We Do Not Seek Pagan Worship.

We Do Not Seek Pagan Worship. God-Allah-Yahweh has never allowed anyone to remember what he looks like. Various Prophets and Religious Leaders have been brought to Heaven, and have been brought before God-Allah-Yahweh, to receive Knowledge and Instruction. God-Allah-Yahweh is often described as sitting on a throne. When Adam and Eve were created, they hid …

CoronaVirus Danger To Southern Hemisphere.

CoronaVirus Danger To Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere is about to enter Spring, which means that Sunshine will cleanse the virus, as it does with Flu Virus every year. The Southern Hemisphere is about enter Fall, which means less Sunshine, and an increased lifespan of Flu Virus and others. The nations of the Southern Hemisphere …

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous. The events we see today are due to changes that God-Allah-Yahweh predicted long ago. The final prophecy that was required for the endtimes was the the shifting of the Earth. The sun and moon are now rising and setting in different locations from the past. The magnetic fields of …

Why Are They Afraid?

Why Are They Afraid? We are seeing the coronavirus affecting the world healthcare, travel, and business systems. Here is what you need to know about this virus. https://www.cdc.gov/ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus The United States of America is taking all appropriate steps to contain the spread of, and treat patients with, coronavirus. The greatest threat to the …

Are You Intelligent? Are They Suppressing Your Intelligence?

Are You Intelligent? Are They Suppressing Your Intelligence? I have been attempting to teach you for 30 years, and I find it strange that you are not learning. Civilization today runs on electricity and combustion. Electricity can be generated without fuel, but you still do not use it except by solar and wind which are …

Cursed And Confused.

Cursed And Confused. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. Many of you have religious beliefs, but you never do your own research to expand your knowledge and understanding of your own beliefs, much less that of other people and their religious beliefs. God-Allah-Yahweh is the God …

God-Allah-Yahweh Strike Down The EVIL Ones.

God-Allah-Yahweh Strike Down The EVIL Ones. Deprogram And See The Truth. Many of you have been programmed with various social media and main stream media propaganda. All we ask you to do, is use these GIFs to clear your minds and relax. Once you are calm and relaxed, see the truth, and know a lie …

The EVIL Voted To Convict.

The EVIL Voted To Convict. Do you realize that the US Senators who voted to convict the US President are either completely ignorant of our laws or have intentionally disregarded them? The US President was not allowed to have his lawyers be present at any of the hearings-depositions at the US House of Representatives. Not …