Reasonable Doubt.

Reasonable Doubt. The Democrats in the House of Representatives have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that President Trump only wanted Dirt on Joe Biden to affect the 2020 Election. In fact, the Whistleblower Complaint claims that President Trump did just that. President Trump with approval from President Zelensky released the transcript of the phonecall. …

Draining The Swamp.

Draining The Swamp. The Corruption is about to be exposed and the Coup attempt will be brought to light. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals know that they are in Trouble and that their Resistance has Failed to oust President Trump. They have Spies in the WhiteHouse and Resistance Members throughout our US Government. They have …

CrowdStrike, The Word The Evil Do Not Speak.

CrowdStrike, The Word The Evil Do Not Speak. Read the Transcript. The first company President Trump asked to be investigated was CrowdStrike, and wondering if they have the Server. They spoke of the ‘DeepState’ in each of their countries and the need to rid themselves of these ‘Operatives’. They spoke of ‘Drain The Swamp’ and …

USA-North Korea, Status?

USA-North Korea, Status? What is going on with the United States and North Korea? We do not hear anything about the relationship lately. North Korea has been launching missiles lately, without making threats to other nations including the United States. North Korea has NOT exploded any nuclear weapons, and the United States has NOT sent …

Save The World. I am asking for donations to keep these sites operational and to develop a Fuelless Generator that can replace your Wind and Solar technologies. This Fuelless Generator can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. If you want a world that does not use combustible fuels, than …

Due Process Still Denied.

Due Process Still Denied. The EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals have shown that the United States of America has been corrupted at the highest levels of government, and the Devil wants to destroy US. God-Allah-Yahweh gave US laws, and the United States of America was built on those laws. Today we are NOT seeing those laws …