Democrats? What should we call them?

The Democrats have become the Un-Americans. Yes, you heard me right. They protest against the freedom of speech. They steal an American flag from an elderly woman and make her fall to the ground. They throw bottles of piss at police officers. They constantly shout out vulgarities. Their signs are also filled with vulgarities. They hide their faces behind masks. They destroy property and now statues. They preach hate for President Trump. They want to kill police officers. They want to impeach the president. They try to assassinate republicans. A Democratic Senator calls for the assassination of President Trump. Illegal immigrants are protected. They refuse to fund a border wall. They refuse to repeal and replace their failing Obamacare. They refuse to admit illegal immigrants have voted in federal elections. They refuse to put taxes on imports same as other nations do to our products. They disrespect the President of the United States. They obstruct the senate confirmations of the Trump Administration. All they want to do, is preach Trump hate and hurt the American People with their resistance. They are no longer the Democratic Party, they are the Un-American party. They preach against Hate, Racism, and Violence, but actions put the lie to their words.

Americans love their country and respect their President. Americans follow our laws. Americans love their military and law enforcement. Americans respect the rights and freedoms of other Americans. Americans want a strong military to protect us. Americans want a strong economy and good jobs. Americans want strong borders to protect us from illegal criminals, drugs and terrorists. Americans respect the American Flag. Americans care for other Americans. Americans love the United States of America. Are you an American? Or are you an Un-American?

War, Hate, and Violence, appear to be the tools of the democrats lately. They have nothing else to offer. They only want to see President Trump fail. They do not care about the American People. Their hate of President Trump has made them want to go to war against him. They hope to incite enough violence to break the republicans spirit and gain control once again. Are we Americans going to allow this to happen? Soon the intelligence committees and the Special Counsel will let their findings be known. The American People are going to see that their Democratic leaders plotted a conspiracy to overthrow President Trump. The conspiracy is backfiring now. The Un-Americans aka Democrats, used political espionage through the NSA to come up with the Russia story in an attempt to impeach President Trump and rid themselves of their greatest threat. A presidency and cabinet that can expose and stop their corrupt dealings and destroy their power bases.

The time has come to expose them for what they are. Corrupt and selfish politicians that care only for what they can get from lobbyists, not for the American People. Look at history and remember what happened to the Roman Empire. It collapsed due to corruption. We must not let this happen to our great republic. The time has come for the systems our forefathers put in place, to be made to work again. Equal justice under the law. Enforcement of our laws. No one is above the law. It is time for the swamp to be drained and for America to become Great Again. God bless the republic of the United States of America and give us the strength to overcome our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Drain the Swamp that is Washington DC.

What has Washington DC accomplished for the American People? Not too much. All we hear is criticism for, and the belittling of President Trump. President Trump has accomplished a lot so far. Even with being understaffed because he is still waiting for confirmations from the US Senate. The economy is picking up. Jobs are coming back. Regulations are being cut. The United States military is defeating ISIS strongholds. North Korea is being handled now, after 30 years of failed policies. President Trump is keeping his promises and putting the United States first. Washington DC establishments and the United States Congress are Not working with our president. The border wall has not been fully funded. The border adjustment tax has been shot down. The repeal and replace of Obamacare has failed. Tax reform is stalled. Infrastructure on hold. Come election time, the American People are going to remember these broken promises and failures. It is time for Washington DC to support President Trump or feel the wrath of the American People at elections. Democrats, you are the worst of the swamp. As the investigations continue into Russia, we the American People are seeing a conspiracy propagated by the Obama administration and Democrats to undermine President Trump and his administration. We, the American People want justice under the law. We want investigations into the conspiracy to overthrow our duly elected President Trump. The DNC was not hacked from the outside. President Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia. President Obama and the four intelligence agencies did Lie to us. It is time to drain the swamp and now. The leaks, the unmasking, the political espionage, the refusal to investigate Clinton/Obama wrongdoings and collusion, and many other issues need to be addressed. It is time for the American People to see action. It is time for the US Congress to work with President Trump. It is time, that we the American People, were placed at the top of the list. God Bless America and destroy her enemies.

War, Hate, and Violence.

War is when two sides send armed soldiers. Each side wants victory over the other. Death and destruction are both considered accepted casualties.Hate is within everyone. We hate to be hungry. We hate to be cold. We hate to be treated like children. We hate certain foods. We hate certain smells. We all have hate. We all feel hate when we also feel love. We love our children and hate when someone wishes them harm. Violence is supposed to be a last resort, when all else fails. If someone calls us a name, we do not use a gun and shoot them. If someone has a different view then us, we do not bash them with a bat or destroy their property. We live in a country of freedom for all, not just some. All US citizens have guaranteed rights and freedoms. All US citizens must obey the laws of the US, so we maintain those rights and freedoms. The US military protects our nation, so our people remain free. Our law enforcement agencies protect our citizens, so they stay free. Americans are supposed to hate all enemies that would seek to take away our rights and freedoms. We hate those enemies because we love our nation, our communities, our families, and our own freedom.

It is time for all Americans to become Americans. I wonder how many of you, know the Pledge of Allegiance? How many of you, know the National Anthem? How many of you, have read the US Constitution? How many of you, have read the Declaration of Independence? How many of you, have read the Bill of Rights? How many of you, know how to treat the American Flag? How many of you, know how to love and protect this great nation? The President of the United States, Donald Trump, knows how to Love and protect this nation. He protects the rights of all US citizens. He has upheld your rights of assembly and peaceful protest. He has upheld your right to free speech. He is keeping our foreign enemies under watch and rebuilding our military to keep us safe. He is securing our borders and throwing out the illegal immigrants who should never have been able to enter unlawfully to begin with. He is helping our law enforcement agencies to protect us and our freedoms. He is bringing back our economy and jobs. He is working on healthcare, before it collapses and bankrupts the nation. He is looking to reform taxes, not just give tax breaks. He wants to repair our infrastructure, and that affects all of us. I hear you calling him everything under the sun except what he really is. Donald J Trump is the duly elected President of the United States. He is our military Commander in Chief. President Trump loves this nation and its people, even though much of the nation only shows him hate. I say this to the American people who hate President Trump, take your hate to another country and see how they treat you and your rights. If you hate President Trump, i do not care, as long you as you show him the honor and respect due any President of the United States of America.

How would you feel if you were treated the way President Trump is being treated? Rejected, hurt, sad, angry, disappointed, worthless, hated, belittled, scorned, stupid, and many more. The American people voted for President Trump, yet the most vocal, are those who did not. President Trump is a human being who has emotions and feelings just like you and me. He feels pain and hurt just as we do. He is just not allowed to show it, because he is the US President. My parents taught me, if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything. President Trump had a far better life before he became president. He loves this country and fears for it. He has a vision to ‘Make America Great Again’. He is restoring our economy. He is restoring our place in the world. He is keeping his promises to those who voted for him, which is more than I can say for most politicians. Stop the hate and stop hurting the President. If you have a true grievance, then voice it without hate, and it will at be heard. When you voice hate, it is usually met with hate. It is time to heal and repair this great republic of the United States. God Bless America and Heal Her.

US intelligence put forward false claims.

    Recently Bill Binney of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity said the following on Fox News:

What is going on with the US intelligence agencies? They all stated publicly that Russia hacked the DNC under the identity of Guccifer 2.0 and then leaked them to Wikileaks. Now we are finding out that the stories about the DNC server being hacked from the outside are false. The Attorney General needs to launch a full scale investigation, as well as the congressional intelligence committees. President Trump was criticized by many officials and the media for not acknowledging this ‘FACT’. I think those officials and the media, owe President Trump an apology. I also think the Russians and Wikileaks deserve an acknowledgement that they did speak the truth about the DNC server and emails. We the american people deserve to know why, how, and who, propagated this false story. It would appear that this is a conspiracy and coverup. We have heard nothing but, Russia did it to help Donald Trump become president. I want to know why former President Obama and 4 intelligence agency heads, have propagated a story that they should easily have known is false. I will ask again, what is going on? Who went into the DNC server and downloaded the emails? I think it is time for a second special counsel to be appointed. I would prefer a pentagon military intelligence officer to be appointed because no one associated with the civilian DOJ and intelligence agencies can be trusted. I wonder if the DNC still has the records, or if they have been deleted or destroyed? I think it is time to clean up all the agencies of the Executive branch. The false stories and disinformation need to stop. The people responsible need to be found, investigated, and prosecuted. We the american people, need to know that our justice system is fair and unbiased. How can we make america great again, when it is being destroyed from the inside? President Trump, please clean this up and give us back our pride, respect, and dignity. The United States of America is under attack from those who are supposed to protect us. This is a sad day for the US and its people. President Trump, we need you more than ever before in our history. Keep up the good work, and make us once again proud to be americans. God speed and God Bless.