False Data Or Biological Attack?

False Data Or Biological Attack? The United States of America is showing the highest numbers of any country, but is less than 5% of the world population. Here is the data showing cases and deaths worldwide. You will note that the world is shut down for a virus that has less than 8 million cases …

Attack On The Free World.

Attack On The Free World. The evidence continues to show that the COVID-19 CoronaVirus has been utilized as a bio-weapon, and intentionally spread to the USA especially, and the other free nations of the world. The data should be showing large increases in the southern hemisphere as it approaches its winter, but the most cases …


Infiltration. Who is controlling these Domestic Terrorists? Why are they being portrayed as some liberating army worthy of praise? The Devil-Satan-Serpent has unleashed his Army of Darkness, because he is losing every battle against US. The Prophecies of the Ancients are now coming true. The United States of America is the main target, because it …

The Test.

The Test. We are putting this page with various links to various associated accounts, to test various censorship, because we find that various posts and often complete accounts, are temporarily or permanently censored. Have you seen these, or can you even now see these? This is the test. The test page had to be embedded …

Should We Develop New Devices For Law Enforcement?

Should We Develop New Devices For Law Enforcement? What would happen if we created sonic and/or directed energy devices for our law enforcement personnel? They would not have to physically take down criminals and could disable them without danger to themselves. We could also incorporate higher energy settings that would allow the takedown of criminals …

Former President Oversteps.

6-3-20 Former President Oversteps. Former President Obama is once again interfering with President Trump, showing more evidence that the peaceful transfer of power never occurred. Tonight former President Obama plans to ‘address the nation’. Unless invited by the sitting US President, in this case President Trump, to speak to the US People, the former president …