President Trump Never Discloses His Strategy.

President Trump Never Discloses His Strategy. You are only told what he wants you to know until he completes his strategic moves. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals always attack President Trump on every decision he makes public. They always think they know better and are always plotting to take him down by any means necessary. …

Censorship Must Be Fought Against.

Censorship Must Be Fought Against. Due to the amount of censorship that appears to be occurring we have decided to put this out this article. They seek to control you through censorship and propaganda. They keep the Truth from being shown and instead Show you what they want you to Believe. You were given Intelligence …

Turkey/Syria Ceasefire?

Turkey/Syria Ceasefire? Strange the way the news is reporting events. First it was reported that a Turkish city was being shelled and then a Syrian city was being shelled. Then they mention Syrian Arab Army attacking Kurdish Forces. There only appears to be one area of fighting so the ceasefire appears to be working, but …

Reflect On God-Allah-Yahweh.

Reflect On God-Allah-Yahweh. God-Allah-Yahweh is preparing Humanity for Judgement Day. We have War, Famine, Disease, Crime, Death, Propaganda, Brain Washing, Slavery, Terrorists, Drug Dealers, Thieves, Demons, Devils, Saints, Angels, Aliens, UFOs, Lies, Deceptions, EVIL, GOOD, and it all follows the Plan of God-Allah-Yahweh. God-Allah-Yahweh Knows Everything You Have Done, GOOD and EVIL, and it is …

Syria Withdrawal.

Syria Withdrawal. United States House of Representatives passes resolution to condemn US President’s Withdrawal of US troops from Syria. United States House of Representatives has never issued Declaration of War on Syria and has been using War on Terrorism from 2001 to go after ISIS and other terror organizations, but not countries like Iran, Syria, …

Mifsud’s Phones Obtained By United States Of America Department Of Justice.

Mifsud’s Phones Obtained By United States Of America Department Of Justice. The Coup attempt against US President Trump is now coming to light and the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals should really be worried. General Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell has filed for Brady evidence. What else has the US Dept of Justice been given? How much …

Still Many Questions.

Still Many Questions. Does Peter Strzok still work for the CIA and have his classification and security clearances? Does John Brennan still have his security clearance? Why was the Ukraine ambassador not recalled when President Trump recalled all Obama ambassadors? Have the 10-12 spies in the WhiteHouse been found and removed? Has the Ukrainian Government …

Faster Than Light Is Possible.

Faster Than Light Is Possible. Do you know why they say you can not reach the speed of light? Relativity is restricted to the speed of light because we can not observe anything faster than light. According to Relativity Distance and Time Change. A ship can travel 2 light years in 6 months without ever …

Syria-Turkey Conflict.

Syria-Turkey Conflict. First Syria is a nation in the middle of a civil war. The United States of America should NOT be involved another country’s civil war. Second the SDF (Syrian Defense Forces) are NOT the Syrian Government Forces but those who are trying to overthrow the Syrian Government. Third the Syrian Government has demanded …

God-Allah-Yahweh Show US The Righteous Path.

God-Allah-Yahweh Show US The Righteous Path. You are the Almighty Ruler of Heaven and Earth, and you are the only Immortal God that we are to Pray to. You made various Covenants with various Peoples. You gave the World your Ten Commandments, that are to apply everyone on this Earth. You gave US many Prophets …