New Articles and Evidence.

New Articles and Evidence. New Articles and Evidence. Busted: Central “Spygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Chuck Grassley… Deep State DOJ Tells Court it is Unable to Give Judicial Watch Requested Fusion GPS Documents Due to a “Glitch” Real Clear Investigations: James Comey Lied – Weiner Laptop …

AG Force Recuse Of Rosenstein And Mueller.

AG Force Recuse Of Rosenstein And Mueller. Attorney General Jeff Sessions MUST FORCE Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Robert Mueller to RECUSE due to Conflicts of Interests. The Conflicts of Interests of the Deputy AG and the Special Counsel FAR EXCEED the Conflicts of Interests of the AG, yet they have NOT …

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves.

Advance, or Destroy Yourselves. Sometimes, Humanity needs a Push. Well here it is, because no one else seems to Understand or Care about the Future.  Time to start using Photons and Advance to your Next Stage in Technological Development. The Photon Coil, allows light to be used in the same manner as electrons in today’s …

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy.

Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy. The Truth and the spreading of it, is the only way to defeat Evil. Evil is Ignorance, and in that Ignorance, you allow yourself to believe the Lies and Deceits that you have been told, and are being told. Since the Battle of Good and Evil is most prominent in Religion, …

Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies.

Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies. The battle between Good and Evil is raging on and Truth is winning over Lies. God/Allah/Yahweh predicted this period in our development, many thousands of years ago. Do Your Research, and you can see we are now in the Endtimes. The prophecies are all coming true, and the time has …

Not Under Oath.

Not Under Oath. If the Mueller Investigation needs President Trump to be questioned, it should not be under oath, thereby assuring the American People, and President Trump’s Legal Team, that it is not a Perjury Trap. If the Mueller Investigation refuses this stipulation, then President Trump should NOT answer any questions. It is as simple …

Judgement Is Now In Progress.

Judgement Is Now In Progress. The Great Prince Michael is on Earth at this time, and he is preparing the Judgement Day. God/Allah/Yahweh foretold the People of Earth the events that will happen, and today those Prophecies are coming True. The changes occurring in the climate today are due to a celestial event. The shifting …

Do Your Research…

Do Your Research… The American People are being hit with all kinds of strange and unverified News stories lately. The mid-term elections are coming up and the News Media is working overtime to sow emotional responses from Voters. This year the Main Stream Media is putting out the most outrageous claims as True News. The …