience, and Trust in God. Remember our money says “IN GOD WE TRUST” for a reason. God Bless America and All Americans Who Believe In Him.

God Is Great !!!

Remember God this day for the displays of his awesome power. God is always with us, yet few truly believe. Plagues, pillars of fire, parting the sea, healing the sick, water to wine, resurrecting the dead, the great flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the fulfillment of the prophecies, the laws he gave us, and many more. Give praise to God and hope for the day of judgement, so that it will be heaven on earth. Remember God and Life, for he has power over death. Heaven is the realm of the stars, and God’s everlasting kingdom. We enter heaven in the flesh, as the most notable figures in religion also did. Remember God, keep his commandments, and serve him by becoming the best human being you can be. Always seek the truth, and see through the lies and deceptions that can lead you astray. Keep righteousness in your hearts, light, truth, and knowledge in your minds, and let your hands produce good works that bring love and hope to you and the people of earth. May God Bless You and Show You The Light And The Way.

Conspiracy Against President Trump Confirmed !!!

Former President Obama and his administration illegally spied on the Trump Campaign, Transition, and Presidency, yet Special Counsel has never investigated, interviewed, or indicted, anyone that participated in these illegal activities. President Trump is the victim of a treasonous plot, to first stop him from being elected, and then to frame him so he could be impeached and ousted from Presidency. The evidence coming out of all the investigations by Congress and the DOJ OIG have confirmed that this is the case, yet we see a special counsel that only pursues targeting of President Trump and his associates. The Special Counsel is being negligent in his duties by not pursuing all criminal activity discovered during his investigation. It must also be noted that most of the evidence against President Trump and his associates, will be thrown out by the court system due to illegal search and seizure, because the FISA warrant was obtained illegally. The Special Counsel investigation has also failed to pursue the hacking of the DNC server, the hacking of a Russian bank server to ping the Trump server, the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, transition, and Whitehouse, the illegal leaks of classified information, as well as the coordination and conspiracy of the Obama administration and executive branch officials to first effect our elections and then overthrow the US President Trump. The American People will never accept anything the Special Counsel brings forth, due to the many conflicts of interest, poisonous fruit, and obviously biased investigation.

The American People are neither stupid nor blind and we desire fair application of the rule of law to all people within the United States of America. We are not seeing this and we are watching everything. We are not pleased that the President of the United States of America is the innocent victim of an attempted rigging of his election and an attempted soft coup of his presidency. The criminals responsible for this are still at large and do not appear to be under investigation except for Attorney General and the DOJ OIG. We are being patient but refusal of action against these criminals will cause a severe reaction if action is taken against our President Trump. Be warned that the American People are very much awake and ready to take action against Un-American Radical Democrats and their flunkies.

May God Bless The United States of America and See Her Through These Dark Times.