
Treason. Posted on  July 19, 2018 by US Future Treason. We hear the word often these days, and the American People, know what it means. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.  …


Treason. We hear the word often these days, and the American People, know what it means. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.  and the law dictionary: The offense …

Purge DOJ And FBI Of Corruption.

Purge DOJ And FBI Of Corruption. Posted on  July 11, 2018 by US Future Purge DOJ And FBI Of Corruption. All investigations involved with Peter Strzok since his lie detector failure are now tainted. All investigations involved with Lisa Page and her refusal to testify are to be considered tainted also. Robert Mueller and his failure to pursue …

Persons And Items Still Not Investigated ????

Persons And Items Still Not Investigated ???? Why have none of the FISA judges been subpoenaed to testify ?? Why have none of the judges filed perjury, false statements, and contempt, in regards to the FISA warrants illegally obtained with false unverified information ?? Why has the indictment and extradition of Christopher Steele been sought …

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction.

The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction. We, the American People, have been told the Russians hacked the DNC server. Almost 2 years later, and still no one from FBI, CIA, NSA, Special Counsel, or any law enforcement agency, has generated search warrant and seized the DNC that is supposed to contain the evidence that …

Conspiracy To Take Down President Trump.

Conspiracy To Take Down President Trump. We, the American People, now have confirmation of the conspiracy to take down our President Trump. The DOJ IG report has texts showing the FBI agent and DOJ lawyer plotting to “Stop Him” meaning Donald J Trump, from being elected, and if elected, the insurance policy to ensure sabotaging …