Flynn Case Updates And Evidence.

Flynn Case Updates And Evidence.




The Main Stream Media fails to report many developments in the Flynn Case and that this information has probably been forwarded to Durham Investigation, if not provided by the Durham Investigation.

Here are additional documents and evidence for all to see the corruption of the Obama Administration and their attempted soft coup.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

United States of America.

United States of America. The USA has seen many attacks lately, and the free world is also under attack. The enemies are many and the traditional methods of war are no longer favored. Terrorists use infiltration, and set up cells inside the nation, they poison the minds of the young with radical thinking and terrorist training, they are creating an army of radicalized domestic terrorists to destroy the nation from the inside with its own youth.

You think the COVID-19 CoronaVirus was just an accident? Have you analyzed the data? Do you realize that this virus is targeted against the older generation? The generation that remembers fighting EVIL. Do you realize that the spread is not like the common flu? Do you realize that the common flu has higher numbers of cases and deaths?

Click on this link to the spread:

You think the protests and riots are not directed and organized? Think again. The pattern is the same everywhere. The only way for that is organization. EVIL creates chaos and discord, using your primitive emotions and desires against you. Many of you are EVIL, but you probably think you are fighting against EVIL. The United States of America has lost its way. The Law is Not being followed or obeyed. The Law is not being enforced. The Judges have forgotten that they are to administer Justice according to the Law. The Freedoms guaranteed to all Americans are Not being applied to all Americans. The Rights of all US Citizens, are being usurped and given to foreigners both legal and illegal. History, both World and United States, are no longer being taught properly to the American People. Basic reading, writing, math, and science, are no longer being taught properly to the American People.

Many of you have never known US History, and the older generation has failed to teach the younger generation about it. The United States of America is NOT EVIL, but for the first time in history, it has been Infiltrated by EVIL. Today the USA is being attacked by its own youth, because they have been Corrupted by the EVIL that has Infiltrated and Infected it. God, Country, and Family, used to mean something, but now it is forgotten by our youth, and they want to embrace the ideology of the USA enemies.

Here is a challenge to the USA Youth. Instead of trying to destroy the USA, go to a country that has the type of government that you say you want, and see if it is what you think it is. You will find out just how blessed you are to live in a country that guarantees your rights and freedoms, and will fight to defend them.

The United States of America has always had an educated people that keep the nation ahead of our enemies technologically, so we can defend it. Here is the next steps technologies required to ensure this. They were disclosed to the United States in 1993, so we hope they have been pursued and developed in black projects. If they were not, then we advise they do so immediately, to ensure technological superiority, and the balance of power.

The United States of America must purge the EVIL from within it, and restore the systems of Law and Order, and Equal Justice For All. We would also remind you to keep your history, because without it, you will repeat the same mistakes again and lose the progress that took hundreds of years to obtain.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Funny, Weird.

Funny, Weird. Do you see what is happening in the world? Why are we seeing false narratives pushed as truth? Why are we seeing false teachings pushed as truth? Why are we seeing false science pushed as truth? Why are we seeing false data pushed as truth?

Do you know that all these religions have a man named Abraham in common? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh, made a covenant with him? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh is the God of Abraham? Do you know that Abraham’s father was a maker of false gods? Do you know that the God of Abraham, is the first living god? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh struck down Abraham’s father and destroyed all he had? Do you know that Abraham built many alters and shrines to God-Allah-Yahweh but never made anything with his image? Abraham was tested by God-Allah-Yahweh many times, and human sacrifice was abolished during his life.

The division between these religions, is due to religious leaders, and their interpretations of the teachings. Many of the stories have the same teachings, and that is, God-Allah-Yahweh is an immortal living god, he is the creator of humanity and earth, he is recording every soul and all their deeds, he is the ruler of both Heaven and Earth, and he will judge his creation on the Judgement Day.

Do you know that Buddhism may be about the Holy Spirit? The Seven Stars, or the Seven Lamps? You may want to research that.

The COVID-19 CoronaVirus pandemic, is affecting, and effecting, the entire world, but it is not being analyzed properly or scientifically. The data and fear being generated, are disproportionate to the risk of death. Initially the virus was believed to have a death rate of 3-4%, if contracted, where the common flu has a death rate of .1% to .4% if contracted. The actual number is 0% to .8%. If 45 years old and younger, with no underlying conditions, your chance of dying from contraction, is 0%. If 65 and older with underlying conditions, your chance of dying from contraction, is .8%. They falsely claim that it is more contagious than common flu, but the common flu infects 1 billion per year and there are slightly more than 8 million confirmed COVID-19 cases. Mitigation and social distancing were tools that were implemented to slow the spread, and keep healthcare systems from being overwhelmed. If you look at the data, a very troubling conclusion is emerging. Biological Attack with intentional area spread.

Climate change, renewable energy, and technological advancement are also having data manipulation.

We are also seeing manipulation of Laws, Justice, and Law Enforcement, to create protests, riots, chaos, and destruction, to propagate EVIL and Lawlessness, and protect the EVIL from Judgement and Justice.

The Radical factions have infiltrated many nations and we are seeing what years of their planning have set up. The Ignorance and EVIL that is being spread today is very dangerous. The Children are not being taught History, Law, Rule of Law, Science, Math, or even Religious and Family Values. The Children even have different meanings for the words we commonly use today. Parents need to discuss this with their Children, because many fights and misunderstandings can be avoided by recognizing that they are using the same words but speaking different languages. This is an EVIL plot meant to dissolve God-Allah-Yahweh, Countries, and Families, so they can make a global empire that has no hope of advancing humanity to the status of star-faring race. EVIL behavior is being made Normal and Righteous behavior is being made Abnormal. The last time this occurred the world was cleansed, and according to Prophecy, we are in the EndTimes, and that Final Judgement Day is about to happen. Prepare Yourselves.

You think that this is coincidence? This is by design. The prophecies are thousands of years old but happening right now. Proof of God-Allah-Yahweh, Heaven and Hell, and Judgement Day.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

US Supreme Court Gave US President Law Making Power.

US Supreme Court Gave US President Law Making Power.

The ruling of the US Supreme Court on DACA should not be celebrated as a victory. The separation of powers has now been destroyed and US Congress should worry. The US President has now been given authority to effectively create law with executive order. Former President Obama created DACA using executive order, and US President Trump rescinded the executive order because it was illegal and a violation of separations of powers. The US Supreme Court just told US President Trump that he can not rescind the executive order that created DACA. The precedent that the US Supreme Court has just created would allow US President Trump to create laws and entities without an act of US Congress.

Here is the law.

Have you read the Constitution of the United States of America? Here is a link to it:

Have you read the Bill of Rights? Here is a link to it:

Do you know your rights and responsibilities as a United States citizen? Here is a link to it:

The US Supreme Court has just destroyed the accepted set up of the separations of powers, and given the US President the power to create law using executive order, while taking away a US President’s ability to rescind the executive orders of previous presidents. The US Supreme Court should worry about their vote, because they have now made it possible for the US President to subvert the US Congress using executive order as law and also allowed a sitting US President to create policy that his successor can not rescind, effectively making it law. This is not a decision to be celebrated, but a decision to be feared. The US Supreme Court has taken the power to rescind previous executive orders to itself, given the US President the ability to create law, legal or illegal, without the US Congress, and made the US Congress now powerless against a power grab from the executive branch.

US President Trump now has the ability to create immigration policy and effectively law, that he deems appropriate. He can also do this in any other area he deems appropriate, and due to this precedent it will standing law for many years to come.

Former President Obama overstepped and overreached his executive authority, and also created policy and law that violates the US Constitution, yet today the US Supreme Court has set precedent for just this type of abuse of power by any US President. Imagine what an EVIL Un-American Radical Globalist-Democrat-Liberal US President could now do to our country. This is scary and should be corrected by the US Congress immediately or we could see the complete destruction of everything we hold dear, in the near future.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

At Your Own Risk.

At Your Own Risk. Place these signs at all entries and then liability will fall upon those entering your building.

Entering hard hat area, entering construction area, authorized personnel only, these premises under video surveillance, and do not enter, all provide liability protection, so the above signage should provide the same.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Moving Forward.

Moving Forward. You are supposed to advance in technology to improve society. Why do you remain stagnant, or push dead end technologies? You have forgotten math, science, technology, and even history. You need to become smarter, and not revert to primitive behavior.

1.Have you actually looked at the numbers? Do you realize that the United States of America has the highest numbers of cases and deaths? Do you realize the USA has the best healthcare system and only 5% of the world population? Either the USA is reporting false data, or people inside the USA have intentionally spread the COVID-19 to the US Population. The USA has 25% of cases and deaths in the world. Why are the numbers so low for the 95% of world population? Do your research.

2. We see protests and riots around the world, with hyped up outrage against the Police and Law Enforcement. First, we acknowledge that there are ‘bad cops’ that need to be removed once they are identified. Second, our Police and Law Enforcement, has NOT been advanced to match the times. The Old West they had a badge, gun, and shackles. The Keystone Cops had police cars and billy clubs. The only new device given to Police and Law Enforcement has been the Tazer and those are Not allowed in all the US states. Give the Police and Law Enforcement new devices to stun, disorient, and subdue criminals so they can be apprehended without brute force and gunfights. Third, the criminals have become better organized, better armed, and are even becoming Radicalized by Terrorists and creating Domestic Terrorists groups. Give the Police and Law Enforcement more Advanced and Humane Devices to combat the ‘bad guys’.

3. You are pursuing deadend technologies that can never achieve a level that will make a significant impact or the ultimate goal. Solar and Wind technologies are such deadends. Electrical power can be generated without fuel, but no one wants you to see that these technologies exist already, and only need to be advanced more. Solar and Wind do not provide power 24-7-365. The following does. The advancement to photons as electricity allows the creation of directed energy devices, super magnets, fusion, and even anti-gravity which can lead to Light Speed Spaceships. The country that develops these technologies first will have an advantage over the others and become the most powerful country on Earth. Check them out.

4. Religion and the doctrines that are taught need to be advanced forward also. Many times you hear that Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are at war with each other, and often due to arguments on doctrine. These three major religions need to accept the fact, that the God of Abraham, is worshiped by all of them. Just because you call him by a different name, does not change this fact. Therefore we call him God-Allah-Yahweh, to show this fact. In every religion, there are Radicals that believe their religious leaders speak for God-Allah-Yahweh, when they do not. In the past, religious leaders were the authority that enforced God-Allah-Yahweh’s commandments and laws. They were also the only ones that could read and write, so they were supposed to teach the congregations, the Words of God-Allah-Yahweh, including his Prophecies and Mighty Actions. You have forgotten this.

5. You were supposed to advance yourselves, and learn everything you could. The ability to read and write used to be restricted to Nobility and Clergy. The United States of America created public schools to teach the general population to read, write, and learn basic math, science, and history. Public Libraries were created where people could advance themselves in many subjects, whatever they chose to pursue. This created an educated society that was the envy of the world. How many Americans and Permanent Residents can read and write now? How many know the basics of math, science, and history? How many use the Public Libraries anymore? How many visit the Museums and Historical sites? The Great United States of America, has lost its way, and its children are now programmed from their phones. The minds of our children are no longer developed by the system created by our forefathers, but by large corporations that control all the media that enters the minds of our children. The system of education needs to be returned to its original intent, not the polluting of young minds with radical and liberal programming. Advance yourselves and learn right from wrong.

The problems we face as a nation, and as a world, must be addressed soon.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

False Data Or Biological Attack?

False Data Or Biological Attack? The United States of America is showing the highest numbers of any country, but is less than 5% of the world population.

Here is the data showing cases and deaths worldwide.

You will note that the world is shut down for a virus that has less than 8 million cases and 450,000 deaths. The Common Flu infects 1 billion per year and creates 3-4 million deaths. The mortality rate is NOT 3-4% but .1 to.8%. The Healthcare system can easily handle new cases and enough ventilators are available, and we have various treatments that have proven effective against the virus. The northern hemisphere is entering summer, yet we are hearing of spikes in the US but what about the rest of the world? Are they going to say that COVID-19 CoronaVirus is NOT a virus but a disease like measles? Here is the US data.

US Covid cases 6-13-20
US Covid death 6-13-20

Why is the whole country shut down? Why is the virus still here? Why does the United States have the highest numbers, even with shutdowns, mitigation, social distancing, and entering summer? Is COVID-19 being actively spread to the population of the United States? The only way that these numbers can be explained, is an intentional and ongoing biological attack or false numbers to create panic. Which is it?

The US Government and the Global and US Healthcare organizations have to explain why these numbers show the United States having 25% of the Cases and Deaths when we have 5% of the global population. Why do the cases and deaths not approach Common Flu if it is so deadly? Why does the undeveloped world countries not see vastly higher cases and deaths? The data says the free world is under attack. We should not be seeing increases in the northern hemisphere with entering summer. We should be seeing increases in the southern hemisphere with entering winter. We need honest answers.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Attack On The Free World.

Attack On The Free World. The evidence continues to show that the COVID-19 CoronaVirus has been utilized as a bio-weapon, and intentionally spread to the USA especially, and the other free nations of the world. The data should be showing large increases in the southern hemisphere as it approaches its winter, but the most cases are in the USA having 25% of the infections and deaths, and then other free nations are showing high numbers, but the undeveloped countries are not collapsing, which they should be if this was natural spread. The USA has only 5% of the world population but 25% of cases and deaths, which demonstrates an intentional attack on the USA and free world.

Check out the data, and tell me you do not see the free world targeted.

We want the WHO, CDC, and NIH, to explain the USA having 25% of infections and deaths, when it has only 5% of the world population? Where are the high spikes that we should be seeing in the southern hemisphere? Why is the USA still in lockdown when it is about to enter summer? The only reason for the high numbers, is the intentional spread by attackers, on the populations. You will remember the stories showing people licking video doorbells, railings, doorknobs, etc, and also the intentional spitting, coughing, sneezing, on items and persons. Find those people and trace the money to find who spread the disease intentionally.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.