Jeffrey Epstein Commits Suicide.

Jeffrey Epstein found dead this morning of suicide. Strange how a high profile criminal on suicide watch was able to commit suicide? This just proves that the corrupt powerful elite always seem to get away from Justice. God-Allah-Yahweh is now the only one that can bring this EVIL man to True Justice. God-Allah-Yahweh Grant Us …


EVIL and HATE. EVIL is based upon Ignorance of Right and Wrong. Due to Ignorance, you are encouraged to believe Lies and Deceptions as Real. God/Allah/Yahweh taught us Right from Wrong, but many Religious Leaders are now spreading lies and deceptions. The Truth, God/Allah/Yahweh is the Immortal Living God, and Heaven is entered in the …

Dark Ages Are Here.

Dark Ages Are Here. Ignorance is True Evil and it is your duty to Educate Yourself and Advance in Truth. God/Allah/Yahweh gave you a brain, his Laws, and a body capable of performing many tasks. The Devil/Satan does NOT want you to overcome Ignorance and Advance. He uses Lies and Deceptions to make you fail …

President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent.

President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent. Special Counsel Mueller found insufficient evidence to exonerate the President of the United States. There is also insufficient evidence to charge the President of the United States with any crime. There are still many questions to be answered, and much to be investigated. God/Allah/Yahweh Bring Truth And Justice …

President Trump Arrives In South Korea.

President Trump Arrives In South Korea. Will President Trump and Chairman Kim meet at the DMZ? There has been a lot going on behind the scenes. The US and North Korea have not been harassing each other and tensions have been greatly reduced. Perhaps it is time to open diplomatic channels officially and possibly create …

President Trump Stops Strike.

President Trump Stops Strike. Surprisingly the New York Times reporting was accurate. President Trump stopped a retaliatory strike at the last minute against Iran for shooting down an unmanned surveillance drone. President Trump was told 10 minutes before giving final order, that the strike would kill 150 Iranians. President Trump deemed the response was unfairly …

Look At This.

Look At This. The Former President Obama requested GCHQ to perform Project Fulsome which was to spy on Trump Tower specifically the Trump Campaign and Trump Organization. It was extended to include the transition period and beyond according to this document. According to this document Boris Johnson, Former President Obama, Michael Steele (Christopher Steele?), Susan …

The Army Of EVIL.

The Army Of EVIL. The Lies and Deceptions used by this Army Of EVIL are meant to destroy Humanity. They wish to infect your minds so you will believe that EVIL is GOOD and Good is EVIL. God/Allah/Yahweh gave US his Teachings and Prophecies so we can know Truth from Lie, and know that he …