The Path Forward.

The Path Forward. CoronaVirus COVID-19 is now less a threat than it was because we have rapid testing and also effective treatments available. Data also shows that some treatments may also be preventatives. Due to this, the threat to the Global Population and American Population, is now greatly reduced. The lockdown to prevent infection was …

Judgement, Not Forgiveness.

Judgement, Not Forgiveness. The Jews were instructed through the Ark by God-Allah-Yahweh. The Christians were taught Love and Forgiveness through Jesus. The Muslims were taught Love and Charity through Muhammad. All of you were given the Commandments/Laws. All of you were told, that a Judgement Day was coming. The prophecies are being fulfilled at this …

How Stupid Can They Be?

How Stupid Can They Be? They are saying that we will have to have antibodies to Covid-19 to go back to work. So that means that everyone who staying home and social distancing, and not catching the CoronaVirus Covid-19, will not be able to return to work? If hydroxychloroquine is a preventative, then that means …

Update On Pandemic 4-6-20.

Update On Pandemic 4-6-20. Strange how articles are putting down treatment and testing of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin w/wo zinc. In our article at the end, you will see copies of reports, video testimonies, and evidence, that the treatment is in fact able to save lives. It is also funny that now spring has arrived, we …

Treatment For COVID 19 May Also Work For Common Flu?

Treatment For COVID 19 May Also Work For Common Flu? We see a lot of resistance from people in power, many claiming that this is putting people in danger of dying. The people are already in danger of dying, and here are some studies already done and/or underway. We think that the medical industry does …

Revelations And Apocalypse.

Revelations And Apocalypse. Read the Prophecies to see the Truth. This COVID 19 CoronaVirus pandemic is being treated like a biological weapon released upon the world. The world is approaching 500,000 cases and a little more than 22,000 deaths. Do you know the population of the world? It is 7,800,000,000 people. .00005882% confirmed infections worldwide. …

Beware The CoronaVirus Scams And Disinformation.

Beware The CoronaVirus Scams And Disinformation. First, do NOT self-medicate. Many of the stated drugs that are working against the COVID 19 CoronaVirus, may have risks of interactions with other medications and conditions. The stated drugs are required to be prescribed by healthcare providers and professionals so you will NOT be taking unnecessary risks. Second, …