Act Of War By Iran/Persia.

Act Of War By Iran/Persia. Evidence has now been presented by Saudi Arabia that Iranian drones and missiles were used in attack. The destruction at the Saudi oil fields matches a long line of hostile acts by Iran. Attacks on oil tankers. Attacks on US Surveillance Drones. Attempted Attacks on US and British Naval vessels. …

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. If a person’s actions do NOT match their words, then they are a Liar. Today we see many Liars making promises and Not keeping them. The Democrats, DNC, and Obama Administration said the Russians Hacked the DNC servers, and were colluding with the Trump Campaign to help him The Trump …

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. If a person’s actions do NOT match their words, then they are a Liar. Today we see many Liars making promises and Not keeping them. The Democrats, DNC, and Obama Administration said the Russians Hacked the DNC servers, and were colluding with the Trump Campaign to help him win. The …

Is Jeff Epstein Really Dead?

Is Jeff Epstein Really Dead? We have seen little actual evidence. The only picture appears to show emergency medical using a hand ventilator on him. Why is there emergency tracheotomy if his throat is crushed? Where is the video evidence of his dead body? Where are the autopsy photos showing him on the slab with …

President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent.

President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent. Special Counsel Mueller found insufficient evidence to exonerate the President of the United States. There is also insufficient evidence to charge the President of the United States with any crime. There are still many questions to be answered, and much to be investigated. God/Allah/Yahweh Bring Truth And Justice …

Look At This.

Look At This. The Former President Obama requested GCHQ to perform Project Fulsome which was to spy on Trump Tower specifically the Trump Campaign and Trump Organization. It was extended to include the transition period and beyond according to this document. According to this document Boris Johnson, Former President Obama, Michael Steele (Christopher Steele?), Susan …

Look At This.

Look At This. The Former President Obama requested GCHQ to perform Project Fulsome which was to spy on Trump Tower specifically the Trump Campaign and Trump Organization. It was extended to include the transition period and beyond according to this document. According to this document Boris Johnson, Former President Obama, Michael Steele (Christopher Steele?), Susan …

Mueller’s Strange Statement.

Mueller’s Strange Statement. Robert Mueller has basically said his office is now closed and he will NOT testify beyond what has been made public in his report. He DID say that all Americans are presumed innocent unless convicted by a court. President Trump is therefore Innocent for no charges have been put forward. The report …

Mueller’s Strange Statement.

Mueller’s Strange Statement. Robert Mueller has basically said his office is now closed and he will NOT testify beyond what has been made public in his report. He DID say that all Americans are presumed innocent unless convicted by a court. President Trump is therefore Innocent for no charges have been put forward. The report …