Cover Up For Evil Corruption.

Cover Up For Evil Corruption. The Attorney General just described the Mueller Report and it appears that it is a Cover Up for the Obama Administration and supposed US Allies. It appears that the Mueller Investigation made the Assumption that the Intelligence Assessment Report is accurate and Unquestionable. Public-report-on-election.pdf Trump-Intelligence-Allegations-1.pdf Trump-Intelligence-Allegations-2.pdf full-mueller-report1.pdf full-mueller-report2.pdf full-mueller-report3a.pdf full-mueller-report3b.pdf …

Time To Declare War On Mexico???

Time To Declare War On Mexico??? An Ally does NOT allow Foreign Migrant Armies to pass through their country and invade an Ally country. Has Mexico asked for US Military assistance to stop these armies? Has Mexico displayed any efforts to stop these migrant armies?   The allowing of these armies to reach the US …

Mueller Investigation Concluded.

Mueller Investigation Concluded.     Now will the American People see Justice? Will the Mueller Report have the efforts by the Obama Administration to create an Attempted Coup Against President Trump????

The Battle Continues…

The Battle Continues… Do you see what is happening inside the United States? Do you see what is happening around the world? Do you have any idea what is going on? The Battle Between Good And Evil, and the Prophesied EndTimes are now upon US. The facts speak for themselves, but many of you are …

Veteran Intelligence Officials Were Ignored.

Veteran Intelligence Officials Were Ignored. It appears Mueller is still using fake dossier as basis for investigation and has not questioned that the original Intelligence assessment is fake also.   Here is the original assessment.     Sorry, Russia-Gaters: WikiLeaks Got the DNC Emails From Insider, Not Russia   Probe: Hard evidence refutes DNC ‘Russia …

United States And North Korea Summit.

United States And North Korea Summit. US President Trump and NK Chairman Kim are holding their second summit in Vietnam. The Threats by both countries has eased and we may actually see an end to the Korean War. We wish both leaders success in the peace talks and hope for stability in the region. We …

We Fight For Freedom.

We Fight For Freedom. The United States of America was created to give all its citizens guaranteed rights and freedoms. We fight Evil in the world so it will not reach our shores or people. We have failed, and now we are fighting the forces of Evil inside our own borders. Our Government officials have …

Energy Generation.

Energy Generation. Energy Generation without fuel is a proven technology that is Not being pursued inside the United States due to energy companies wanting to maintain monopoly. Every home, building, and vehicle, could be designed with generation equipment built in, and therefore self-sustaining. The end of reliance on fossil fuel can be maintained, and society …

The Future Of The United States Of America.

The Future Of The United States Of America. President Trump gave his 2019 State of the Union Address and reaffirmed the Values and direction of the USA. The economy is strong and firing on all cylinders. 5.300,000 new jobs have been created since President Trump was elected. 600,000 of those are manufacturing jobs. The GDP …

Reports of UFO in the Past.

Reports of UFO in the Past. I thought it would interesting to show this PDF from a 1960’s report on UFOs. These craft are estimated to accelerate at over 100 g and have speeds of 19.000 mph and faster. They have no fins and in many cases have no plumes and are soundless. They are …