Cursed And Confused.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

Many of you have religious beliefs, but you never do your own research to expand your knowledge and understanding of your own beliefs, much less that of other people and their religious beliefs. God-Allah-Yahweh is the God of Abraham, and is worshiped by Christians, Muslims, and Jews, though they all proclaim that they are the only true religion and the others are worshiping a false Deity. Sorry, to inform you, but it is the same immortal God of Abraham who sits on the throne in Heaven, and rules Heaven and Earth.

All of you believe God-Allah-Yahweh will have a final Judgement Day in which you will be judged against the deeds of your own hands. All of you believe that Satan-Devil-Lucifer is the enemy that leads you into temptation and sin. He is also known as the Father of Lies and Deceptions. How many of you think about what temptation and sin are?
Do you know that believing God-Allah-Yahweh is an almighty spirit and that the residents of Heaven are spirits, is a false belief? Do you know that UFOs are really highly advanced technological vehicles that come from Heaven? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh records your soul so you can be resurrected and rewarded or punished at his final Judgement Day? Do you know that God-Allah-Yahweh and Satan-Devil-Lucifer are able to take over your body and control you? I have seen people possessed and have been given messages through them. I have seen people controlled so I can be punished for just wanting to do EVIL. I have seen my own wife stopped from telling me what she was told in an encounter with them. I have seen at least two UFOs from a distance, and know that they are NOT from Earth, because Humanity still does NOT have anything that can do what these craft did when I saw them over 40 years ago. I know I have been inside craft at least two times but they have blocked my memory of what they look like, and what the craft and its insides look like. I know that they have the ability to materialize matter inside a closed room, because twice they dropped lit cigarettes that had no filter or markings on my wife as I was there. We would hear a pop and then it would drop on her. The technologies and abilities are far beyond anything we have today. I know that they can show a person what their life will be like and what they will look like 10 years in the future. I know they can create illusions in people’s minds to affect their behavior. These are just the things that I know of.
I have been trying to advance and save Humanity for many years now. I find life here on Earth to be miserable and something that I must endure to fulfill my destiny appointed by God-Allah-Yahweh. I have advanced far beyond any of you with no benefit of rank, money, education, or blessings. If anything, I am cursed with poverty and failure to be able to attain wealth and prestige. I have sought to teach and advance you, but have been granted no charity, no sales, and no investment, even though I know that what I teach works, and can advance humanity in the direction required. I have prayed to God-Allah-Yahweh every day with the following prayer so you, the people may be shown the path of righteousness, and that those who are EVIL and their followers will be shown to you for what they are and should NOT be followed to HELL.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.