Will The Pandemic End Soon?

Will The Pandemic End Soon? Check it out. It appears antiviral and antibiotic cures Covid 19 in 6 days. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTi-g18ftNZUMRAj2SwRPodtscFio7bJ7GdNgbJAGbdfF67WuRJB3ZsidgpidB2eocFHAVjIL-7deJ7/pub An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Presented by: James M. Todaro, MD (Columbia MD, jtodaro2@gmail.com) and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq. (grigano1@jhu.edu) In consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine and National …

Will The Pandemic End Soon?

Will The Pandemic End Soon? Check it out. It appears antiviral and antibiotic cures Covid 19 in 6 days. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTi-g18ftNZUMRAj2SwRPodtscFio7bJ7GdNgbJAGbdfF67WuRJB3ZsidgpidB2eocFHAVjIL-7deJ7/pub An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Presented by: James M. Todaro, MD (Columbia MD, jtodaro2@gmail.com) and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq. (grigano1@jhu.edu) In consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine and National …

The EVIL Voted To Convict.

The EVIL Voted To Convict. Do you realize that the US Senators who voted to convict the US President are either completely ignorant of our laws or have intentionally disregarded them? The US President was not allowed to have his lawyers be present at any of the hearings-depositions at the US House of Representatives. Not …

The EVIL Voted To Convict.

The EVIL Voted To Convict. Do you realize that the US Senators who voted to convict the US President are either completely ignorant of our laws or have intentionally disregarded them? The US President was not allowed to have his lawyers be present at any of the hearings-depositions at the US House of Representatives. Not …

For Those Who Have Forgotten.

For Those Who Have Forgotten. It seems many have forgotten that the EVIDENCE presented is from selected witnesses, and most is just hearsay. The Accused, US President Trump, was NOT allowed representation, cross examination, calling of his own witnesses, or presenting his own evidence. This should have been done in US House Of Representatives, and …

For Those Who Have Forgotten.

For Those Who Have Forgotten. It seems many have forgotten that the EVIDENCE presented is from selected witnesses, and most is just hearsay. The Accused, US President Trump, was NOT allowed representation, cross examination, calling of his own witnesses, or presenting his own evidence. This should have been done in US House Of Representatives, and …

US Basic Laws And Rights Were Denied.

US Basic Laws And Rights Were Denied. Do you know your most basic rights? Here they are. The Articles of Impeachment against the US President may be considered as Indictments, except that they do not allege a law or statute that has been broken. The Abuse of Power Article says the US President used his …

US Senate Votes For No Witnesses.

US Senate Votes For No Witnesses. God-Allah-Yahweh Be Praised. Now the US Senate should vote if the individual articles of impeachment meet the constitutional and legal definition of impeachable offenses. If necessary an additional vote can be made to throw out all evidence and testimony that violated the Due Process Rights of the US President. …