Obey God/Allah/Yahweh.

Obey God/Allah/Yahweh. The Ten Commandments of God/Allah/Yahweh must be obeyed to qualify for entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. Breaking these commandments causes Evil to increase inside you, and when your Soul is Weighed on the Scales, you will be Denied entry into Heaven.

St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. St. Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel, the Book of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.


The Evil Ones want you to believe that you can force your will and Evil ways on other people and that there is no God/Allah/Yahweh who can Judge you, Destroy you, or Save his Children of Righteousness. God/Allah/Yahweh gave many of you free will, and told you that he would Judge you. The Prophecies are being Fulfilled and This Time you are Not being Forgiven due to your Ignorance. The End Times are Here and you are being Warned so you can Change and Hopefully be found Worthy of Heaven.

I Serve God/Allah/Yahweh.

Voting System Failures.

Evil Ones.


EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.

VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh.


The Crazy, Evil Ones.

EVIL Wants To Enslave US.

Organized Crime, The Mob.

Obey The Laws, USA And God/Allah/Yahweh.

Can You Recognize EVIL ???

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Heaven And Hell. Are Real.

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Destroying The Evil Ones !!!

FISA: Why Carter Page and NOT Paul Manafort ???

Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations.

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Evidence. See For Yourself…

Plot Against President Confirmed…

Evil Found In The U.S.A.

US Needs Justice And Rule Of Law.

Military Takeover May Be Required…

New Articles and Evidence.

AG Force Recuse Of Rosenstein And Mueller.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves.

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy.

Judgement Is Now In Progress.

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching.

Blessed By God/Allah/Yahweh.

War Between Good and Evil.

Weapons And Technology Far Beyond Ours.

God/Allah/Yahweh Destroy The Evil Ones Before The Eyes Of The Army Of Righteousness. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless Your Army Of Righteousness With Strength And Endurance.

I Serve God/Allah/Yahweh.

I Serve God/Allah/Yahweh. I have little Love for this World called Earth. I have no free will as many of you appear to enjoy. I was told that I am Prince, and to find my way Back. I was 7 years old. They took me in a craft and showed me this World called Earth, and then returned me here. I have been obsessed with Star Travel ever since. I was imprinted with the Path of my Life, and am Not allowed to Stray from it. Over the Years I have learned, Who and What I really Am. I grew up in a middle class family and have a public school education and military technical schooling. I have proven that the Knowledge necessary to Advance oneself is Available to Many. I have proven that the Ability to Advance to Higher Next Stage Technologies is easily Achieved. I have proven that this a World that is completely controlled, but that Most, if not All of you, fail to see this. The Prophecies have Proven that God/Allah/Yahweh either knows what you will do, or that He Controls you. I am Controlled indirectly, where those around me have been controlled directly. I do know that the Faction in Heaven that controls me, is Not the Faction that has Visited my wife. My wife asked them if they could Contact me, and was Told that it was Not Allowed. My wife was shown a Throne and Me in a Blue Uniform. The Thrown has seven posts and lions beneath its arms. She met a Lady in White and there were 10 or 12 Men in Black also present. My wife was told that I would never cheat on her, and that she was the only one for me. After that meeting, my wife never again had a period. I had previously warned her that I might not be allowed to have children. My Existence and the Sun and Moon rising and falling in different spots now, means that we are in the EndTimes. Prepare Yourselves for Judgement Day. If you have Free Will, then you shall be Judged according to your Works and Deeds. In case you have failed to realize who I am, I am Michael.
God/Allah/Yahweh Bless Your Chosen Ones And Guide Them In Righteousness, Wisdom, And Knowledge.

Veterans Day 2018

Veterans Day 2018. Thank You For Your Service.

Evil Ones.

Evil Ones. The Evil Ones are using Lies and Deceptions, to Coverup their Evil Deeds, and God/Allah/Yahweh is Exposing them using the Light of Truth and the Army of the Righteous. The Battle of Good vs Evil is upon US and the Evil Ones are using every Tactic they have to Destroy your Soul and the Souls of your Children. They seek to Corrupt the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh, and make them Unworthy to Enter Heaven. They seek to Erase the Memory and Belief in God/Allah/Yahweh.

They seek to Confuse the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh saying that the Evil Ones are Righteous and Good, and that the Children of God/Allah/Yahweh are Evil and Follow Satan. The Truth is Simple. If you follow the Covenants and Commandments of God/Allah/Yahweh, you are Good and Righteous. If you Do Not follow the Covenants and Commandments of God/Allah/Yahweh, you are Evil and Unrighteous.


EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.

VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh.


The Crazy, Evil Ones.

EVIL Wants To Enslave US.

Organized Crime, The Mob.

Obey The Laws, USA And God/Allah/Yahweh.

Can You Recognize EVIL ???

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Heaven And Hell. Are Real.

God/Allah/Yahweh Is Destroying The Evil Ones !!!

FISA: Why Carter Page and NOT Paul Manafort ???

Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations.

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Evidence. See For Yourself…

Plot Against President Confirmed…

Evil Found In The U.S.A.

The Evil Ones are trying to Destroy your World, Destroy your Faith in God/Allah/Yahweh, Destroy your Knowledge of Heaven and Hell, and Corrupt your Souls to Deny you entry into Heaven and the Rewards God/Allah/Yahweh Promised. Research the 7 Spirits, the 7 Princes, and the Duties and Responsibilities of Michael. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless His Righteous Children And Lead Them To Heaven And His Promised Gifts. God/Allah/Yahweh Send Down The Bowls Of Your Wrath Against The Evil Ones And Their Followers.


God/Allah/Yahweh. God Is Allah. Allah Is Yahweh. Yahweh Is God. The God of Abraham is known by many Names, and Three major religions Worship him. The Religious Wars of the Past, have been Fought because of the Prophets and Priests Failing to See this. Yahweh Gave Us the Ten Commandments. Allah Gave Us the Ten Commandments. God Gave Us the Ten Commandments. The Immortal God of Heaven is an actual Superior Being that Lives Forever and Rules the Kingdom of Heaven. The People of Earth need to Realize that Heaven is Entered in the Flesh. Many Prophets have Risen to Heaven in the Flesh. Heaven is Not a dimension entered at Death. The Soul is recorded and stored in Heaven, so that We may be Resurrected for Judgement Day. Do Not Believe the Lies and Deceptions that the Evil Ones want you to Believe. Do Your Research.

Praise God/Allah/Yahweh for his Great Wisdom and Intelligence. Praise God/Allah/Yahweh for his Patience and Mercy to Bring Humanity and Earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Praise God/Allah/Yahweh for Fulfilling his Prophecies and Plans, according to his Will.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bless Your Army Of The Righteous, And Destroy The Evil Ones Before Our Eyes, With Your Great Power.

St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. St. Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel, the Book of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.


EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.

EVIL Leaders And Their Followers. Do you follow God/Allah/Yahweh and obey his commandments?

1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven is all that Exists beyond Earth. It is NOT another dimension that you go to after Death. Every Person since the Beginning has been Recorded and God/Allah/Yahweh can Resurrect Everyone, and Punish or Reward according to their Deeds.

2 No Image can possess the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and none can Save you but he. No one knows the Image of God/Allah/Yahweh, and this has been done on purpose. Worship no Image that is Made.

3 Never swear by God/Allah/Yahweh and Not Fulfill what you have Sworn. To do this, is a Deed that will be held Against You in the Judgement. The Evil and Corrupt of this World will find that This Commandment will Damn Them. Speak Not for God/Allah/Yahweh unless He has Instructed You to do so.

4 The Sabbath Day has been referred to as a day of Rest. You are supposed to Rest from your Labors, and Remember God/Allah/Yahweh. You should Remember God/Allah/Yahweh, His Laws, His Teachings, His Actions, and His Prophecies. On this day you should also Reflect on Yourself, and ask Yourself if you are Worthy in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh.

5 Honor Thy Mother And Father. We Honor our parents by being the Best we can be in the Eyes of God/Allah/Yahweh. We Honor our Parents by visiting them in their Old Age and making them feel wanted in our lives. We Honor them by advancing ourselves in Knowledge and Understanding, and showing them that we have learned Right from Wrong. Some people say that this law is Obey Your Mother And Father. We only Obey our Parents until We ourselves become Adults, and then Obedience stops. Honoring Thy Mother And Father means Advancing Oneself beyond our Parent’s education and understanding, and Teaching Them so they may catch up this US. In this way we have Honored them whether they are Living or Dead.

6 Thou Shalt Not Kill. This law is simple in its words, but it is probably meant to be Thou Shalt Not Murder. Murder is the Intentional Killing of Someone for Reasons Other Than Justice or Defense. The Killing of a Convicted Murderer is Justice, and the Killing of an Invader is Defense. In War, the Country that is Threatening is Usually the Bad Actor, unless its threats are made in protection of its People. The World today has put Rules and Laws in place pertaining to Protocols of War in regards to Major Wars. This has kept the World in a Balance that keeps the outbreak of Major War down to a minimum. A person is a Murderer if they Kill for Pleasure, with no regards to the rights of those being killed. God/Allah/Yahweh kept the United States of America out of war, for the four years the Great Prince served in the Marines. This the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, and should be remembered before someone wishes to commit murder.

7 Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. This law is in respect to intercourse. It is often interpreted as meaning a married person is Not to have intercourse with anyone But their espoused. It should probably be interpreted as you shall have no intercourse except with your espoused or one that you wish to become your espoused. This interpretation is more accurate because it covers such acts as animal sex, rape, prostitution, child sex, sodomy, as well as sex with someone already espoused. This interpretation also allows for masturbation so one may satisfy oneself to avoid breaking this commandment and others.

8 Thou Shalt Not Steal. This is straight forward. You are not to take that which is not yours. This also means that others are not to take that which is yours.

9 Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. This is straight forward. You are not to charge others falsely. You do not say someone is guilty of a crime, that you know they are innocent of. This is going to take down many people that lie under oath. God/Allah/Yahweh knows all your deeds, both Good and Bad. The Evil ones who Lie and Deceive with False and Misleading Allegations will feel the Wrath of God/Allah/Yahweh.


10 Thou Shalt Not Covet. This means that you are Not to conspire against others to Obtain that which they have. Knowledge, Truth, and Understanding, are that which we should covet, Not anything else of someone else. There is nothing on this world Worth anything except the Army of the Righteous, and the Blessed Children of God/Allah/Yahweh. Make yourself Worthy.

Evil Leaders will use Lies and Deceptions to gain your vote, and then not deliver on their promises to you. They will be charismatic but they will not be qualified and will allow corruption to enrich themselves and not care how it affects their voters. They will claim to follow God/Allah/Yahweh, but their actions will prove that they do not. They will not Protect our Country. They will not Protect your State. They will not Protect your City. They will not Protect your Property. They will not Protect your Rights. They will not Protect your Freedoms. They will not Protect your Family. They will not Protect your Children. They will only Destroy or Give Away all that You have so they can enrich Themselves. They will Not follow the Rule of Law. They will Not provide Equal Justice Under The Law. They will Not allow their Evil Followers to be Prosecuted. They will Not allow You to Practice your Rights, unless they are Evil. They will Make You and your Children, Followers of their Evil ways so the Kingdom of Heaven and the Gifts of God/Allah/Yahweh, will Never be within Grasp.

Beware Evil Leaders, and seek Not to become their Followers, For God/Allah/Yahweh is All Powerful, and will Destroy all EVIL at the Judgement Day. May God/Allah/Yahweh Teach You And Guide You To The Path Of Righteousness And Heaven.

VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh.

VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh. The Battle of Good vs Evil is upon US, and God/Allah/Yahweh needs you to prove you are Worthy of Entering Heaven and receiving his Gifts. Vote for those who Fear God/Allah/Yahweh and Follow his Commandments. The Army of the Righteous needs to Take back our country by Voting for those within our ranks, and not letting the Evil Ones take office. The Rule of Law and the Fear of God/Allah/Yahweh must be restored to Save our Children and make them Worthy of Heaven. Do Your Research and prove to God/Allah/Yahweh that you Know Right from Wrong. God/Allah/Yahweh Bless America And His Army Of The Righteous.



EVIL And HATE. God/Allah/Yahweh Give Strength And Endurance To Your Army Of Righteousness. The Battle Between Good and Evil continues on, and Today we saw an Evil man kill 11 people in a Jewish Synagogue. The Police responded rapidly and engaged this Evil man, and captured him alive. We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh that more were not killed, and we mourn the loss of those killed. We will Never understand how these Evil People can do these Evil acts. The Evil Ones around the world are trying to destroy our belief in God/Allah/Yahweh, our pride in our country, and the love of our family.

The Evil Ones want you to believe that God/Allah/Yahweh does not exist.

The Evil Ones want you to believe that pride in your country is wrong, and that the world owes you everything and that you have the right to take from others to satisfy yourself. The People of the world are not allowed to make borders that you are not allowed to cross.

The Evil Ones want you to believe that love of family is wrong. Your family is only there to provide for you, and you can take whatever you want from them. You can steal, rape, or kill them, because they are nothing but slaves to you that have no rights.

The Evil Ones are spreading these Evil concepts to destroy our very civilization. No Religion. No Country. No State. No City. No Family. No Home. No Rights for Others. No Gender. No Walls. No Laws Apply to Me. No One Has The Right To Control Me. I have the Right to Do as I Please. I Own This World And I am a God.

God/Allah/Yahweh owns Heaven and Earth. God/Allah/Yahweh is the only God and is Superior and Immortal. God/Allah/Yahweh has been raising Humanity and Advancing it according to his plan created thousands of years ago. I am a Citizen of Heaven. I am but a Child compared to God/Allah/Yahweh. I am the Prince of Heaven that God/Allah/Yahweh told you would come at the EndTimes. I have been assisting God/Allah/Yahweh in your Judgement and Advancement. My name is Michael. Prepare to Advance, and be Judged. The Prophecies are being fulfilled according to God/Allah/Yahweh’s plan. God/Allah/Yahweh Is Our God And Father.

The Crazy, Evil Ones.

The Crazy, Evil Ones. The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists condoned Violent Protests and Acts of Vandalism by their followers, but Condemn it when they are confronted with it. There have been many attacks against conservatives and they are downplayed, but attacks against Liberals are publicized to excess. Hypocrisy at its worst and twisted to their benefit.


The Bombs appear to be poorly made and why would they have a timer? What was the timer set for? Did the Bombs have enough Power to detonate the explosives? How come we have pictures of the unopened package, x-rayed package, and the device outside? This must be viewed as suspicious due to the threat not being neutralized prior to photo.

Please explain why we have so much detail and why the unit was photographed prior to neutralization? Was it assessed to be fake, and that is why we have these photos? This is very strange, especially when the package also contained white powder. Are these photos from a safe and secure area or are they from inside the building?

We seem to be given a lot more information than is usually provided until the suspect(s) are captured. The Release of this information is against standard procedure, unless it is being used for political reasons. Political reasons now must make the American People Skeptical of these devices. No One has been injured and there is no property damage, because the powder is not real and the Bombs are probably non functional.

The scare is being used to benefit politics. The Bomb Maker is either the worst one in history, or this is just a political stunt. Funny how the Most Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists are targeted, but none of them are injured, or any of the followers, yet all of them are speaking against the President, Republicans, and conservatives. We have NOT heard anything from them about increasing security or having fear about future attacks. How Come?

The Evil Ones are known for Lies and Deceptions. They will try anything and use it to their advantage. If the attacks were real, then their fear would be immense and they would traumatized. Instead they politically attack and attempt to use it to energize their base to vote. Anyone who truly is fearful does not attack their political opposition, but seeks the capture of those who attempted to harm them and/or others. They would also put further protections in place to keep themselves and their followers safe. Do you see any of this? No, you do NOT.

The Evil Ones are Crazy for Power and will Try anything to Regain it, and Stop themselves from being further investigated. What they do not realize is the investigations into their Crimes is already under way and can Not be Stopped.

God/Allah/Yahweh is fighting with The Righteous Army to take down the Evil Ones and prepare US for Judgement.
God/Allah/Yahweh Bless The Righteous And Protect Them. God/Allah/Yahweh Bring The Evil Ones To Your Justice And Punishment.

EVIL Wants To Enslave US.

EVIL Wants To Enslave US.

Lies, Deceptions, False Allegations, False News Stories, False Memories, False Teachings, Coverups, Crimes, Destruction of Evidence, Witness Tampering, Extortion, Bribery, Crooked Law Enforcement, Crooked Prosecutors, Crooked Judges, Crooked Politicians, Immorality, Voter Fraud, Voter Machine Rigging, Dead Voting, Illegal Voting, Multiple Voting, Paid Protestors, Paid Voters, Paid Mobs, and Many Other Offences.

God/Allah/Yahweh has given us Commandments, Prophecies, and Teachings, to give us a Path to Heaven and the Gifts he desires to Bestow on us. EVIL wants others to do the work for them, without having to work themselves. EVIL wants you to fall into temptation, instead of progressing in the path of Righteousness and Good Deeds by your own hands. EVIL wants you to Believe that there is no God/Allah/Yahweh, there is no Heaven and Hell, there is no punishment for bad behavior, there are no Gifts or Benefits for Good Behavior, there is no Soul and there is no Resurrection. EVIL does not want you to read and write. EVIL does not want you to learn the Truth. EVIL does not want you to learn Right from Wrong. EVIL wants you to believe what they tell you to believe. EVIL wants you to Forget God/Allah/Yahweh, and the Path of Righteousness that he gave you, so you can enter Heaven and receive the Gifts he Promised. Never Forget God/Allah/Yahweh, and Always walk the Path of Righteousness he gave you.

Here are some Lies and Deceptions:
There is no God/Allah/Yahweh.
There is no Heaven or Hell.
You only enter Heaven or Hell after death and in Spirit only.
The Earth is Flat.
Climate change is caused by Humanity.
There is only life on Earth.
There are no other planets except in our solar system.
No one has a Soul.
No One can live forever.
Faster than Light is impossible.
Humanity is the most Intelligent Life in the Universe.

The Truth is sometimes hard to see and learn, and requires effort on our part to reveal it. Do your research, and you will see that the Truth will reveal itself. Learn right from wrong. It is wrong to act as an animal, and it is wrong to treat others as nothing but animals. Intelligence is a trait to be nurtured, not ignored or corrupted. Evil is thriving in our world today and many do not even see it because they believe such things as real and true. If someone offers you something for nothing, do you not question it? There is always a catch, and we must see that catch to evaluate if it is worth it. May God/Allah/Yahweh Give You Intelligence, Knowledge, And The Wisdom To Use It Righteously. God Bless The Righteous, And Curse The Evil.


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