We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh.

We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh. God/Allah/Yahweh has truly blessed America today. Hurricane Florence should have hit US at category 4 or 5, but God/Allah/Yahweh reduced its strength to category 2. We do not hear from anyone why, against all odds and models, it reduced in strength. God/Allah/Yahweh Has Blessed America, And We Pray He Continues To Do So.

Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations.

Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations. The “Deepstate” has announced itself as real, and due to the Senate slowing the Confirmations of President Trump’s selected personnel, they are still present in positions of power. This is unacceptable and the Senate needs to change its rules, so they can put President Trump’s personnel in place and root out these Traitors of the United States of America. If the Senate refuses to do this, then the US Military should be put their resources and personnel in place, to root out these Traitors, and until their Senate confirmed replacements are put in place. The “Deepstate” must be found and neutralized for the sake of our National Security. The Senate needs to do their jobs without obstructionists behavior, because this “Deepstate” has announced itself and its purpose to subvert our government and elected officials.

These Evil people have their own agenda, and it goes against the agenda the American People voted for. The time has come to “Drain The Swamp” for the “Swamp” has declared WAR on the American People and the United States of America. It is time to clean house, and save this Great Republic.

God/Allah/Yahweh Bless America And Save Her, Use Your Mighty Powers To Take Down These Evil People So Your Army Of Righteousness Can Praise And Cheer You.

Magnetic Drive Theory.

Magnetic Drive Theory. The concept of a magnetic drive is really quite simple.


Create altering magnetic fields to emulate a photon and thrust should be achieved, and speeds approaching light should be possible and probable.

The Kingdom of Heaven will be made open to Humanity, and God/Allah/Yahweh will make his Kingdom to Earth. Heaven on Earth. God/Allah/Yahweh Be Praised By All.

Plot Against President Confirmed…

Plot Against President Confirmed… https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opinion/trump-white-house-anonymous-resistance.html The Resistance has now made the fatal error of Confirming their existence and their Objectives. Treason and Sedition are serious High Crimes, and with the DOJ and the FBI abuses that are being Exposed right now, as well as Foreign Governments/Allied Governments coercing to Interfere in our Elections as well as Conspiring to Stop President Trump and His Administration from functioning, it is now Incumbent upon Military Intelligence and Military Justice Systems to Find and Stop these Traitors within our Systems and Nation, and to ensure others Outside our Nation are also Held Accountable. The Enemy has Declared War on the United States of America and Stated their Objective is Stopping the President of the United States of America and his Administration.

The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists have issued the Battle Cry and now it is time to Mobilize the Army of the Righteous. God/Allah/Yahweh has now Made the Light of Truth shine on the Evil Ones. Rule of Law and Equal Justice Under The Law, must now be Re-Established and Implemented. The Corruption MUST be Purged, and Our Constitutional Republic MUST be made to Function as Our Forefathers intended it to. This is no longer a Conspiracy Theory, but a True Conspiracy to Overthrow the Duly Elected President of the United States of America. These Traitors MUST be Found, Tried, Convicted, and Executed, as the Law of The Land Demands. God/Allah/Yahweh is exposing the Lies and Deceits of the Evil Ones, and it is Time for All Humans to Decide if they shall be Judged Good or Evil.

The Evil Ones have been saying that they are Good, and that the Righteous are Evil. God/Allah/Yahweh has just made the Evil Ones expose the Truth to their Lies and Deceits. The Corrupt Evil Ones inside the Government, took an Oath to the United States of America to Uphold the United States Constitution, and Most of Them Swore This To God/Allah/Yahweh also. Thou Shalt NOT use the Lord’s Name in Vain, also written as Thou Shalt Not Swear. God/Allah/Yahweh Appointed President Trump at this Time to Fulfill His Prophecies as He gave Them to His Prophets. The EndTimes are upon US, and Time is Running Out for Evil on this World. Pray to God/Allah/Yahweh that He Guide you to Righteousness before it is Too Late.

God/Allah/Yahweh Keep The Army Of The Righteous Safe And Protected, And Bring The Evil Ones To Justice According To Thy Will.

Evil Found In The U.S.A.

Evil Found In The U.S.A. Evil has infiltrated the United States of America, and it is time for the Truth and Justice. The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists are about to experience HELL, and God/Allah/Yahweh is Calling the Righteous to Battle. The Devil and his Followers are trying to spread Lies and Deceptions in an Effort to Destroy the U.S.A. and Create a New World Order with Them in Control. They are attempting to Hide the Truth, but the Righteous Army of God/Allah/Yahweh is spreading the Truth and seeking Justice. The Evil Ones have sought to Brainwash your Children, to Remove all Knowledge of God/Allah/Yahweh, to teach Adulterous Behavior as Normal, to Take Away your Rights and Freedoms, to Give Away the Wealth of your Nation to those Undeserving, to Allow Invaders into your Nation, to Give Invaders more Rights and Freedoms than Citizens and Legal Immigrants, to Take Away Jobs and Manufacturing, to Weaken US Military, to weaken Law Enforcement so Criminal Elements can Thrive, to Increase National Debt in attempt to Bankrupt your Nation, to Take Away Allegiance to the Flag and Nation, to Make You believe that You are Inferior to Others, to Shame You into Compliance, to Take Away your Means to Defense, to Take Away your Means to Independence and Livelihood, to Control the Media to Make You Believe Their Lies and Deceptions, to Make You into Mindless Followers and Just As EVIL as they are.

God/Allah/Yahweh only wants Obedience to his Commandments, and for You to Advance Yourself and Your Children in Truth and Understanding. Evil wants You to Remain Ignorant and Engage in Making Others just Like YOU. If you Believe their Lies and Deceptions, without Seeking Truth and Understanding, than You are a Follower of the Evil Ones. If you Spread their Lies and Deceptions Knowingly, then You are An Evil One. God/Allah/Yahweh is the Immortal Ever-living God who Rules Heaven and Earth. God/Allah/Yahweh wants you seek to be Righteous, Learn Truth and Understanding, and Obey his Simple Commandments. By doing so, you will Inherit the Gifts He has Promised. The Prophecies were Given to US so we may Know His Plan and Be Prepared.

God/Allah/Yahweh Show You The Path Of Righteousness And Truth, And Show You The Lies And Deceptions Of The EVIL ONES So You May Avoid His Wrath, Damnation, And HELL.

US Needs Justice And Rule Of Law.

US Needs Justice And Rule Of Law. The United States of America, No Longer has Justice or Rule of Law, as we are witnessing before our very eyes. We have false investigations that are not performing their stated purpose and are ignoring obvious evidence. We see no investigations or indictments into matters that are clearly treasonous and seditious, involving an illegal attempt to effect a Presidential Election and overthrow a sitting President. We see illegal immigrants being preference over US Citizens and Legal Immigrants. The American People have ZERO faith in the DOJ and FBI at this time.

Equal Justice Under The Law. Rule of Law. With Liberty and Justice For All. We, the American People, see a system that has become corrupt and has failed US. The Constitution and the Laws of the Land are now in serious jeopardy due to this. The fall of the Roman Empire was Due to Corruption and Evil from within. The Systems MUST be restored or OUR Constitutional Republic is Over. Evil has infiltrated our systems like a cancer, and if it is Not removed the patient will die.

The Time has come for The Attorney General to Unrecuse himself and purge the DOJ, FBI and all Executive Agencies of the Evil Ones who have infiltrated our Great Nation’s Systems with the intent to Destroy US from Within. The Recusal of Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein is demanded due to obvious conflicts of interests that go far beyond even the appearance of conflict. The Rules and Regulations regarding this are clear and being ignored. The Supreme Court needs to force an official hearing into false evidence submitted to obtain FISA warrants and subsequent renewals. Congress should be demanding and enforcing its rights and obligations of oversight. If these things are NOT done, then The President MUST force them with his Power of Oversight and Authority as Top Law Enforcer. If these things are NOT done soon, THEN the Military Should take the unheard of precedent of a Military COUP, to Save our Great Republic and Restore Her.

God/Allah/Yahweh has an Army of Righteous Warriors ready for Battle. Evil can NOT stand up against the Power of God/Allah/Yahweh, but if He must intervene Directly, then Judgement Day will have Arrived. If the Righteous want to Save and Turn the Evil Ones to the Light, then they Must do so quickly, for Time is Running Out. The signs of the Endtimes are Here, and only a Fool fails to see this Truth. God/Allah/Yahweh Give The Righteous The Strength And Endurance To Overcome The Evil Ones And Save As Many As Possible.

Military Takeover May Be Required…

Military Takeover May Be Required… If the Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists and their Deepstate operatives Do Not restore the Justice and Law Enforcement Agencies to their proper implementation of the Rule of Law, and Equal Justice Under The Law, then the Military can and should be brought in, and the Evil Un-Americans can be found and removed. The American People have the Right to have our Systems perform as Set Up in the Constitution. Corruption is Not to be tolerated, and if Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists, think they can Abuse our Systems to Destroy US from within, they are sadly mistaken. The US Military Forces are the Most Patriotic and Loyal Americans on the face of the Earth.


The Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists, think that they can rig our elections, brainwash our children, choose what laws apply to them, choose what laws apply to everyone else, obstruct the incoming administration of the duly elected President, obstruct the will of the American People, obstruct the “draining of the swamp” of corruption, obstruct law enforcement, obstruct border security, obstruct immigration reform, weaken our US Military, increase Welfare Systems use to make US go bankrupt, increase immigrant population ( Both legal and illegal) to place further financial pressure on the public systems, to not require integration into our society, and to allow criminal gangs to destroy peace with violence, drugs, riots, and attacks on law enforcement officers and agencies. This is to forward their Evil Agenda and Create their New World Order. They can not have a Strong and Free United States of America, so they have infiltrated our Government and seek to Destroy US from within. This is not a conspiracy theory, but Fact. The Enemies of the United States of America are many, and we have survived many wars and conflicts. Our Leaders have allowed the United States of America to be weakened because of their Evil and Twisted Desires for Money and Power. The US Military Forces see this, and are prepared to Purge and Destroy these Evil Ones and their followers if Necessary.

Many Americans think we are headed to civil war. This may be true, but not in the sense of the previous civil war. In the past the US Military Forces were State Militias and not under the Direct control of the Federal Government. Today we have a large, highly advanced and well equipped standing armed forces, that are under the Direct control of the President and the federal government. We also have National Guard units under state control, with the President and the federal government able to call them to Active Duty, at any time. The US Military Forces can easily overcome any insurrection or uprising, and at this time this President is highly revered by them. Civil is out of the picture at this time, and the Evil Un-American Radical Democrats/Globalists know this, so they are attempting what is known as a soft coup. The Evil Ones are hoping to take over Congress, so they can gain control of the US Military, and issue stand down orders when try to incite their Civil War with their followers. The Evil Ones hope that when they take over Congress they can implement their Evil Agenda once more. These Evil Un-Americans think that they can overthrow this President and Destroy our Great Nation from within, so they can create their New World Order. The US Military Forces are probably prepared to take action if these Evil Ones make one of their moves, such as an attempted armed coup or assassination attempt. Martial Law will be declared and our US Military Forces will round them up and put them on Military Tribunals. The Forces of Evil, have taken control of US Enemy States, and are weakening our European Allies at this time. God/Allah/Yahweh is preparing Judgement Day, and the Prophecies are being Fulfilled.

May God/Allah/Yahweh Bless And Keep The Righteous Of The United States Of America Safe. May God/Allah/Yahweh Curse All The Evil Ones And Their Followers, And Bring Destruction To Their Evil Agenda.

New Articles and Evidence.

New Articles and Evidence.

New Articles and Evidence.



Busted: Central “Spygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Chuck Grassley…


Deep State DOJ Tells Court it is Unable to Give Judicial Watch Requested Fusion GPS Documents Due to a “Glitch”





Real Clear Investigations: James Comey Lied – Weiner Laptop Emails Never Reviewed…











God Help All His Worthy Children, And Thwart The Plots Of The Evil Ones.