The Advancement Of Humanity.

The Advancement Of Humanity. Do you think you are intelligent and highly advanced? First, do you know how to read and write? This is a basic skill that you must have in order to study and expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. Without this skill you must learn everything on your …

Stop The Invasion.

Stop The Invasion. The people coming across our southern border at points other than ports of entry, are invaders. If someone sneaks into your home through a window uninvited, that is called home invasion. If someone crosses our border uninvited that is country invasion. We are allowed to defend ourselves, at home, and at our …

The United States Is Our Home.

The United States Is Our Home. The United States of America has been infiltrated by Evil Ones who have tried to take our Knowledge and Belief in God/Allah/Yahweh away from US and our Children. They have spent generations corrupting our Children and Destroying the Values that made this Nation Great. Our politicians have taken the …

Guilty As Charged.

Guilty As Charged. How many times have you lied, cheated, stole, and hurt others? How many times have you hurt others and felt good doing it? How many times did you feel proud of it? How many times do you lie to people to make yourself appear more or less than you are? How many …

Prepare Your Defense.

Prepare Your Defense. The time has come for everyone to look at themselves and wonder if they are Worthy to enter Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh has been preparing and advancing Humanity for the next stage of development. Most of you will Not be found Worthy. You have failed to Obey the Commandments. 1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power …

The BIG Picture.

The BIG Picture. Do you have the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Intelligence, to see the BIG Picture? Can you picture the universe in your mind? Can you Understand how it all works? NO, is the most likely Answer. We still do Not see the end. They say this is the visible universe. As technology improves we …

God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall.

God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall. The American People pray to God/Allah/Yahweh to grant them a wall at the southern border, to protect and secure the American People who follow your commandments and are on the Path of Righteousness. Border walls and fences are used all around the world. Why is it wrong for the United …

The Prince Of Heaven.

The Prince Of Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh created Humanity and made Earth as a place to develop his creation. The Devil also Known as Lucifer is a Loyal Servant Of God/Allah/Yahweh, Given the Task of Testing Humanity. The ones who rebelled against God/Allah/Yahweh were Samyaza and the most heinous of his group was Azazel. They made themselves …

Turn Away From EVIL.

Turn Away From EVIL. The EndTimes are Here Now and if you ignore the signs and pursue EVIL ways, then you can Only Blame Yourself when you are Judged Unworthy of Heaven. Google and Facebook Data Collections are Nothing compared to God/Allah/Yahweh Collections. Your Soul is a collection of all you have experienced in life, …

Are You Worthy???

Are You Worthy??? Do you follow God/Allah/Yahweh and obey his commandments? 1 God/Allah/Yahweh holds all power over the People of Earth, and we need to Obey his Laws, so we may be Judged Worthy, of Entering Heaven and Receiving his Promised Gifts. Remember God/Allah/Yahweh is an Immortal Being and the Kingdom of Heaven is all …