United States Systems Failures.

United States Systems Failures. The systems are failing and the United States needs to take action soon, or it will be lost. The three separate branches of government are supposed to be capable of oversight of each other but this is failing and seems unenforceable. The legislative branch and the judicial branch are attempting to …

Democrats Claiming Victory Over Republicans.

Democrats Claiming Victory Over Republicans. Posted on  August 25, 2017 by US Future Democrats are claiming victory over Republicans at every fight. Check out http://freebeacon.com/politics/pelosi-democrats-won-every-fight-republicans . The time has come for the Republicans to realize the shame rhetoric tactics of the Democrats. The Democrats like to use the media to make fake stories that will get the Republicans to sway …

Questioning The Executive Branch.

Questioning The Executive Branch. Posted on  September 2, 2017 by US Future Today we heard in court that the DOJ and FBI found no evidence of wiretapping at Trump Towers. Yesterday we heard from an Intelligence Committee that former FBI Director Comey had a letter of exoneration for the Clinton Email Scandal written up 2 months prior to …

America First, Now and Always.

America First, Now and Always. Posted on  September 6, 2017 by US Future President Trump, today made a deal with Congressional leaders on both sides to fund the government, raise the debt ceiling,for three months and provide initial Hurricane Harvey relief. This deal gives Congress more time to focus on his agenda by taking out three major issues. …

Battle: Media vs American People.

Battle: Media vs American People. Posted on  September 16, 2017 by US Future Many media outlets and individuals are so hostile to Trump supporters and conservatives. They spread lies and negative opinions, hoping the American People are stupid and ignorant enough to believe them. I know we are all seeing many stories about the criminal acts that various …

The Conspiracy Grows.

The Conspiracy Grows. Posted on  September 21, 2017 by US Future The conspiracy against President Trump is growing larger day by day. Perjury charges, at a minimum, should be filed against Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and Rogers. Former President Obama should be brought in for testimony due to expanding 12333 and lying to President Trump and the American People. …

Conspiracy Exposed?

Conspiracy Exposed? Posted on  September 21, 2017 by US Future According to story in True Pundit six intelligence agencies conspired to wiretap Candidate Trump. Here is the Story link http://truepundit.com/exclusive-six-u-s-agencies-conspired-to-illegally-wiretap-trump-british-intel-used-as-front-to-spy-on-campaign-for-nsa/ and in case that site is shut down we will copy the text. EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as NSA Front to …

Sorry Mr President.

Sorry Mr President. Posted on  September 27, 2017 by US Future The DC Establishment has been fighting you every step of the way, in regards to implementing your ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda. Congress has been largely impotent at all major legislative policies that help your agenda. The US Senate has been been the worst, from holding up …