Faster Than Light Is Possible. Do you know why they say you can not reach the speed of light? Relativity is restricted to the speed of light because we can not observe anything faster than light. According to Relativity Distance and Time Change. A ship can travel 2 light years in 6 months without ever reaching the speed of light. The ship can then return to Earth 6 months later. The crew aged 1 year, how much did the people on earth age? Did you know that the crew can look into a telescope and see themselves arrive at their destination, because they traveled faster than light because time and distance changed for them? Some People used to think that those on earth would age 4 years. If that were the case then the crew would not be able to see themselves arrive. Do you understand?

The relativity equations say distance becomes shorter for those traveling in the ship. Velocity equals Distance divided by Time V=D/T. The relativity equations also say time becomes shorter for those traveling in the ship. If the distance is 2 light years and it was traveled in 6 months then the ship traveled at 4 times the speed of light. The ship is already back on Earth when the observer on Earth sees it arriving at its destination because it took 2 years for the light reflected off the ship to reach the observer. Faster than Light is possible according to the relativity equations due to this.

Did you know that people used to observe UFO’s disappear? They used to believe that the extraterrestrials were dimensional or time travelers due this. They never thought that the UFO simply and instantly went to faster than light speed. Did you know that UFO’s do not use propulsion? Did you know that gravity behaves like magnetism?

They used to say the SUN did not have a magnetic field, but it does. They used to say that black holes were rare, but now they are found at the center of every galaxy. Everything seems to have a spiral or disk shape and everything seems to interact depending on spin. This would seem to indicate that our understanding of gravity is still not complete. Stars/suns, planets, moons, and smaller seem to have round shapes that exhibit gravity according to our equations. Why? Why do planets have rings instead of debris clouds?

Why are most of our satellites in a ring? Strange huh? The time has come to start real science and advance beyond what we have now.

God-Allah-Yahweh Advance The Righteous, Bless And Protect Them. God-Allah-Yahweh Curse And Confuse The EVIL Unrighteous On Earth So They May Change And Save Themselves.