The Threats of North Korea.

The threats coming from North Korea should not be ignored. We should respond with military action equal to their provocations. They shot a missile over Japan again. We should shoot a missile over North Korea. North Korea likes to think that it has the United states in a bind. China and Russia should do more to control North Korea. If they can not, then they should shut up and take a back seat. The United States does not give in to terrorism, and that is exactly what North Korea is displaying. We must act soon, or the world will view the United States as weak. North Korea has laid out its policy, and like them, we should respond in kind. We should be blockading them from the rest of the world, same as we did to Cuba. The greatest threat from North Korea is that they are arms dealers, and will sell their weapons for money, for any good price. This places the United States at a greater risk and the whole world, of losing a major city. North Korea deals with Iran, and we know both countries have no love for the United States. The United States needs to protect itself from this rogue nation before it is too late. The threat must be nullified before we lose a major city. Evacuate Seoul and attack at the next provocation. By doing so, we protect the United States and the whole world, from the misuse of nuclear weapons. If we wait, we will lose a major city, and that is unacceptable. If the world loses a major city because of our inaction, we would have failed to protect our People and allies. We have the resources and ability, and we have the responsibility to protect ourselves and the world. The time for games is over, and if North Korea wants to play with the big boys then they must learn such stupid threats will be taken seriously and with a serious response. The threats must end, or they must be eliminated. God Bless America and keep her safe.

Battle: Media vs American People.

Many media outlets and individuals are so hostile to Trump supporters and conservatives. They spread lies and negative opinions, hoping the American People are stupid and ignorant enough to believe them. I know we are all seeing many stories about the criminal acts that various politicians and staffers are committing, and wondering if investigations are being pursued. I believe they are being pursued because we do not hear much from the main stream media about them. The main stream media is quick to make a story about the First Lady’s shoes, but you hardly hear anything about Russia anymore. The conspiracy against President Trump is rarely spoken of in the media. Former President Obama had the investigation into Hillary Clinton buried, before it was even finished. He also set up the Russia conspiracy to damage President Trump and his administration. The evidence coming out shows that President Trump is being targeted by the media, and that anything good done by President Trump is suppressed. The President and First Lady visited Florida thursday and passed out food to the survivors that they paid for and brought. The media says very little about it. The United States has been struck by two major hurricanes recently, but the great work and coordination by Federal, State, and local officials is down played. Normally we would see high death tolls, and people screaming about how poorly the response was. Federal, State, and local officials did a great job, and we thank them for it. The preparation, response, and recovery are so well organized that we are not hearing much from the main stream media. They refuse to tell the American People of anything good that President Trump or his administration have done. We, the American People are proud of our President. May God Bless President Trump and keep him safe. May God take down the fake news media companies that are trying to hurt the American People with their lies and falsehoods. May God grant strength and wisdom to the American People and punishment to those who would harm them. God Bless America.

War Between Good and Evil.

The war between good and evil is escalating. The world is entering the End Times, and God is preparing for the Day of Judgement. The fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, super storms, and the change in the positions of the sun and moon, are all signs spoken of in the various religious scriptures of the world. This is not man made climate change, but God prophesied events, written about many thousands of years ago. History is being destroyed today, and that will lead to dark times and great ignorance. Ignorance is true evil, for the one who is ignorant, is easily fooled to believe whatever others tell them. Here in the United States we have many false stories circulating and sometimes it is hard to distinguish truth from lie. It appears many people, especially young people, are living in a fantasy world, created and spread to the world through the internet. I have some advice for every person on this world, do not openly believe whatever someone else says, is true. Also research many sources of information, to best determine what is the truth. God gave us intelligence, but he also warned us about the Beast, and False Prophet. He warned us about the father of lies and deceit, known as the Devil. He warned us about the darkness, and to always seek the light. God shall judge all of us, by the amount of light and darkness within us. Truth is the light and if we pursue it, then we shall become closer to God. Lies and deceits, and the spreading of them, are darkness, and if we embrace them, we reject God and follow the Devil. Knowledge is obtained by studying, and intelligence lets us know how to use that knowledge, whether it be for good or evil. IE:Dynamite is an explosive, using it to blow up people is bad, but using it to create tunnels through mountains for travel is good. Wisdom is gained with age and experience, but sometimes God gives the young among us, wisdom beyond their years. Intelligence, wisdom, and truth, are the qualities we should wish to develop within ourselves, and spread among others. Knowingly spreading lies and deceit to others to control them for selfish purposes, is evil and wrong. If we must fight, it is for the right, and that of our children, to live in an enlightened society where we may advance in the light of truth and follow the path of greatness that God has shown us.

Humanity is about to enter a technological revolution that will allow us to become a star travelling race. The devices we are about to create, will be powerful tools for good or evil. I believe God will return soon to ensure that we do not destroy ourselves, or those that live in the heavens. The prophecies say the intelligent shall be the guides. I have advice for all of you, follow the truth, and keep a good heart. God Bless You and may he bring you to the light of Truth and Holiness.