We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh.

We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh. God/Allah/Yahweh has truly blessed America today. Hurricane Florence should have hit US at category 4 or 5, but God/Allah/Yahweh reduced its strength to category 2. We do not hear from anyone why, against all odds and models, it reduced in strength. God/Allah/Yahweh Has Blessed America, And We Pray He Continues To Do …

Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations.

Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations. The “Deepstate” has announced itself as real, and due to the Senate slowing the Confirmations of President Trump’s selected personnel, they are still present in positions of power. This is unacceptable and the Senate needs to change its rules, so they can put President Trump’s personnel in place and root out …

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Magnetic Drive Theory. The concept of a magnetic drive is really quite simple.   Create altering magnetic fields to emulate a photon and thrust should be achieved, and speeds approaching light should be possible and probable. The Kingdom of Heaven will be made open to Humanity, and God/Allah/Yahweh will make his Kingdom to Earth. Heaven …

Plot Against President Confirmed…

Plot Against President Confirmed… https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opinion/trump-white-house-anonymous-resistance.html The Resistance has now made the fatal error of Confirming their existence and their Objectives. Treason and Sedition are serious High Crimes, and with the DOJ and the FBI abuses that are being Exposed right now, as well as Foreign Governments/Allied Governments coercing to Interfere in our Elections as well as Conspiring …

Evil Found In The U.S.A.

Evil Found In The U.S.A. Evil has infiltrated the United States of America, and it is time for the Truth and Justice. The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists are about to experience HELL, and God/Allah/Yahweh is Calling the Righteous to Battle. The Devil and his Followers are trying to spread Lies and Deceptions in an Effort …

US Needs Justice And Rule Of Law.

US Needs Justice And Rule Of Law. The United States of America, No Longer has Justice or Rule of Law, as we are witnessing before our very eyes. We have false investigations that are not performing their stated purpose and are ignoring obvious evidence. We see no investigations or indictments into matters that are clearly …

Military Takeover May Be Required…

Military Takeover May Be Required… If the Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists and their Deepstate operatives Do Not restore the Justice and Law Enforcement Agencies to their proper implementation of the Rule of Law, and Equal Justice Under The Law, then the Military can and should be brought in, and the Evil Un-Americans can be found …